Editing room ( or final cut )A Poem by Proxy2050A poem i wrote articulating my frustration with most established news or media sourcesNews cast maims information in the editing room the tombs of truth data twisted and contorted to their use! There it is abused, the public mind blinded with fear and reparation as long as they pay to keep these puppets displayed on the airwaves preparations will be made to evade all understanding! It invades the minds of all those seated so that they may not withstand or comprehend, only follow suggestive commands. Believing it to be of their own free will. Buy the ticket, take the ride and enjoy the thrills of deception and straight edge perceptions distant from any creative or artistic intentions. Because to see art is to be and actualize your freedom as you are art. Art in the making! An alchemic verb, a brainchild of the cosmic conciousness, call it god or what not, but what it is has always been known and not forgotten, only deep down is it sought, in the depths of our being the mystic unconscious, fragmented in thoughts obelisk the truth is only part obvious but in many it is sterilized as their minds are paralysed, memorised and hypnotized by what's being advertised before there screen lit eyes, i want to scream at them! Not that i will be the one to free them, they can only do it them selves, that is the beauty of liberation and free will. But its cut up, objectified and diluted in subjective lies presented by brazen suit and ties with pseudo honest eyes characterized and personified as the crusaders of truth so here's captain read the pre written script with the news.... Hi tom, well today every one went about there day with the average mind set one or two individuals in New York had one original thought but we wont talk about that, lets talk about the war in Iraq and pretend that we have some humility and care, but lets not question, whether or not we should still be there because we might loose our investors... they pay our wages so we know what information gets taken of our news paper pages we know who to censor, who to tell you to love and hate, what travesty went on in the world today to keep our ratings because we know fear and violence keeps the masses entertained
© 2016 Proxy2050Author's Note
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