![]() PrologueA Chapter by Queen_of_Winter![]() Convel and Eden go their seperate ways, because of their racial differences![]() "Poor... Dear Miss-Innocent-Eden." The large, burley, attractive man grinned as he ran his large fingers through his medium brown length hair. His silver eyes smiled as he proceeded towards the much shorter, seductive looking young woman. He "You've changed, Convel."
Eden whispered stepping fearfully away from her now former lover. "What do you mean, Eden?" He questioned reaching out to her, his
voice a deep growl within his chest. "You ... you're ... a were... were... werewolves." She managed,
her violet eyes widened in shock. She fell to her knees, she never had dreamed
of the day that her soul-mate would waltz right into her home, and show her
this. Did he come to just show her the new him? It was only yesterday he was a
happy bouncing human. "Not only that, but, I am an Alpha." He grinned, but former
feelings made its way to the surface of his expression, and caused him to
frown. A pain surged into his chest as she began to cry bloody tears, only
things that a vampire could cry. "So, this is it then ... we are ... against each other, not even
feelings now can change that?" Eden questioned, looking at her almost
translucent hands. "I guess so, Eden. I wish this wouldn't change our love, but, my pack
would no longer respect me for who I am, and see me as the rightful Alpha.
After all, I was his first born son and he changed me into a full-blooded
werewolf. It wasn't my choice." Convel keeled down beside her, and gently
wiped the tears away, like he had done millions
of times before. "Romeo and Juliet... Oh, how I remember watching the play backstage
with Shakespeare himself. Though, I could never believe that a man had written
it... What a tragic love story." She murmured to herself. "Eden, I love you," He pushed her auburn hair behind her ears, and continued, "But, this can no longer be." He kissed her forehead gently, and turned around. "As Alpha of the Revered Werewolf Pack, the oldest one in history, I,
Convel, have stated. 'We will right the world of you feigns.' We cannot have
any more humans as vampires, We are missing to many humans." Convel
lowered his head in sadness, knowing he was threatening the woman he had loved
for decades. "Then this is war." She felt the shock pulse
through her body, starting from her heart, extending to her limbs. Eden looked
down sadly, feeling Convel's eyes bore into the top of her head. "So be it." He sighed, placing his hands in his jean pockets. His
caramel eyes trailed down her body one last time, before pushing back his
chocolate brown hair. He then, retreated from the home, on to the streets. "This is the Dark war... and it will trigger the end of the world...
with one wrong move." Eden mumbled, her icy green eyes following after
him. One wrong move could trigger a miniature Apocalypse, or a world-wide disaster Apocalypse. This war would choose the Earth's Fate. © 2012 Queen_of_WinterAuthor's Note