I was blessed,
this I do know.
Given gifts,
that not many may know.
in the fires of birth
before your path is forged,
Goddess Diana
made some changes
to my body to make me survive.
First, my spine was filled with a metal
that could never be broken.
My body was dipped,
into a sacred potion.
This way,
no matter what stupid thing I did.
I was ensured, that til my life was supposed to go,
I was going to always live.
She gave me keen intellect,
and ability to reason.
But upon this,
she passed me on,
to another God,
Who saw something different.
a need to love,
and have some compassion
so for my emotions,
she made them overflow
and made a helper
to anyone who asked.
Next another God came
Who decided my path,
said I was well equipped
for my life's travellng ride,
and gave me impossible odds to face
and problems that no one could stand up to.
A sense of strength,
and stubborness to give up.
To fight for what was right,
and to protect the underlings,
and above all, prefer happiness over greed.
And so I was born.
And great difficulties came my way.
Some that would make most just run away.
Some that would have them take out their lives.
Trust me I thought of those things,
but for some reason kept plugging my way.
I'd make up my mind
and that was just it.
Couldn't change it,
wasn't going to,
you couldn't talk me into s**t.
Well more problems would pile onto the others.
But my spine of titanium just kept up straight
it was so hard core.
Sometimes I wondered
if I would ever see a sunshine day
Where I could laugh,
and relax
have fun and just play
Well I did,
and I treasured them more,
because I knew they wouldn't last long
with the burdens I bore.
But's that just my sob story,
of being Super Woman.
I can't break,
give in,
and I fight for the right...
Helping those in trouble as I go along.
Even when my own life is too in the wrought.
Still... I wear a smile, for it's got to be worth it right?
It's not all for naught?