![]() Chapter 21 - Disenchanted.A Chapter by KristenYou're just a sad song with nothing to say
My newest song obsession, Disenchanted by MCR (of course). Anywho, I figured it was time for an update and stuff. So, something concerning my writing. I'm not sure if I'm going to be coming out with a new poetry piece soon... I've been at such a lack for inspiration lately and this site is troubling me a bit. I'll explain about the second part of that statement in a bit. To continue, I want to write a book of sorts, but personally books are my least favorite thing to read on this site and I've never really had much luck with writing my own book. So, obviously writing a book doesn't make sense. But hear me out: I'm going to add on to this book, 15 Years, until my 16th birthday, which is August 31st. Then I'll be 16 so it doesn't seem logical to keep adding on to a book called 15 Years. This book, however, has turned into sort of a journal for me, and I think I'll miss documenting bits and pieces of my life. I believe it's somewhat dumb to start a new book called 16 Years, so that's why I wanted to maybe start a new book that is fictional but is modeled after my life. Either that or I'll actually make use of the Blog option on this site, but who knows. I haven't made up my mind yet. That brings me to my next point: trouble with this site, WritersCafe. I don't mean problems with it loading on my computer or anything, I'm addressing the people of this website. Let me tell you story. I joined this website in 2007 because my friend told me about how great it was and how people would review your writing and give you tips, etc., so I joined and I immediately liked it. At that point I had about two friends and maybe three poems that were pretty bad, now that I really look at them, but I liked it because people helped me out and stuck with me as my writing began to improve. You can still find that on this site now, but I'm discovering that it's harder to find people that're actually interested in your writing vs. just interested in socializing and using this website as their version of Facebook. And yes, it is a social networking site to a degree, but this wasn't started to talk to your friends. It was started to get your writing out there and for people to give you constructive criticism and help you out when needed. I wish that's the way it still was, because I really do miss it. I'm becoming almost reluctant to write new things because I feel as though they're not being taken seriously and aren't being analyzed; I feel like people review it just to get a badge or act like they're being nice. Honestly, if one of my poems sucks, tell me. I'm kind of tired of the 'Awesome job' and 'Flawless'. You're just trying to tell me what I want to hear, and it's not helping me to become a better writer. I have little motivation to add another piece on here because I have no suggestions or any true feedback. Nobody ever says 'I want you to write something happy and light for a change, as a challenge' or 'Try ______ instead'. People have also called me arrogant and selfish for turning read requests off. The reason I turned read requests off is because 1) They pile up and annoy me because I hardly ever have time to read them and I like to give good, constructive reviews, and 2) People badger me to get to them and get pissed off when I don't review their 'Excellent new piece' right when they want me to. Too bad. I have a life outside of writing and WC, so sorry for that. If you really want me to read and review your writing send me a message, because if you truly want my opinion you would care enough to send me a message or leave me a comment on my page. That's not meant to sound stuck up in the least, I just don't feel like people send read requests because they really want me to review their writing. I don't believe in "Review for review", it just doesn't seem right.
I apologize for the rant this post turned into, I just feel utterly disenchanted by this whole website right now.
Listen to: Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance © 2010 Kristen |
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Added on July 21, 2010 Last Updated on July 21, 2010 |