Mystery 2
I just can’t help myself
I find myself always asking
The subjects get brought up
And they lead into someone’s life..
I have found out more about
The lady I work with
She has been through so much
And no one realizes this until you speak to her
She could be walking down the street
And no one will even look her way
But I do, I feel the pain she has in her..
I pay so much attention to people..
Sometimes too much, and I find myself
In someone else personal life..
That is so deep and mysterious
She brings up that she has been involved in a lot of drugs
But the good thing is she was never beaten or abused
She just drank and did drugs, just because
I found out that her mom was a cop earlier in her life
Probably a very good thing..
They seemed to have ran into so much trouble
Not because they are bad people
They didn’t ask to live the life that they did
Sure, the drugs were her choice
But what people did to them were out of their control
Seems her sister got involved with some men
That would beat her..
Leaving her mother and sister to rescue her..
I also found out that her mom and dad are divorced
She said that her dad is the sweetest man in the world
What drove her mom away, I don’t have a clue..
I’m sure I’ll find out soon
The way she looks at her mom..
It seems she is mad at her because she left her father..
And they didn’t live the life that some people do..
She sees me living with my parents
I talk about how much I love them and such
And she has this look that she wishes she had that life..
She told me that she is in love with a man
But they are on and off, due to fighting all the time
And she has been seeing other people and so has he..
She has been married before too, for a year..
I asked what happened and she said he controlled her too much
She is a woman that is so strong and powerful
And trusts no one..
I wouldn’t trust anyone either after what she has been through..
I look at her and I see so much in her..
I am dying to know more, but I pull back because its her life..
Its not a story that she tells.. Its her life that she lived
And I can’t believe she opens up to me..
But somehow she always leaving me curious
Then I’m right back asking more and more
Finding bits and pieces..
Once again I find myself interested in her life