Feel the ghost of a kiss
and suddenly I feel so upset
I lie back upon the haze and my thoughts carry me over icy memories that still wash over me with the same sadness as before Dreams believe but do I?
Feel the ghost of a kiss and suddenly I feel so upset I don't want, I just need but my mind is so unsure I can never be certain even of myself Dreams believe but do I?
If I could sleep in the darkest room within the loneliest city I'd understand why I feel at one with the fading skyline I'd watch the light fade and wish I'd disappear with it Dreams believe and so do I
There's a song which gives me this kind of feeling whenever I hear it. It's weird 'cause I don't even know the meaning of that (Korean) song yet it gives such poignancy.
I always like poems which has a touch of solidarity in it. Very well-written Ell ^_^
This is quite brilliant that "dreams believe, but do I?" To externalise the whole concept of the dream is unusual but I like it. The depth of feeling unsettled comes through beautifully. Penny
There's a song which gives me this kind of feeling whenever I hear it. It's weird 'cause I don't even know the meaning of that (Korean) song yet it gives such poignancy.
I always like poems which has a touch of solidarity in it. Very well-written Ell ^_^
I love this, wow. I can really relate and you painted such a vivid image in my mind. Idk I feel a connection to this poem, like you feel the same way I do at times. Really nice poem, one of my new favorites.