Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Queen_of_Winter

Combining the rules, and tempted murder of Alirica.


Eden sat at her cherry oak desk, across from her bed. She tapped her pen, on the blank piece of paper in front of her.

"You know, this is really hard to combine our rules." Eden frowned looking over at Doman, who was perched on her balcony over looking the large area, that was inside the fenced gate.

"Come on, they aren't really that different." Doman sat next to her.

"Oh, really? I beg to differ, read this." She handed him the first page of her clans rules.

' Rule 1.) Do not hunt a human, we get blood specially ordered, so you won't need to hunt and kill.

Rule 2.) Bringing a human's or werewolves on premises is prohibited.

Rule 5.) When in the council room, no arguments, or feuds will take place.

Rule 6.) The Queen's/King's room is to everyone, but servants that clean during the night.

Rule 7.) Leaving the property without the Queen's/King's permission will result in punishment.

Rule 8.) Anyone attacked by a human, or werewolf, speak to the Queen/King immediately

Rule 9.) Absolutely, NO CHANGING HUMANS!!!'

Doman ran his hand through his thick black hair, as he stopped reading.

"You know, these rules, are better than ours. Your brother just let them have free reign."

"What?" Eden questioned, looking at him in disbelief.

"Yeah, he let them feed from humans, turn them, need I say more?" He inquired.

"No, he couldn't have just let them have free reign, he never even let himself have free reign." Eden replied, her green eyes wide with shock.

"He let them, but, he wouldn't give himself free reign because, something about an order he was given?" Doman replied stroking his bare chin, slowly.

"Huh?" She was beginning to become uneasy, do to the new information she was given about her brother.

"While I was adviser, I was trying my best to get him to make the rules. I didn't see it fit for his clan, to be as low as to feeding straight from a human. Didn't they have feelings to as far as there screaming pain?" He stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and paced. His boots tapped the floor slowly, matching his angry growls.

"As vampires, we are supposed to be heartless, blood thirsty beings, that do not care for an others pain. Well, most of us live up to that name, and a few of us, we order the blood specially. We can't be blood thirsty forever." Eden replied, giving him the reasoning's of why a vampire does not pay attention to a humans pain. She carefully looked at her hands, as if inspecting to see if her dark red nails needed a coating of fresh polish.

"But, weren't we all human's once?" He questioned his icy blue gaze glanced over her. He rubbed his smooth granite like face and huffed, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, lord in high heaven's yes. I know, I was. You'd have to have been the devil, to not have been human, unless you were a werewolf on the other hand, they have born pups. That do not change until ... they hit full grown adult, I think." She pursed her full red lips in deep thought.

"Well, then why do they not show mercy?" His questions were beginning to annoy Eden, after all she was only one vampire.

"I am not sure, maybe because, they are afraid they are going to starve?" She sighed, unknowing how to answer his question.

"Oh, well. We will get to that later in the month." He replied.

"Please, can we? We will focus on the rules later, right now, you must go get your clan, and lead them here. I will see you in two days, tops, Lord Doman." She started pushing him towards her bedroom door.

"I will get them tomorrow, but, right now, the sun will rise in four hours, I cannot go there without turning to ashes." Doman protested.

"Alright, alright. Well, you and I are going to close the curtains on this floor, the servants will do the rest." Eden stopped pushing him and returned to the doors leading out onto the balcony.

"I say, we have about five hours before sunrise, Doman." She looked over her shoulder at him, her long straight auburn hair falling just a few inches shy of her waist.

"How long will it take for us to close the curtains?" He asked looking past her into the night.

"Less than five minutes," She chuckled.

"Alright, so we will start, thirty minutes before sunrise?" He pondered.

"We will start when the sky turns a bit purple, that's when we must

begin." She replied looking at the lowest point of the sky, where she would be able to see it turning dark purple, when the sun would start to come up.

"Okay, so, what can we do while we are waiting for that?" Doman asked.

"I need to look after my daughter, to make sure she is alright." Eden explained, as she walked out of the room.

"You have a daughter?" He questioned in surprise.

"I adopted her, after her mother died. She is a half-vampire," She looked over at him and crossed her arms.

"Issue with that, Mr. I'm-to-good-to-see-a-little-girl-that-is-probably-human?" She asked.

"No, no, no! That's alright, I mean, what vampire would adopt a human child?" Doman felt as if he had offended her.

"Mommy, Mommy!" Alirica leaped into Eden's arms crying.

"What is it, baby?" Eden questioned angrily looking around.

"H-h-he w-w-was a w-w-werewolf. In front of our house, mommy! He tried to kill me!" Alirica whimpered showing her a long scratch on her arm. A silver liquid slowly traipsed out of the wound.

"Get her to the infirmary, now! I will hunt down this werewolf, until I can no longer breath." She snarled passing Alirica to Doman.

"Where is the infirmary at?" Doman called after her.

"Follow me downstairs, when we get downstairs tell one of the servants that, you were sent by me, and to have a vaccine in Alirica's system in less than five minutes." Eden rushed downstairs. She pointed to a servant, and Doman obeyed.

"It can't be a full moon tonight, can it?" She thought aloud as she exited the house.

"Yes, it can be, it's been twenty eight days since the last one." A deep growl emitted from behind her.

Eden turned around quickly, and positioned herself for a fight. Her green eyes brightened in anger, she pulled back her lips and hissed, ready for him to lunge at her.

"My, my, my, a feisty one we have here." He chuckled, looking behind himself.

"You hurt my daughter!" She snapped angrily, wishing to kill him right then and there.

"Well, she is a vampire so, what is even the point of letting her live?" The werewolf chuckled leaning on the wall of her mansion.

"You had your filthy claws on my daughter, now, you are putting it on my home? No, no, no, no, no. You have it all wrong, honey. You see that, that is my home, that little girl you tried to kill, was my daughter. Now, you must pay the werewolves price, for touching a vampires, most prized possession." Eden hissed leaning forward, allowing little time for him to escape, she lunged. She was ready for him to fight back, but, he didn't expect her rash movement.

"You vampires, humph, all the same." He snarled, exposing his gleaming white canines. His fur was quiet matted around his eyes, giving an effect of wildness.

"We, vampires, try to protect ourselves. Werewolves, on the other hand, feel the need to kill us over little tiffs, by the way, my daughter is not a vampire, she is a half-vampire, thank you very much." Eden slammed him against the wall, feeling a bone crack. He howled in pain, and reached for her shoulders.

Two vampires appeared behind her, and grabbed his hands, slamming them into a wall.

"Oh, so sad, that you need two others to kill me off, and I'm not the Alpha!" He howled with laughter.

"No. I don't need them, to kill you off. All I need is my strength, and you will be dead. Now, you two, go away." She hissed at her followers, who reluctantly obeyed.

"Now, as for you." She pondered her possibilities of torture, as she watched them back away into the shadows.

"Ah, this one is perfect!" Eden exclaimed, as she removed him from the wall, immobilizing him by kicking his knees. The werewolf howled in pain as he felt his knee caps break through the joints, causing his legs to dislocate from his thighs.

Then, she gripped both sides of his head and grinned maliciously, "Any last words, darlin'?"

"I'll see you in hell, feign." He spit on her face.

"Tell your creator that I sent you there. After all, he is my 'Daddy'." She chuckled sarcastically, twisting his head around quickly, snapping his neck, and yanking from his body, in what seemed to be like one quick fluent movement.

She stood up and dusted her hands off, sighing. "Done, and done,"

She turned and walked up the stone stairs into her home, whispering to one of the vampires that tried to hold down the werewolf. "Tomake, dispose of the body, and burn the head."

"Yes, ma'am!" He bowed.

"Now, to check on my little girl." She whispered to herself rushing into her home to the infirmary.

"Lily, Lily, is she alright?" Eden rushed through the doors, almost running over Doman.

"She's just fine, she needs rest, and then another dose of the medication. Then, she will be perfectly, fine." Lily replied with a smile.

"Thank heavens," She sighed, relived pushing back a strand of hair.

"You were lucky you got her here in time, she could have been to far gone if she had stayed any longer." Lily patted Eden's head gently.

"Thank you, Damon, Thank you." The relief she felt in her heart, was unfathomable. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"Look, it was the best I could do. You told me what to do, and I just obeyed." Doman replied, hugging her back, sincerely. 

"I hope you know, for how ever long she is in here, I will be staying here to." Eden said.

"Yes, my Queen, I am aware." He bowed slightly, but, Eden stopped him, and looked at Lily.

"About, how long will this take?" She questioned.

"It will take four days, max." Lily looked down at Alirica's sleeping form, and brushed her hair away from her pale face.

"Doman, I will ask you this favor, right now, I know we have about four more hours before the sun rises, but, can you please close the curtains around the mansion, and make sure, that no sunlight gets through?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I will do that now." Doman nodded and exited the room.

"So, who's that hunk of a guy?" Lily shoved Eden playfully.

"He is the replacement for Lord Vomain," She shook her head and smiled over at Lily.

"So ... you're saying he's free?" Lily grinned and tapped her fingers together evilly.

"No, I did not say that! Besides, new rule, no fraternizing with the Lords, and Ladies, of the clan!" Eden grinned.

© 2012 Queen_of_Winter

My Review

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I wish her speech was less direct; it would help me see her as a Queen. I am interested in how this story ends, I mean... she snapped the neck of her former lover... Wasn't that her soulmate?

Let us know if you wish for any of us to help you with editing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

That is some werewolf intruder. He didnt think twice for assaulting the daughter. Anyway this chapter characterizes eden pretty well

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 4, 2012
Last Updated on March 4, 2012