Music is something everyone has in common, yet no one will admit that. Thought Duke as he pulled into the parking lot at school. That would mean even the preps have something in common with the losers, and God forbid that ever happen…
“Yo! Noble! Did you get those pictures for me? I seriously need them for my photog class.”
“Yeah, here ya go Robby…remind me again why I do your photography
assignments? I have much better things to take pictures of.” Duke
wasn’t even paying attention to his one friend…he was looking at
RaeLynn. He just couldn’t figure her out. He had her friends Becca and
Koda all figured out…but her, it was like putting together a puzzle,
and every time he thought he had all the pieces and was almost done, he
found twelve more.
“Duke! Seriously, dude, if you’re so obsessed
with Conners, just go ask her to prom or something…its not like she has
a date or anything.” Robby smirked. He had asked Rae, without any
success and was trying to make sure that it wasn’t only him.
Noble just rolled his eyes. Robby could be
such an idiot. “Its not as simple as that and you know it…besides, I
just want to find the missing pieces to the puzzle.”
“What the hell are you talking about man? On second thought, I don’t even want to know…see ya at lunch.”
Silver eyes glittered with stubborn
concentration as Duke tried to get the picture of the bird on the
railing. "Why do I get stuck doing this lazy asses homework? Oh that's
right because if I don't, he'll tell dad that I broke up with
ShayeLin." When something behind him scared away the bird, he let out
an exasperated sigh. "Thanks alot."
"O-oh. I'm sorry. I usually come here to write, and I didn't want to
upset you so I was trying to be quiet...but I'm not exactly good at
that." RaeLynn murmured as she picked up her bag, and started to leave.
"No it's okay. I'm just in a s****y mood. What are you writing?" He asked trying to get to spend some more time with her.
"Nothing's just an essay I have to write for Koda. He
needs to get a good grade and God knows he can write song lyrics like
no other, but anything else he falls on his face." Blushing she
realized she was rambling. RaeLynn, will you stop caring what this boy thinks of you? You've got bigger problems.
Duke almost asked what the problems she was having were, but then realized that no one was there but the two of them. Damn can someone have someone else in their head? "Wow, did you get those bruises?" He reached out and tipped her chin so he could see the bruising better.
Rae jerked her head from Duke's grip, "It's nothing. You were here
first, I'll just go. I'm supposed to go to Tanner's tonight anyway.
I'll see you around, okay?" Getting up, she grabbed her bag and started
He knew he couldn't stop her from going, but he also knew that he
would never forgive himself if he didn't at least give her an outlet.
"RaeLynn, if you ever want to...we I know it's not
much of an offer, but it's there."
RaeLynn turned her head and nodded, with a small smile on her face.
"Thank you's more of an offer than you could ever know." RaeLynn Elizabeth Conners, you like him don't you? Raelynn's voice said laughing. Shut up you!
Wait, RaeLynn likes me? Duke couldn't help but think, even though he usually hated his thoughts.