As the days seem smaller it becomes harder
As the weeks seem sorter it becomes tougher
The hello's are going to turn into goodbye's
The smiles are going to turn into tears
The fight is turning into a battle
The weakness is turning into strength
Our hearts will melt into the ground
But they will not break or fall
Once we walk down the hallway
We will feel something that we have never felt before
Looking at all the kitchens and Chefs
And knowing that we have come such a long way
We spent half our lives in the place we could call home
We made plenty of mistakes and people put us down
But we did not quit and we did not break
Some looked at us and said that we weren't crazy or screw ups
Now we look up to them for the rest of our days..
And we will remember them, we won't forget
We all got stuck into a classroom with all different backgrounds
We met some people that we will stay friends with forever
And they are the ones that we all will have trouble saying goodbye to
Everyday I look at them and I sit and tears form because I'm going to miss them..
But the tears never fell in front of them because I wouldn't want them to remember the tears
Remember the laughs and the good times we shared
Remember the moments we cherished together as a whole
Someone told me don't let this family forget each other
And that's exactly what I am going to do
We walked down the hallway proud and our heads up
We didn't walk with shame or guilt
We looked at everyone that thought we would never make it and said we made it
I don't think any of them knew
But every day that I walked into the kitchen they saved me..
I love you all
Its never goodbye
Its see you in 3 months