I am never getting between you and your caffeine... that is a dangerous situation. In fact, it might be safer for us all to just invent a way of introducing it to your system intravenously. But on the plus side, apparently that wonderful chemical leads to some fantastic writing out of you, so we might actually up your dosage.
By the way, I love that your "I don't care what you think of my Starbuck's Princess" side and how you're unapologetic about it. You do such a good job of the perspective that I'm willing to bet you could write a story about two year old throwing a tantrum and actually have the reader sympathizing with what we would normally perceive as a annoying incident.
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thank you, Matt. It's all about perspective really. I mean how ridiculous to get so upset over such .. read moreThank you, Matt. It's all about perspective really. I mean how ridiculous to get so upset over such a small thing. (PS. I am not really this bad.) We are so blessed, but yeah cream is better. Part of my philosophy in this life is to laugh off as much as you can, and laugh at yourself as much as you can, leaving the fretting for the big stuff. So glad you enjoyed and another fantastic review, sir.
coffee tastes hell without cream...I loved the phrase"calories don't count in heaven"...Its tacky.....The morning cup of coffee is a bliss for many ....i wish your apron-clad friend doesn't forget to pour cream in the coffee next time
i really enjoyed this...it's real...that first cup for many is what keeps them from becoming beasts of the morning...
it really "f*****g" does...and please....watch the curse words would ya...????? my virgin eyes.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Hahaha. Just like your cup of joe, this poem came with a warning. Yeah, it was 'bloody' to begin wit.. read moreHahaha. Just like your cup of joe, this poem came with a warning. Yeah, it was 'bloody' to begin with but it didn't have the same punch as the f'bomb. Thank you, Jacob.
Yes, yes, yes. One of life's great indulgences. Should not be screwed with. To do so is sacrelige of the highest order. One of my fellow employees recently made the mistake of coming between me and my first coffee of the morning with a spleen full of bullshit, right when I was making it. It was like the way a pissed off dog gets when its guarding its food bowl. She won't be doing that again. Not even in the next life.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Hahahaha. You can relate.
11 Years Ago
Without cream for my coffee the universe becomes fractally inverted and torments me with swarms of r.. read moreWithout cream for my coffee the universe becomes fractally inverted and torments me with swarms of rabid fluffy pink writing loafers. And thats only for the first five minutes, it gets worse from there. After that they start to sing Green Day songs that have been mutilated into broadway show tunes till Ive had my fix.
11 Years Ago
It worse for me. My coffee tastes thin.
11 Years Ago
They serve thin coffee on the express elevator to hell methinks.
Oh, I could have SUCH fun with those last two words... context and innuendo be damn. But then someone would scream... I am reminded of the saying, "You shall know a word by the company it keeps." Coffee? Oh, this was about coffee... r-i-g-h-t. :)
Yes, it was about coffee and the screaming banshee that is me. Thank you, Tam.
11 Years Ago
I don't doubt that you could impersonate a screaming banshee but really, you seem much to thoughtful.. read moreI don't doubt that you could impersonate a screaming banshee but really, you seem much to thoughtful and kind to really pull it off; or am I just being a bit too naive? ^_^
11 Years Ago
I am hard on myself, perhaps. Saves others the bother.
This made me laugh. Of course I started reading it thinking "what a spoiled b*tch!" But I love that you poked fun at yourself. I can't live without my coffee, and when I have it-- it needs to be perfect. Very witty, funny poem Pryde
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Lol. I am sure that is what the guy at Whole Foods thought too. Although, I do hope I exaggerated so.. read moreLol. I am sure that is what the guy at Whole Foods thought too. Although, I do hope I exaggerated some. But yes, coffee without cream is not a good start to the day. Thank you, Dye.
Coffee... daily saving the lives of everyone around me after I wake up for over 20 years. Drink it all day, all night. On the really rough mornings, I mainline IV it right to the carotid artery. (I have the Black & Decker Caffeine Express IV accessory; it attaches right to the coffee machine with a quick connect dispenser to the Speed Brew when I'm... wait... no, I'm having fantasies about my coffeemaker again, damn it.)
On an aside: I don't shower, so much as percolate.
Had to give up the cream, though.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
For me, cream makes the coffee, without it might as well be tea, and then I'll take an Earl Grey.
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