![]() Chapter 8 - Numb.A Chapter by Kristen![]() The final blog post of 8 past blog posts.![]() I'm tired of being what you want me to be = the quote that best describes my life. This quote, from the song Numb by Linkin Park, came back into my mind this week when I was assigned a creative writing piece for my English class. The assignment is to pick your favorite song lyric and write about a page explaining what it means and why you like it. Honestly, I could write pages about those ten words (eleven if you count I'm as I am), and as soon as I finish writing the paper and editing it, it'll be posted up here WritersCafe. Just a heads up. Otherwise, I'm coping. Coping with disloyalty, unfaithfulness, and disappointment. Why is it that every time you get close to a person and finally trust them, they do something that makes you wary of ever depending on them again? This is why I am so distrusting of people, seemingly all they're out there to do is hurt you. I'm just tired of it and tired of trying to please everyone and live up to their standards. Screw them, if I don't "live up" to their expectations why does it matter? I'm not them and whatever I do is my own business. I'll show everyone by exceeding their expectations, rising above anything they ever thought was possible. They'll be sorry they ever judged me or hurt me. As Linkin Park once sang and I now say, I've become so numb I can't feel you there. Your prescence means nothing to me if it only means you're there to criticize me. I don't care anymore.
Listen to: Numb - Linkin Park © 2010 KristenAuthor's Note
Added on March 6, 2010 Last Updated on March 6, 2010 |