I’m 20..
What a year it was..
It went so fast,
Like a blink of an eye
It seemed like yesterday
I was in college
With all my friends
They gave me a cake
And sang to me, giving me so much attention..
Since then I lost and gain new friends
I learn to except some people that I have grown to love
People I’ve known have been sent to the sky..
My sisters and I have become closer than ever
Because I simply forgave them..
I still have my lovely parents behind me
Their love and care is what keeps me going
I said goodbye to the ones I love most
I got a job working in a kitchen, its not the best, but its something
I completed a huge battle that I thought I wouldn’t been able to,
I graduated from college..
My heart got broken by a boy that I have forgotten about..
Because I am strong inside, even though I thought I would never make it
And I met someone that cares and loves me for ME..
And as the hours fade into my birthday
I think back at what I have accomplished in the year that has gone by
As much as I wanted to give up, break down, and lose the battle
I kept my feet moving and fighting each weapon that was thrown at me..
And I am prepared to do it all over again for another year.