Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Queen_of_Winter

The werewolves have stolen the vampires prized possessions, and now, Eden is trying to persuade the other clans to join, to become one big clan to fight against the werewolves to retrieve their things


"You can't serious can you? Another attack, on our oldest secret base, you weren't guarding it were you?" Eden roared in anger, throwing her silver chalice of fresh warm blood, sending it hurdling into a wall.

"Mistress, I'm sorry, we were guarding it the best we could!" Rachael protested, watching the cup shatter as it impacted on the wall. She looked down at Eden's beautiful red dress.

"That had the eldest vampire kings venom; Caine's, and all the kinds, and queens afterwards. You idiots, can you not do anything right?" Eden's anger got the best of her. To herself, and Rachael, the movements were slow motion, but, to everyone else the movements were too fast to comprehend. She slammed her palm onto Rachael's throat, wrapped her thin nimble fingers around it, and slammed her into the side of the wall.

"You better fix it, and you better fix it fast." She hissed into her advisers' ear.

"Y-y-yes ma'am, I'll fix it. I'll get the venom back, I promise, Mistress." Rachael stuttered fearing the Queen's power.

"Get to it, as adviser, you, should have already had it done." Eden snapped angrily, it sounded as if thunder cracked across the evening sky. She released her grip from the raven haired girls neck, and let her scurry out of the room.

"How did they attack our secret base, the one that was hidden from, even the phantoms. They couldn't have known where they were attacking they had to have been attacking blindly." She pondered what had happened in her thoughts.

"Queen Eden, if I may?" A soft voice echoed behind her.

"Ashven, what are you doing here?" Her eyebrows knitted together as she stared at her servant. She sat in her throne, next to it, and empty larger, more masculine version sat. She lightly touched the cold lining of her tarnished throne, where many great Queens had sat before. Was she one of them?

"I am here to make an offering." He grinned wildly licking his thin lips hungrily.

"And what is that?" She looked up at him, perking up a little.

"Make me a vampire, I will destroy they Alpha of the werewolves. Hit them where it really hurts!" He growled deeply in reply.

"No, only I may kill the Alpha," She stated angrily.

"Why can only you kill the Alpha?" He questioned.

"Because," She paused and answered in her own thoughts. 'I'm still in love with him!'

"Because why?" His voice raised a notch.

"Because it is against the cursed laws," She roared standing up completely from her chair, her tight red, formal, floor length dress added to her frightening glare.

"I apologize, Madame. I wasn't aware." Ashven turned angrily, and stalked off.

Eden sunk down in her chair, allowing her icy green eyes to scan the entire room. A rolled up letter had been dropped carelessly on the rocky tiles.

"What's this?" She muttered, making her way to the parchment, and picked it up. She slowly unrolled it and read.

'Hurts ... don't throwing a fit yet? Well, read this letter and then reply, you'll see what I am talking about. How does it feel to have your most prized possessions taken from you? I sure hope it doesn't... kill you.


She ripped the note up and walked up the twisting
staircase, to her bedroom. She pulled out a pen and paper. She began to write.

'Dear Convel,

It's not often that you write me letters, my love, it pains me to see my fore-fathers, and fore-mothers remains be stolen from me. You see ... we have their venom, we keep it, because, when we change a human, which, we hardly ever do, we need a stronger venom that ours, me being an exception because, I am the direct line from Caine and Saima themselves.
Well, we have their venom all over the globe; you won't be able to find them all, dear, no matter how hard you try. Many have tried, all have failed. Good luck, you'll need it, Honey.
All my love,
Your little Eden Garden.'

She folded the letter up, and opened her gold pained window. Placing her thumb and her index finger in her mouth, she let out a whistle into the dark night. A few seconds later, the silent night was filled with an owls screech. Effortlessly, it landed on her white window sill.

"Lysondar, take this to the wolves." She murmured into its feathers, when she let go, the owl took the note into its talons and launched itself off the window sill into the air.

Eden sunk down onto her bed and sighed, placing her fingers on her temples, massaging them lightly.

She knew her feelings weren't ever going to change for the Alpha of the werewolf pack, simply because he was the one that saved her from herself.

"You just had to be bitten by a werewolf, you just had to." Eden frowned sadly. She ran her pale fingers across the smooth purple silk sheets on her bed. Her un-beating heart tightened at thinking about the former things that she and Convel used to do.

"As long as I am breathing, I will love you. At least until... I find my king." She whispered into her pillow.

She let herself drift into a short slumber, but, jerked herself awake a few minutes later. Lifting herself from her bed, she stood up, and closed the curtains around her room. The moon was beginning to set, and to keep from being burned, she needed to make sure the sunlight couldn't find its way into the mansion.

"Alirica, sweetie, can you help the curtains completely to?" Eden kissed her adopted daughters forehead.

"Yes mommy." The brown-eyed little girl smiled, and helped her around the mansion.

They finished closing the
curtains, together. Afterwards, they both made there way down to the kitchen. Eden ran her index finger across the purple granite island and looked at her finger. She was satisfied when she didn't see anything on it and smiled.

"Would you like any blood to drink, darling. You are looking a bit ... paler ... than usual." She opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a bag of blood. Then, she looked up and pulled down a toddler cup, and a silver jeweled chalice.

"Yes ma'am. Please?" Alirica smiled happily, licking her small pink lips.

She halved the bag of blood between them, and gave Alirica her child cup. She tossed the empty bag into the trash can.

"Thank you, Mommy." She smiled and hugged Eden. She thirstily popped the cup into her mouth and drained it dry in what felt like a matter of seconds.

She smiled at the little girl as she lifted the chalice to her lips, and tipped it, letting the warm fresh liquid flow into her mouth, comforting her aching throat.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." She smiled in reply.

"Why were you so angry at Auntie Rachael?" Alirica managed to ask between sips.

"Well sweetie, when you are queen of a clan; this clan specifically it's the main clan over every other clan. You have secret bases, which you and your adviser have to make sure it isn't attacked."

"Today, Ali, one of those bases were attacked, and all the things, sacred to our clan, were stolen from us." She replied stroking her daughter's long curly blonde hair.

"Why did they do that? Why do they have to be so mean to us?" She frowned looking at Eden's face.

"Because, sweetie." She paused, unable to explain to her daughter, that there was a war between vampires and werewolves that could trigger a mini-apocalypse, which could have a large possibility of turning into a world-wide disastrous Apocalypse, if the wrong move was made.

"We are in a war that can ... determine the world's fate." She couldn't put in any more sugar coated than that.

"How come," Alirica pressed on about it.

"We've been threatened... Our race has." Eden replied.

"Mommy, I'll fight by your side. You took me in after my real mommy and daddy were killed by werewolves. I love you." The five year old snuggled into her side.

"You're a half-vampire, the first of your kind. You were created by your mother, and I. A mistake for you to have been a half-vampire though, we didn't know she was pregnant, when we changed her. We figured it out after four and a half months of being pregnant, she gave birth to you. A beautiful, blonde, brown eyed, baby girl." Eden chuckled happily, remembering the day Alirica was born.

"Y'all were ... happy?" She asked.

"Very much so Ali, we were best friends, when she had you... it was a surprise to everyone, even herself. She hadn't been aware of carrying a child in her own belly. I helped her give birth. When I laid my eyes on you for the first time, I cried. I knew, I wouldn't have the luxury of ever having a child, like your mother had. She was whispering to you, telling you, how beautiful her little Alirica was, and would be." Eden spoke from her memory, as it played back in her head.

"How old was I when ... they were murdered?" Alirica wasn't afraid to ask.

"You were about ... two and a half, but, right now, we don't need to talk about this any further, until you are older, and more matured." She brought the conversation to a halt.

"Yes ma'am. I won't mention it, until then." She hugged her neck tightly.

"Come on let's go to the council room." Eden chuckled setting her down, leading her into a room full of tables and chairs.


"It's not the first time the clan has been in a war with the werewolves." An old white haired man spoke, leaning forward in his chair.

"This is the very first time that our secret base had been attacked, and cleaned out!" Eden slammed her fist on the table in front of her. Sitting close to her, was Alirica and
Racheal, who both jumped as she slammed her fist onto the table.

"Well, what do you want us to do about it?!" The man snapped.

"Be careful Suirethik, watch out for werewolves, if one attacks, there will be many others behind it. I have a feeling that ... they have become one entire pack." She replied placing her hands in her lap, looking at the man.

"How can that be, they've had a feud themselves, a war that has gone on for decades, between the two rival packs." The Blonde Girl next to Suirethik snapped, worry shown in the expression on her face.

"What are their mortal enemies?" Eden asked, leaning forward.

"Oh ... right." She looked away, obviously feeling stupid.

"Exactly Andrea, we must become one clan ourselves, it would prevent them from attacking our other bases. Vampires, have extended to overseas, possibly the same with the werewolves. What do you say, for our formers?" Eden questioned, running her thin pale fingers over the white silk table cloth.

"Well, Queen Eden. I'm not sure I will suggest that you give everyone at least a month, at most two. By the end of the second they must have their answer." Another young man replied, pondering her idea.

"Everyone here is my family I cannot see you all hurt," Eden managed, and paused for a moment to take a breath, "I will give you by the end of November, that is two months, for your answer."

"Hello, I apologize dearly for being late."A new man, unknown to Eden barged in. His hair was thick, curly, and black as night, and his eyes were an enchanting icy blue.

"It's ... fine." She breathed slowly.

"What did I miss?" He questioned sitting at the table across from her.

"Well, we were just discussing the latest attack from the werewolves." Eden replied, mashing her hands together.

"Oh, I've heard about that, it's caused quiet an up roar in my clan, or house, or whatever they are called now." He waved off the clan comment.

"Um sir. I haven't met you before, name and clan?" Eden took out a pen to write down his name and clan.

"My name is Doman, Clan Lozagous, previous Lord was Vomain." He presented himself with a courtly bow.

"What happened to Lord Vomain?" Eden suddenly felt as if her heart had been snatched from her body. The shock caused her stomach to churn.

"He was murdered by a
Vampire Hunter. Tainted him with an Ice Dragon's Blood, the question is, why did they want to kill Lord Vomain?" He leaned forward when he sat down again at his table, everyone began to whisper.

"Why haven't I heard about this? He was my brother, my best friend!" She raged, as she gripped the arms of her chair, so tight, they shattered into splinters, everyone got quiet.

"We couldn't make it our clan is being hunted left and right." Doman replied.

"Well, discussing current matters, we just now said all clans have one month to choose whether or not, they would like to join, or decline our invitation to create one big clan, to keep the werewolves from destroying our secret bases, that holds our forefathers, and foremothers venom." Eden replied, trying to take her mind off her brother's death.

"I already accept the invitation, if it will keep our race safe, then I accept. Besides, it would be a good idea for all of us to be one clan again. There wouldn't be any more fighting, with Eden as our Queen, what could go wrong?" He winked at Eden.

"Thanks for the flattery, but, I will say that, I am not the best Queen, I have yet to have found my king, my soul-mate." Eden looked down, thinking about Convel.

"You don't need a King to be the best Queen." Doman smiled.

"She's been the queen of this clan for four decades, and she hasn't found a king yet. It's an awful shame to the world vampires." Suirethik hissed angrily.

"Enough Suirethik, I do not accept hissing in my council room, and you are aware of my rules." Eden slammed her palm on the table standing up. She smoothed out her dress, and scolded him for his misdemeanor.


"My mistake your highness," Suirethik bowed his head.


"Everyone has two months to answer to our invitation, other than that, this council meeting is adjourned. Good day, everyone. You may leave tonight, be safe." Eden stood up and walked to the two large doors that everyone came in.


"Good day, my Queen." The Royal vampires bowed, to the high queen. Her cat-like eyes scanned the room as everyone left.


© 2012 Queen_of_Winter

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Eden sounds like she can barely contain her frustration. She is not a newbie because she has been Queen for forty years. It sounds like her leadership skills are being brought into question.
I like the idea of a half vampire. In the past, half vampires have been represented as less skilled than full vampires. I wonder if this little girl will turn out to be something special... I hope.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Who will be Queen if they all form into one clan? I do like the story being told in mainly dialog. It's easy to see what they are like, or acting like.
I also have hope for the half-vampire to become something larger.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Eden sounds like she can barely contain her frustration. She is not a newbie because she has been Queen for forty years. It sounds like her leadership skills are being brought into question.
I like the idea of a half vampire. In the past, half vampires have been represented as less skilled than full vampires. I wonder if this little girl will turn out to be something special... I hope.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

sounds like a better love story than Twilight! Eden sounds like she has some serious issues

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on March 2, 2012
Last Updated on July 16, 2012