![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Pugsly![]() The set up for what seems like a great idea.![]() Prologue
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Conley Planning on taking an extended trip and have young children who can't come for the ride? Need someone to watch and take care of your child while keeping him or her entertained and receive and education? This is a formal invitation to the Cecil P Manor School for children ages five to thirteen. Open all year round, school during the school year and fun educational programs over the summer all throughout the day. Please contact us for more information if interested. From Cecil P VI Dean of Cecil P Manor
That letter arrived a few days after we moved into our town of Tinton Falls. A tiny town, more like village surrounded by dense woods that we rely on to live. We're also near mountains which a rather large river runs down and into a lake where people fish and swim in the summer. It's perfect for camping, which my parents hope to take me on a camping trip someday. For now, I am to pack my things again and head off to the Cecil P Manor School for girls. They say it's only until they get richer which should take them until the end of the year. They have to travel to the city, but it isn't safe for kids like me to live in so they will spend a majority of their time in the dangerous city while I live here in the safety of school. I think it's a fair trade until life gets better.
The town looks like you take a step back in to the 19th century with is antique architecture. Everything looks so beautiful yet old and mysterious; it's slightly intimidating if not for the lively activity all around. Everyone seems to know each other and get along great. No wonder my parents picked this place to live in. We used to live in a mini city but my parents were not happy with their dead end jobs. The people who live here they aren't super rich or dirt poor, it’s just one middle class society, my mom said it all the time while talking to my dad who often agreed with her. Despite the fact that the buildings have the same design, and everyone being of the same wealth, the town is not monotonous at all. As crazy as that sounds being one road to the town and one road out towards the city, you'd think this place would be a ghost town, but it's completely normal, normal people, normal weather... Not so normal looking school though... It's not normal because it is a giant structure of four buildings in a rectangle design enclosing a massive courtyard and that is just the main school building. The dormitories and other buildings attached to the school with long hallways supported by massive cylinder shaped pillars. This place is amazing the closest thing I've seen are old churches from like medieval times or something. “That's where I am going to school in a few days?” I asked my parents as we approached the school. “Yes Meghan, that's your new school.” My mom sounded like she was just as shocked by it as I was. “Why hello there, are you’re enjoying the beauty of my grandfather's father’s handy work?” A man asked us walking away from his fancy car. His driver drove off to park the car probably in his fancy parking space. “Your grandfather built this?” My dad asked amazed by the fact a single man could make that building all by himself. I take it the man has to be the owner of the school. He's obviously rich, fancy cologne, fancy suit, fancy shoes and probably a fancy hairdo. In my opinion, it just looked like some kind of complicated comb over with some gel in it, but what do I know about hairstyles I'm only seven. “Not all by himself, he designed the layout and the design all by himself, it took a good while before the structure was complete and by then he'd changed the exterior and interior at least ten times until he came up with this. He also intended it to be a school for boys only but with the birth of my aunts and uncles he changed his mind and accommodations added on for girls. They practically grew up here once it was completed our family as grown up here, my children are here too.” He smiled reminiscing on his childhood. “Sorry we didn't answer your question before, I am Paul Conley, and this is my wife and daughter who we are in the process of registering for your school.” My dad introduced us, he seemed slightly nervous but I wasn’t sure what was causing it, he’s just a man… “Well I am looking forward to having her here as a student.” He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. “How old are you young lady?” “I just turned seven, and my name is Meghan Conley.” “Welcome to our school, Meghan Conley. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family has. I must go now, there's an important meeting I must attend to.” He looked at his watch realizing he was late said goodbye and was off to go take care of his important meeting. I must attend to.” He looked at his watch realizing he was late said goodbye and was off to go take care of his important meeting.
Chapter one
Cecil P Manor, a square shaped building with four floors on the main building and two in the extended buildings. A Victorian Gothic design, stone flooring and pillars cut with precision, arched hallways with ruby red, deep blue, dark green and violet colored halls with gold accents and eccentric tapestries. To complement this are stained glass windows with velvet curtains your typical Victorian Gothic school that looks like some kind of small castle. This is my new school and temporary home until the summer.
“This is where your classrooms will be, try to be on time if you make a habit of being tardy, eventually you will have to be disciplined accordingly. Down the hallway takes you-” I began to zone out, Ms. Heather has already shown me half of the school and it's too much for me to remember all in one shot. “Meghan, you must pay attention when someone is talking to you!” I heard her raise her voice. “I'm sorry; it's just so much to remember.” I apologized and she seemed to forgive me. “It’s alright, I don't expect you to remember it all, just pay attention when people are talking to you.” She corrected me again and we were off to the other section of the building. Ms. Heather has super curly brown hair; I think she uses a curling iron though because I've never seen anyone with naturally super tight curls before. I know that doesn't mean she can't have them, but usually I hear women say they used something to help accent the curls. Since her hair his short she doesn't have to have it tied back out of her face during school hours. Her eyes are an amber color and she has freckles on her face, not an overwhelming amount but they are there, masked only by a light touch of makeup, probably blush or something like it. One of the rules I've learned so far is that unless there's an occasion, girls can't have on a heavy amount of make up because it takes a lengthy amount of time to put on and a lengthy amount of time to clean off at the end of the day. I’ve also discovered that everyone has to wear uniforms, even the teachers. They don't have to wear dresses and skirts, they can wear pants just like the students can but a majority of the teachers wear dresses and skirts no harm is done if you decide to wear pants. Adding to that list of rules is to not zone out while someone is talking to me since they expect me to have the world's greatest attention span. They’re going to completely ignore the fact that I don't and that nobody has the greatest attention span but that fact seems to have slipped their minds so it's a rule I have to follow. “...and this is the door that will take you to Harvard Quad which leads into the Dining hall.” She explained and I nodded as we walked out of the Harvard/ De Breyne building and walked through the Harvard Quad towards the dining room. I don't think this tour is ever going to end.
“Sneaking out for an early lunch Ms. Heather?” another teacher asked with a smile on her face. “No Mrs. Christy you know I'm not a big eater.” She laughed as Mrs. Christy approached us dressed in green plaid jumper dress. She wore her honey brown hair in a lose bun in the back of her head, and a rather bright smile and perfect lips to compliment her teeth. I haven't figured out what Mrs. Christy teaches but I am anxious to find out, she seems really nice “Going to check out the Dining hall.” she decided to walk with us as we approached our destination. “We sure are where are you headed to?” “Nowhere, I don't have any classes yet and I've finished planning today's lesson.” “You can take the tour with me if you like I don't mind the company.” I offered because I hoped her company would make this move along quicker. “I could use another tour of the school; I seem to always be in one little section of the building, time for a little change in scenery.” She smiled her perfect smile and walked along with us to the Dining hall which is the biggest dining hall I have ever seen. The tables go on for what feels like miles Red tile floor with a crisscrossed design of different color looks like a faded blue and in the middle of it is a white tile surrounded by dark four dark blue tiles which turn into the lighter blue ones. The tables seem to be sitting on wood that hides a gray tile. Lamps with dual light bulbs sit on each invisible section of the table turned off at the moment. These tables end at a platform where an even longer table sits for the staff members. There are pictures of previous owners of the school hanging on the wall. The last detail that I noticed was the ceiling, curved with what looks like gold ropes in a mainly square pattern and knots done in some fancy design. There's also a balcony but I am not sure what it is used for or how to get up there. I just know kids aren't allowed up there. “The building across from this one is the auditorium.” Mrs. Christy chimed in adding a slight randomness to the serious tone Ms. Heather had just set. “Thanks for that interjection,” Ms. Heather was clearly annoyed by it; sometimes I think she takes this job too seriously. “We have to head back to the dormitories it's almost time for lunch.” She said looking up at the clock in the hallway. “Lead the way Ms. Heather.” Mrs. Christy said and she led the way back to the dormitories, Mrs. Christy had to leave to go get ready for the rest of the afternoon. “Meghan, most girls here are not new to the school's dining etiquette, I will give you a brief explanation, but you'll be learning more about it tomorrow.” “There's a certain way to eat?!” I asked surprised. My parents taught me table manners already, ask for items to be passed to with a please and thank you afterward, keep your napkin either on your lap or tucked into your collar when wearing fancy clothes, and don't gobble down the food but eat at a normal pace. If you have to burp do so in a polite manner if that makes any sense. Don't just burp with all your might and mouth wide open, I think covering your mouth with your napkin will do, along with coughing and sneezing, do it in your napkin. That's all there is too fancy dining which is basically what Ms. Heather is explaining to me... “There's proper silverware to use with certain foods but we'll get into that later. They know better than to give rude looks because you aren't following the same rules as they are, if anyone gives you a hard time tell me after lunch is over.” She instructed and I nodded to show I was paying attention. This all seems like a lot for me, I don't know if I can handle all of this.
I'm supposed to wash up now but all I did today was walk around and look at the school, so can't I just skip washing my hands when I haven't touched anything? I guess to make them happy I'll go wash my hands and face and whatever else it is they want from me. If I could remember where the bathrooms are... The girls just watched me walk around aimlessly, not saying a word to me about why I am walking around aimlessly. You'd think they'd say something but they sort of ignored the fact I was there which nearly caused me to give up before I got lost and then had to miss lunch because I couldn't figure my way out of the building. “You seem confused, are you looking for the bathroom?” someone said and I felt so relieved. “I can't find the bathrooms and I was told not to be late but I didn't do anything today except walk around so I don't see why I have to wash my hands-” “It's okay, it's okay, calm down, and I’ll show you where to go.” the girl took my hand and led me in some other direction completely opposite of where I headed in. I felt slightly stupid, I've been here for hours and I already forgot where the bathrooms are. “The bathrooms are right here, on the second floor to the left, right above the first floor bathrooms.” She explained and I wanted to hug her but I didn't know if I should. “Thank you for helping me.” I smiled hoping it would be enough to show my appreciation. “You’re welcome stranger.” “My name is Meghan Conley.” “My name is Emmeline Cora Pyburn.” She introduced herself to me with a small curtsey. “Enough chit chat we must hurry or we'll be late and I don't feel like being scolded.” She said taking my hand and guiding me through the lines of girls to an empty sink. We finished washing up and we walked with the other girls who still refused to say a word to me into the dining hall where a pile of serving plates filled with food and small menus on a little display stand at the beginning of each table.
That is the entire menu seems like a lot but it all fit on that one sheet with a small selection of drinks for students and adults as well as foods based on which age group we’re in. How much food are we supposed to take? Can we take as much as we want or just one from each section? I don't know what to do! “How much food are we allowed to take?” I asked Emmeline nervously as I sat down next to her. “As much as you want, just don't overfill your plate take enough to fill it and once it's finished you take more. It helps you not to overeat and not to overfill with foo and then there's nothing left for other people in a social gathering.” “What?” “Something to do with manners like everything here does.” “When my parents were looking for a school I don't know if this is what they were looking for. None of this strict fancy pants stuff was mentioned in full detail while we were signing up!” “That's because if they were to tell you the entire truth, you'd probably run away screaming. In actuality there are very few kids who want to be here. Most people who apply here are gone within the first month.” “I don't think I can leave. My parents are sort of living in the city which they don't want me living in. I have to stay here until the summer, how am I supposed to complain when they need this job?” I asked worried and confused, I couldn't complain about this school we'd have to move again or I'd have to go to school in the city. I don't want to go to the city if it scares my parents! “No more talking, everyone has arrived we'll be addressed and eating soon, talking with your mouthful is bad along with not eating at least one plateful of food.” Emmeline warned me as the last table on the other side of the room filled with boys. A short plump man with a half balding dirty blond hair and a woman who looked like a giant standing next to him walked to the center of where the teachers table was and looked like they had something important say. “Good afternoon students,” they said together. The woman has tightly curled red-brown hair and green eyes with a hint of light blue lip gloss on her lips. She really looks like a typical businesswoman. She wore all blue, her pants, blazer, T shirt and heels. “Good afternoon Mr. Milton, good afternoon Mrs. Louise.” Everyone said except for me I sort of mumbled along under my breath, they couldn't notice one little voice missing out of like a million others. “We would like to welcome you all back and have a great school year for those of your returning students and for those of you just joining us, welcome to the Cecil P Manor School for children. Our classes might seem long and tiresome but they are well worth your time and effort. I am the boy's principal Mr. Milton and the woman next to me is Mrs. Louise, the principle for the girls. Sitting in the rather large and decorated chair is Cecil Taylor Parnell the sixth. The current owner of Cecil P Manor and a magnificent man,” Mr. Milton said then turned to Mrs. Louise, “Your turn again Louise.” “Thank you for your kind words Mr. Milton,” She smiled as she thanked him then turned her attention to us again, “I am Mrs. Louise, the principle for the girls here. You will become fine young ladies, and the men under Mr. Milton's care will become gentlemen. For the graduating class, I hope you take your last year here to heart and try to put what you've learned into good use once you leave here. It's been fun teaching you all and you will be missed. Thank you for choosing Cecil P Manor and we wish you the best in life. You may now eat lunch.” She said and was applauded as they walked back to their seats. I guess now I am on my own until I start eating food, so I delayed the process of picking witch herbal tea I would make so I could talk to Emmeline. “Hey Emmeline, are there any teachers I should avoid contact with?” I asked her curiously. “Nope, they're all respectable and nice to us you shouldn't have any real problems with any of them. Students on the other hand, keep your head up and your eyes wide open because an unofficial lesson learned here is the art of being two faced and manipulative.” She said picking up a packet of honey vanilla Chamomile herbal tea and dipping it in her cup filled with hot water. I looked around unsure whether I wanted Mandarin orange spice or cinnamon apple spice. She took two packets of sugar added a small amount of honey then slowly stirred it, not spilling a drop of tea from the cup. “How old are you Emmeline?” I asked her as I opened the Mandarin Orange wrapper then filled up my cup with hot water. I put the teabag in and waited for the water to change colors. They also had an ice bucket we were allowed to put in our tea to cool it quicker, I put two ice cubes in them and Emmeline put four. “I am eight, I'll be nine in December on the tenth, how old are you?” She asked me as she finished with the ice cubes. “I turned seven in July; July the twentieth is my birthday.” I said wondering if I should test my tea to see if I could drink it and not get burned. “Get some soup or a salad; it's not proper to just stare at your cooling food or drink. I'm not being a rule nerd I just don't want to see you in trouble.” Emmeline whispered as she took the salad tongs choosing the Chicken Salad, which is what I went with also. It felt like an awkward lunch for me, I felt so out of place and unwanted and without the help of Emmeline, who told me to call her Emily, Mel, or Mimi, I probably wouldn't have survived. I think I did rather well. I kept my place clean and remembered my table manners. “You did well on your first day Meg.” She congratulated me once her meal of grilled fillet of beef with potatoes covered in cheese and something called sugar snap peas. I ate thin crust pizza with basil chiffonade and mozzarella sticks. It was now time for desserts meaning I had to face the difficulty of choosing what I wanted again. “Excuse me,” someone stood in between Emmeline and me, one of the teachers I haven't met yet, “I don't recognize your face, are you a new student?” She asked and I felt scared, I thought I was in trouble. “My name is Meghan Conley I am new here, I sighed up over the summer and Mr. Cecil had just arrived here for a meeting, we got to meet him.” “All I asked for is your name and if you were new, no need to ramble on, I believe you. You stand out like a sore thumb though, I take it Emmeline is teaching you throughout lunch the proper manners.” “Yes she is teaching me, I'm sorry if I broke any rules.” “There's no need to apologize since you are new here, you'll have full day classes tomorrow I am assuming. Maybe we'll get a better introduction then.” “I am looking forward to it. May I ask what your name is I don't believe I saw you on the tour?” I kept her style of speech in my head as I talked to her, hoping to empress her. “My name is Mrs. Amanda LaBriola, there is another Mrs. Amanda, but her last name is Ketner.” She introduced herself to me with a curtsey too. I guess you are supposed to curtsey while you're standing when you introduce yourself to other people here. “Okay I will remember that and I will try to get your names right the first time. Do you wish to be called by your first and last name or by your first name only?” “In my class address me by my first name like all other teachers, in a group of people; I prefer my surname to avoid confusion. I will take my leave so you can finish your lunch; enjoy your time here at Cecil P Manor.” She said and curtseyed again, signaling her goodbye and walked away. I got a really weird vibe from her but I brushed it off because the people in charge of 'catering' brought us up the desserts. I was excited because I decided to get creative; I wanted a chocolate ice cream sundae topped with double chocolate pudding, fudge, cookie crumbs, and possibly whipped cream. “What will you have young lady?” the caterer asked the girl at the beginning of our table. “I'll have the lemon custard shortbread please.” She asked and he gave her a slice on a new plate. Each girl that was in hearing range only ordered separate things, I felt special knowing I had an amazing request. “What are you having for dessert Meg?” Emmeline asked with an excited smile on her face. “I am having a chocolate ice cream sundae with double chocolate pudding and topped with fudge, cookie crumbs and possibly whipped cream.” “That's quite a chocolate overload.” She laughed to herself as the caterer got to our section of the table. She placed her order and then it was my turn. “What would you like miss?” he asked us. “I will have a chocolate ice cream sundae with chocolate pudding on the sides topped with fudge cookie crumbs and a little whipped cream please.” I said and smiled at the man who looked at me unsure if I was serious. “All of that chocolate miss, are you sure that’s what you want?” I smiled and nodded my head, “I am one-hundred percent sure.” “Okay, here you go.” he started scooping out the ice cream and put it in the bowl then put the pudding on the sides and started on the toppings meanwhile the other caterers were ahead of him in serving the desserts. I could feel the eyes shifting towards me again but I didn't feel awkward, they asked what I wanted and I told them, there aren't any rules saying I can't mix match desserts. “Don't get a chocolate high.” She teased me under her breath and I smiled as I filled my spoon with sugary heaven. “I think I can handle it Emily, if I can't then that's my fault.” I whispered back to her and began eating my chocolate overloaded dessert.
After lunch I had to go to my history class taught by Mrs. Joyce Lansberry. She's quite old out of the other staff members and she reminds me of my grandma on my dad's side of the family. She's full of stories, loves to share them with anyone and everyone, and she loves entertaining kids. She tries to teach us what she knows and has grown up with hoping we'll catch on and if not she moves on and doesn't stress about it.
I don't think we have assigned seats but I don't know being as there's no name tags on the desks. I followed everyone into the classroom and told Emily that I was scared to just sit somewhere in case she decided to change her rules of no assigned seats on the first month of school. There were three other girls and two boys standing near the front of the room with me, waiting to see where everyone sat so they could pick an empty seat not assigned to any student here.
“Good afternoon class, welcome back and welcome to my class for the new students. Please pick any seat you wish to pick I have no assigned seating, I will announce if there is a change in the rules.” She said and we all sat down, thankfully a seat next to Emily was still open so I sat there. “Emily, didn't you pass this class last year? You shouldn't have me as a teacher this year.” “I know that I have passed and that I shouldn't be in this class again Mrs. Lansberry, but I really like this class, I wish to stay in it for this year so I reapplied for it.” “You need to go up to the next level you know the rules, I can't teach you again this year, I am sorry however you can stay for today.” “Yes Mrs. Lansberry.” Emily sighed deeply disappointed.
© 2012 Pugsly |
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Added on August 8, 2012Last Updated on August 8, 2012 Tags: Abuse, misadventures, boarding school, misunderstood Author![]() PugslyBarnegat, NJAboutI'm terrible at filling these things out so I'll keep it short and brief. I love music it influences my writing most of the time, I'm not a big movie person nor am I a big TV person. My computer is my.. more..Writing