We Get All SortsA Poem by QuiteOllieWe get all sorts in here A real mix of single mothers sick to the teeth And large men in suits and hats Half expected spats and slacks If we didn’t know better we’d call them thieves Place them in categories and label them till our nails were bent over and raw skin was shown. My eyes are the best, They see a lonely man where prosecco sees four and lively conversation, Debate, Discussion, Argument, Sorry Didn’t mean it. Tip the barmaid but not the waiter his efforts were too fleeting to wonder Why he does it what he needs it for. A new tie for his boyfriend or another act of selfish generosity: giving to the poor to stretch his face sideways to the double doors of his triple-storey semi-detached run-of-the-mill house. We get all sorts Nothing left to impress Or send a shiver down crooked spines © 2012 QuiteOllie