Part I - Despair's Upbringing

Part I - Despair's Upbringing

A Chapter by Project MiR

The Infinite Being has grown tired of his seemingly pointless life. His reaction to it all will be the beginning of Despair.


A long time ago before the betwixt became what it is today, there was nothingness. Nothing existed except for a black and endless void and an all-powerful being. This being has been known as the Infinite Being who had the ability to do as he pleased with his boundless powers. He spent his days amusing himself, but was greatly depressed by his lack of companions. He eventually grew tired of his loneliness and wished to rest for eternity. However, his void was very important to him and he did not wish to leave it unattended to.

            “I have grown tired of living,” said the Infinite Being, “If I must end my meaningless existence who will watch over my void?”

            The Infinite Being pondered for days of how he could maintain his void while he took his eternal sleep. He had could do anything he imagined but even with his endless powers he was unable to find a way to solve his dilemma. He became enrage at his inability to solve what seem to be such simple a problem. The Infinite Being did not give up hope. Through his determination he not only came up with a way to sleep and have his void attended to, but to also give his life some meaning.

            “My existence has been nothing but a waste. I do not even know how or why I exist, but with this I can strike many of my issues. I am quite displeased I could not come to this conclusion earlier……I might have been able to enjoy the fruits of my newest actions.”

            The Infinite Being split himself into five new beings that he named Thomas, Albert, Mikhail, Nexus, and Abolisk. These new beings were brought into the void as confused and ignorant creatures. The Infinite Being smiled and gawked at his creations. He was quite pleased with himself and soon began to give his five beings some purpose.

            “Hello. Welcome to my void. I have created you and soon I will soon split my powers among you,” The Infinite Being said as he continued to smile at his creations, “I have become consumed by loneliness and now all I wish to do is rest eternally. Your purpose is solely to fill this void with worlds galore, fill them with inhabitants, and watch over them as they begin to flourish. Can you endure this mission?”

            All the beings looked at one another and turned to the Infinite Being and nodded as he smiled wide and began to disappear giving them one final message, “I wish you well and remember that all your powers work in unison. Without one you will lose the infinite powers I once held. I will always remain in the spirit of you all.”

            The beings that the Infinite Being created called themselves the sages. They, without hesitation, began to create world after world. Each world was widely different from the next and had its own story within it. The inhabitants of these worlds were also differ greatly from inhabitants from other worlds. Some worlds had people who could perform great feats and other worlds had those with immense and amazing powers. The sages even had their own little settlement they dwelled on. This place would eventually become known as Solace.

            The sages would inhabit Solace alone to watch over the vast amount of worlds they created in the void, which they named the Dimensional Betwixt. Though they greatly enjoyed the fruits of their labor, Abolisk began to crave some interaction with the people from other dimensions. The other sages protested against such actions as they thought that interacting with people besides themselves would create problems and get in the way of their goals and ambitions. Abolisk understood how such interactions could interfere with their sage duties and decided to give up his powers and personally rule over a dimension he created. The other sages were against such an idea, but realized that letting Abolisk go might have been best for everyone. Abolisk gave his share of the Infinite Being’s power to Nexus, his most trusted friend out of all the other sages.

            As the years passed the Dimensional Betwixt grew at an exponentially rate. The now four sages were very happy with their work. They continued to dwell at Solace and watch over the Betwixt. At the same time, Abolisk’s dimension flourished beyond expectation. Everything was going well and the Infinite Being would have been proud.

            However, the events that were soon to follow would not only bring much despair to the betwixt and all their inhabitants, but would also set in motion the events of our story.

Part I End

© 2011 Project MiR

Author's Note

Project MiR
This is an unrevised copy of my work. There may be a lot of grammatical errors. Please ignore them for now (unless they make my work unbearable)

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Added on April 8, 2011
Last Updated on April 8, 2011


Project MiR
Project MiR


Project MiR is the group for those who want to follow the progress of the novel I am writing and to lend support if they so choose. At the moment The Moon is in Your Reach (abbreviated as MiR) is stil.. more..
