Foggy Dreams
A Chapter by ProfessorPadilla
I woke up last night after having dreamt about the war, it was of the last battle I was ever in and it felt like reliving that day all over again. Having to watch men fall beside me one by one, having towers and buildings collapse on my comrades all over again, having to see the strongest of men cry and the weakest of men die, having to look down a barrel and lose my dignity all over again. When I woke up my face was wet from tears and sweat. I decided to open up a window to allow myself to cool down. As I opened the window I noticed that there was a blanket of fog covering the city behind my house. All I could see was the rooftops that breached the fog. The city looked peaceful and untouched by the war. There was a house that looked like it was decorated to prove that it survived the war. As I was panning over all the rooftops, I noticed how the mountains in the distance looked as if they were a drawn in set piece due to the fog. It was quite a beautiful sight to see how the war hadn’t touched natures beauty. Although I was enjoying the view I wasn’t really getting cooled off due to the wind blowing over my house. So I decided to go downstairs and into my front yard where I could get cooled off at. As I opened the door, I was thrown out of my joyous haze and reminded me that I still lived in a destroyed city. The houses across the street were piles of rubble and scattered mortar shells everywhere. The road was completely destroyed as well, it was full of holes and debris. The houses went on like this for blocks only leaving a few neighborhoods intact, which housed many of the POWs. Above all the rubble I could see bright lights coming from a distance. It most likely was coming from the city where they were rebuilding at. Nobody lived in that area so the city was basically worked on 24/7. As I was staring at the light, trying to imagine what they could be building, I noticed a patrol officer coming around the corner of my street. I darted towards my door, but by that time the officer had seen me and ordered me to come towards him. I obliged to his order in the fear of being shot. When I got up to him, he grabbed my wrist and looked at my number. “4121 why are you out so late? Don’t you know that you should be indoors at sunset?” “Well of course I know th…” “Then why are you out here?” “I just came out for some fresh air, that’s all officer.” “Sure you did 4121.” He sarcastically whispered to himself as he checked me for illegal drugs or weapons.
“Okay, you can go back to your rat hole 4121, but if I find you out here again, I will shoot you.” He threatened after not finding anything in my possession.
“Understood officer” I said as I turned back towards my house. When I got back inside I could feel my heart pumping and my arms were shaking. I couldn't think straight knowing that I just avoided holding death’s hand again. I went back up to my room and sat in front of the window, looking at how peaceful everything was back there. For hours I pondered on how my life would have ended up like if I would have never joined the war. I could have had the opportunity to be happy, but as my thoughts started to become fantastic dreams and optimistic ideas, the sun started to rise. The sun’s light started to fade away the fog, and started to bring me back to reality. As the fog started to disappear, I noticed that many of the houses I was looking at were destroyed. Many of the houses seemed as if they had pieces surgically removed, cut in half, or just entirely gone. The house that seemed as if it were decorated in celebration of the war, actually had a huge sign that said Happy Birthday N. As I turned my head towards the mountain I notice that the sun also had its hand in its faith. The beautifully drawn mountain turned into a dead empty hillside that had been tainted by the war. After seeing what the sun had did to my utopia, I decided to head back to bed. As I got back into bed, the thing I was hoping for was that this was just all a dream, and that I could wake back up to a foggy life once again.
© 2014 ProfessorPadilla
Author's Note
Sorry if this Chapter is short, I lost my writing journal at school and had to start this chapter over. I hope you enjoy it!!
Still such a great chapter. I would recommend saving it on your computer, flash drive and on paper to prevent future instances like this. The conversation with the cop was funny when I read it.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you Brandon :D and yeah I'm going to start storing my work on google docs. And yeah it is kind.. read moreThank you Brandon :D and yeah I'm going to start storing my work on google docs. And yeah it is kind of funny
ProfessorPadillaOxnard, CA
Hello everyone, I would like to apologize for absent these past 2 years. I've been trying to find myself and what I want to write about, well I believe I have found a new purpose for my writing an.. more..