One foxy lady called Margie Has never known a day of lethargy Her pen is a big stungun Cafe curs shot at for fun Many went weeping to the clergy!
Our Margie is such a fizzy gurl Sameness just makes her hair curl Drowning all banality In her Sea of Novelty Watch her poems swirl and twirl!
Now Margie has a chum, DitzyKat Tit for tat and happy chit-chat Off they went on a prowl Spewing limericks most foul Bloody gurls wearing such cocky hats!
Margie always appreciates my limericks so much. So these limericks are in appreciation of all her encouragement and of course her big fun limericks too!
My Review
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Maybe it's my ego talking, but these are the VERY BEST limericks from you so far! LOVE THESE! "My pen is a big stungun" -- what writer would not be straddling the moon like bucking bronco? To be a "fizzy girl" is all I ever really wanted to be! And believe me, there's nothing in the world like "tit-for-tat with Ditzy Kat." I might have to walk the fence while meowing out my ferocious limerick bubble-over! Thank you for making my day & tempting me to go on another limerick foray soon (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
I am thrilled you appreciate these! I had loads of fun sketching you here and thanks for such a deli.. read moreI am thrilled you appreciate these! I had loads of fun sketching you here and thanks for such a delightful review! Yes! Let's continue the limericks fest, dear Margie 😸💕
You always write fun limericks, Dhara, and these few are more excellent additions to your catalogue. I just wonder where you get your wit from? And your ideas are always out of this world making your poems a delight to read. :))
ahahaha spot on Kitty! can get no better tribute for dear Margie Girl! thank you for sharing and giving me such a smile and chuckle .. you two truly are on the same fence :) peace and love girls
Foxy lady. Jimi Hendrix and Margie pounding the hills.
Mind you, if Jimi turned out to be the Fed ex guy, I could foresee a purple haze.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Lol. He'll be blown away, you know that.
Or we can just bottle him and deliver him by FedEx .. read moreLol. He'll be blown away, you know that.
Or we can just bottle him and deliver him by FedEx - for free 😹
Well, you hit the mark with this trio of limericks, Dhara and they are being appreciated for their humour and wit. The form just suits your personality as a Kat. You have many witty descriptions here so well done on these. 💛
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Thanks a lot for your wonderful words my dear friend Marina 😸💕
I'm a Margie fan too and think it is great that you wrote such a lively poem about her. Especially love the line: Bloody gurls wearing such cocky hats! The poem conjures up lots of exciting imagery - think you are following in the footsteps in the Sea of Novelty!
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Its difficult to keep up with her. She's one of the most prolific and versatile writers on the site .. read moreIts difficult to keep up with her. She's one of the most prolific and versatile writers on the site but its wonderful to keep being inspired by her poetry. Thank you so much for such kind appreciation 😸💕
Margie and you are limerick chums for sure
we read in mass
there is no cure
not that kind of mass
the one in the other building's allure
happy devils go to read
no too serious poems allowed to impede.
Posted 4 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
4 Years Ago
Best buddies bonded on limericks always 😸💕 Thank you my friend!