In this edition of my poetry audio blog, I discuss the nature of reality, or at least the one we can perceive. It is another spacey, mystical journey. We start at Venus, return to Earth, to stalk the elusive white whales, and finally travel within. I read the poems the Sylph Sings, the White Whale, and From Nightmare to Lucidity. The delivery is soothing and ASMR style.
For you reading purist, scroll on down and you will find the Sylph Sings for you wordy pleasure.
The Sylph Sings
a fiery, fickle, and shifting façade
keeps would-be explorers and pilgrims
at bay, their desires turned elsewhere
there are easier landing sights
other virtues to be claimed
alluring and dusty glory
where the red will flow
for those who wish to be first
the god of war is surprisingly easy
to pillage and plunder
where’s the fun of planting a flag
in a sizzling mist, where no one can see
your pole unfurl and flap
you can’t colonize the clouds
grasp the sublimated, mechanize the molten
good luck remoulding tephra and ash
to the whims of order and utility
the goddess of love…
remains aloof and untouchable
yet in her isolation
the sylph sings
a beguiling but elusive siren
a coy trickster
she writhes a syncopated serpentine
weaves silky ribbons and stays
not to be unlaced
bathed by solar tempests
galvanized in the heat
Venus forges an ethereal
but unforgiving shield
bruising and scalding the clutches
of would-be voyageurs and conquistadors
The Sylph Sings is published Domesticate the Heavens. Please visit myblogto further explore the accompanying photos and essay, some bonus poetry, and keep up-to-date with all my writing.
Pryde, you have a wonderful way of combining the real and the fantasy, human traits (positive or negative), and myths and mythos within human possibility and imagination. There are many worlds in our universe/cosmos, but so far, only one that we know of has evolved thinking creatures who can reach for the stars. In our minds, we create monsters or sirens out of inanimate objects, giving them human emotions. And by doing so, we find our humanity and create art in all its forms. We also discover that there are worlds where humans will never belong or live. But we will never lose our desire for knowledge, to know the unknown.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
So well said, Curt. This is a really wonderful review. Made me smile:)
A very beautiful poem, reflecting on the human tendency to pursue what is beautiful and desirable, but also highlights the barriers and challenges that come with such pursuits. I like the way you added in the goddess of love.
It contrasts the clear victories of warfare (the god of war) with the complex and elusive nature of love and beauty (Venus), illustrating the tangible and symbolic challenges individuals face in these pursuits.
Ah Venus the God of love, a sensitive, yet worldly gift as I read and listen to your words...noble ones of our imagination...."The Goddess of love remains aloof and untouchable"...I love the way you play with your words...."Venus forges an ethereal but unforgiving shield" such great mythology ....reach for the imaginative, creative in your endeavors...we must learn about our universe....Lovely
Warmly, B
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Thank you so much, Betty, for the read and the listen. Your words here are enlightening and pleasure.. read moreThank you so much, Betty, for the read and the listen. Your words here are enlightening and pleasure to receive. Much love:)
Robert frost himself thought Ice would suffice.
Your poems and narrative are always worth reading and listening to, Pryde. The work you put in is well worth it.
I had many crushes growing up, and I'm sure Venus was involved in them somehow. I gazed and I gazed and started conversations, but never got the hot girl. Ah the fire of rejection....had i only known what I know today as an older and more wiser gent. :)
Always a pleasure, Pryde. BTW, who's the beautiful woman with awesome eyes on your video. Wink. :)
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Haha ... that's me, Relic. You know that. And I bet you got a hottie or two. Thank you so much for y.. read moreHaha ... that's me, Relic. You know that. And I bet you got a hottie or two. Thank you so much for your time and kind words:)
This is the first multimedia poem I have encountered on this site. Thanks for including the written version, for I am a word purist. This one is a myth, and like all myths, seeks to reveal a truth. Mars, the god of war, though outwardly fearsome, is ultimately undone by Venus, the goddess of love. We can see this truth within ourselves and in the world in general. I hope you remembered to send a copy of this imaginative piece to Vladimir Putin.
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Alas ... I haven't his address. Thank you so much for the read and the comment:)
An initial reading had somehow linked to that now aging book “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.” But here the poetry is much more pronounced, as it should be. In this poem the contrasting metaphors invite reflection on the nature of exploration and conquest. Are we drawn to the easy victories, the low-hanging fruits of our ambitions, or do we strive for the elusive, the seemingly impossible that requires us to grow and transform in the process? Venus, in particular, portrayed as a beguiling yet aloof entity, suggests that some aspirations are meant to remain out of reach, to remind us of the vastness and mystery of the universe. It speaks to the idea that not all conquests are physical or tangible; some are about the journey, the pursuit, and the growth we experience along the way. A truly evocative read.
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Oh yes. I had forgotten about that piece of popular psychology. Haha. I suppose that works too. And .. read moreOh yes. I had forgotten about that piece of popular psychology. Haha. I suppose that works too. And here I was trying to be all spacey and scientific. It is funny how concepts can sneak into the writing. Thanks so much for the read:)
2 Months Ago
Oh well, I didn’t mean it that way. I like metaphorical poetry better any day. 👍🏻
The foolishness of us mortals is my enduring thought on this piece Pryde. I reckon it happened around the time of speech, where we could weave tall tales into a narrative we made believe as truth. Some troglodyte was busy telling people of the monster he nearly caught with nothing more than a piece of string and a hook, that was mountains high and had eyes in all directions, as he (and it was a he) munched berries the women had collected that day while giggling about what excuse they'd hear tonight of why it was yet another meat free meal!
That is also why veganism caught on! 😃
Posted 3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Yep ... the desire for the esteem of the tribe and as such maintenance in the tribe, has led to some.. read moreYep ... the desire for the esteem of the tribe and as such maintenance in the tribe, has led to some outrageous tales. No doubt about that. Like your take and thought trail on this. Very amusing:)
this reminds me of an old joke I heard when I was a kid. Captain Kirk says to Spock that he wants to land on the sun and Spock responds that the Enterprise would melt within seconds and Kirk says I have a plan... were gonna land at night! One can not look at and observe Venus without feeling a sense of allure its pearly white brightness and the fact that we tend to see it more during dusk and dawn adds to her luster:) LOL but as you say so well in this poem:) sometimes the pretty shiny ones are the ones that end up eating us for breakfast:) Hmm sounds like a poetess I know
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Well you know the old cliche goes ... you can't stand the heat. Get out of the kitchen. LOL. I feel .. read moreWell you know the old cliche goes ... you can't stand the heat. Get out of the kitchen. LOL. I feel for Venus though, she really is only looking for her match:)
3 Months Ago
Great to know. But my love will not go waste. 4 yrs of sibcere care with commitment made me and my s.. read moreGreat to know. But my love will not go waste. 4 yrs of sibcere care with commitment made me and my son cared for so much. Definitely god will pay us for these years..
This speaks to me of a woman who seeks her own counsel and makes choices based on what is best for her. As humans we seem to be in this push/pull relationship between being “tamed” and remaining true to ourselves.
Remaining true to self despite the negative consequences that can sometimes result takes a lot of strength of character. I like how your poem speaks of these things as almost elemental forces. As though it’s not a choice as much as a condition of being the self. There’s something empowering about that. This is thought-provoking poetry.
Posted 3 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
3 Months Ago
Thank you so much also for this though-provoking review. You had me nodding along, as I discovered s.. read moreThank you so much also for this though-provoking review. You had me nodding along, as I discovered something new about this write. Thank you:)
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