Wash me awayA Story by PsychoDeli-cWhen we lose everything we usually go back to the thing we know. But if all pillars of strength are ripped from us we have only nature to turn to. And ourselves.It's a privilege to
live by the sea, she thought as her hand slid over the smooth rock jutting
from between the waves. The sea was a wonder at night, akin to a mirage only
painfully real. As far as the eye could see an unsettled darkness stretched, merging with a sky as
dark. It was the father of everything unknown, the sea at night, and by right
the unknown should unnerve and unsettle, yet the sea soothed. The waves were
high and their song so deafening, but never bothersome or straining. The water
was blacker than sin, but it held ripples of dark silver and moonpaths of reflected light. Water was
the beginning of life, yet it ended so much of it. How could something be so
beautiful, dangerous and giddying at
the same time!? People are all that, a smile crept to her cracked lips, I’m all that… rather I was. Her fists
curled and her heart shrank. The wind felt reviving against her clammy skin, so
cool and crisp, yet not chilling. Was that all there was to life? Was she the
only one worth knowing? Did she even know herself? A string of betrayals lies
and deceits came to mind yet they didn’t really matter. In the end the only one who will do everything for me is I. So why rely
on other people? I need only my approval and my own judgment. Yet an
answer came. The waves continued crashing around her little, smooth rock, the
wind continued to play with her hair and clothes and the moon continued to
shine in her eyes. No one is ever born alone. We are all born with
nature in it and it’s to it that we return in death. It is our Mother Earth
that should decide what happens of us, Lana thought and suddenly her feet were
pushing at the rock, her hands breaking the surface of the water. With no air
in her lungs Lana found herself drowning, yet she’d never felt so alive, so
real, so much a part of something. The water felt like velvet against her skin,
the wind was a warm caress when her head rose above the water. The drugs she’d taken
were working in her stomach, she could feel them- burning, churning, killing
her. It had been death she’d wanted before coming to the sea. Now, she only
wanted to be cleansed, to feel free… to
feel! It was so good to feel again and to feel good. The sea could drown
her or revive her, she decided and lay upon the waves, leaving herself to be
taken away by the current. Mother Earth had brought her to this life, she was
the one who would decide if she would forsake it or start it anew. Lana’s eyes
closed as sleep started creeping upon her. And somehow
the unknown nothingness seemed more a chance at a new beginning than an end to
all. © 2014 PsychoDeli-cAuthor's Note
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