![]() UnsealedA Chapter by Yasser![]() The Beginning![]()
Easy life, comfortable day, full plate, rich familly are things that were not meant for Justin, yet he thanks God for what he alreday has. He grew up in Maselwoods city, dreaming to be different, special... But the harsh life stood inbitween. Like any other child he made example of fictional super heroes from movies and animation, inspired by their heroic accomplishments. But hard life made him live in the real world to get a decent place in the society. Justin is 19 years old living with his parents and two younger brothers. He has black midlong haircut and dark brown eyes with an athletic body, making his way to his future career through College life, while enjoying simple moments.
Sunday morning, He wakes up, gets dressed up, and heads out to attend his classes.. At the College's gate, he meets his friend Miles, average height, black hair with normal haircut who is keen on watch anime and drawing their pictures which he does best, Miles has drawings of his making all over his room walls of characters like, Itatchi, Miliodas, Iskanor... He is a nice guy who comes from another city to study in Stanbord College.. "Hey bro", said Justin in tiring tone, Miles replied in wander "Hey Justin, what's up with you this morning?!", "I had long day working at the bakery" Justin continues "then, I hit the gym for work out, I barely stood up from bed this morning". Miles said in a laughter "who is stupid enough to do such thing!!" Justin gazed at Miles. Miles added with a light smile "wrong question, sorry bro". Justin's phone rang. He quickly answered it. Suddenly, unclear loud angry voice exploded out. Justin started "Good Morning to you too Honey". It is Wendy, Justin's girlfriend. They started dating 7 months ago. She is a shy smart girl with long brown hair and short heightened. Wendy is two years younger than Justin. Justin continued talking on the phone, struggling to explain himself "Yes yes I know... No I swear I was tired and I unconsciously fell asleep... Okay I'm sorry...... Yea, sure I will make it up to you tonight, I will buy you your favorite chocolate... Yes I promise." Then, he hang up. Justin turned around to Miles finding him laughing silently. "Don't say anything, let's just go to our classes" said Justin in an upset tone. "I won't say a word" replied Miles, still laughing. They walked together to the hallway then parted ways to classes. Justin attended usual boring Business Management class. It felt like forever. The class ended. Justin still tired, lays his head on the table, grabing whatever little rest he can get. Moments later, he hears gentle footsteps approaching his way. "Good morning Justin, How are you doing today?" Female voice greeted him in joy. Justin raises up his head to answer. It was Catherine. Justin's classmate. "O Morning Catherine. I'm good.. I guess. How was your weekend?!" Justin replied. "It was fine. I went shopping with my friends and we hang out". "You had fun, good". "I was wandering" Catherine said in hesitation. "Yes!". "I didn't grasp the lesson of last week in British Civilisation class and I was hoping... Maybe tonight..". "I would love to help you Cath but I have important plans for tonight, maybe tomorrow". "It's okay, nevermind" Catherine sighted. Then, slowly walked away, lowering her head in sadness. Miles steped in to Justin and said , shaking his head " sometimes, you are dumper than you look like". And started "She is obviously into you". "Nah, she just needs my help with study". "Of course, the bright girl of your class needs your help with study" replied Miles mocking him. "Even if she likes me, I'm already taken". Explained Justin. "Besides If Wendy finds out that I'm helping a girl, she will kill me in cold blood". "Yea you are right, she becomes scary when it comes to you" agreed Miles. Justin and Miles chatted until the next class started then Miles left for his class. Justing fights the urge to sleep and and stayed focused for the rest of the classes. After the long day finished, he steped out of the classroom looking for Miles. Suddenly, Justin received a text from Miles "Sorry bro I had to leave early for work". Justin puts phone back to his pocket and heads back home. Four hours later, he is praparing himself for his date with Wendy. He puts on his new black shirt and dark blue jeans. And heads out to the Central Mall where they usual hang out. On his way, he stopped by a small yellow painted store that has long shelves of different catigorized candies and chocolates. He bought honey chocolate that Wendy adores since childhood. After fifteen minutes of walking, he finally reaches the Mall. The most crowded area in the city with tall green trees all over the place and beautiful Garden containing many different flowers that makes one feel relaxing. Justin is walking and looking around for Wendy. "Late as usaul" upset voice called out from behind. "Sorry honey, I didn't pla.." replied Justin while turning around to her then paused. There stood Wendy wearing beautiful bleu dress with thin red belt, and making pony tail out of her brushed hair. "Wow, who is this beautiful lady!" Complementing her. "Being sweet won't make up for making me mad" "Well, maybe honey chocolate will!". Wendy quickly hugged Justing so tightly saying "I missed you, dumpy". "What's wrong with everyone today calling me dump?!" Wandered Justin to himself. Then, he replied" I missed you more my love, My day wouldn't be so tiring if you were around". "Then, don't let go of me". "I won't." Wendy stepped back. "So are we going to eat something or what! I'm starving.". "Yes let's go" said Justin before he holding her hand. Then continues "but Please take it easy on me I don't have much money". "Noway, I'm going to try out every single plate of the restaurant". "O God, it's gonna be a long night" sighted Justin. They walked holding hands to their usual restaurant. ---------- Meanwhile, eight thousand miles away, in the middle of nowhere, lays an incient large temple with two tall towers on both sides. Inside it, more than fifty red robe hooded people circling aroud great fire, chanting in a weird language. "Everything is prepared for the ritual, Master, both the Tenda clan and the Sora clan are here" said one of the hooded people in fear to a strange big boded man siting on a giant chair like a throne in the dark. "Very well, now we wait for the full moon at midnight" replied the strange man. "Master, If we could wait for another hundred years and we may find a way to restore your powers, I mean if unseal it now, not only your chakra will awkens but the entire world's as well.." and the hooded man continues in low voice. "Silence!" The strange man interpreted in a scary tone "The Seal must be broken tonight, I have to make him pay for what he did to me". "Ye..yes Master, as you please". ---------- Justin and Wendy walking out of the restaurant. "O my God, you ate alot" Justin sighs. "You said you like me chubby, plus you owe me so much more for making me worry last night" Wendi justifies. "So did it work?!". Wendy paused for a second then replied "emm almost". Wendy moved closer to Justin's side while walking and graped his left arm with both hands. "You are hard to satisfy". "Learn to live with it". "I am". They both laughed. "It is passed 10 o'clock, I need to get you home now or your father will kill me" Justin sighs. "Time ticks away fast when we are together" Wendy replied in joy. "Well, learn to live with it" justin laughs. Wendy hits Justin's arm "stop imitating me". "Sorry, It can't be helped" Justin continues in light laughter "you look cute when you get angry". Wendy tightens her grap on Justin's arm. They continue chatting and laughing until they arrives at Wendy's house. Silent neighborhood with a couple of cars parking close by. Wooden house painted by green not so big, not so small but simple yet beautiful one. Purple plants placed on both sides of its door. "Here we are" Justin said "I hope you enjoyed our evening". "I had so much fun babe" Wendy replied smiling. "I'm glad to hear that" Justin starts "take care of yourself for me and don't neglect your studies, okay?". "Don't worry my love I will make you proud of me". "Good, now go rest my dear you have early classes tomorrow". "What!! That's it!!". "Did I forget something?!". "Yes you did, where is my kiss!!" "Sorry baby not tonight, your father is staring at us from the window". "Great." Wendy sighs. Justin shouted toward the window "Good evening, Mr Stewart". But he only raises his hand and waves at him slowly for a moment. "And he doesn't look happy" Justin wisperes to Wendy. "Nevermind him, he is always like this but he likes you." "I have no doubt about that" Justin replied in a mocking tone. Justin holds her cheeks and kisses her forhead "I love you". "I love you more sweetie". Justin watchs Wendy walks toward the door. They wave at each other then Wendy enters and Justin heads back home. ---------- Few minutes from midnight, back at the temple, the hooded man chants strange languge, then one of them with a golden cup walks and stops at each one of them, he makes slight cut in their palms, pours a drop of blood from them, then walks to the centre of the circle. There lays a two meters tall bright white scroll. He chants some strange words then pours down the cup on the scroll, he writes some ancient symbols, then he puts his hands together and make hands combinations moves (Ninjutsu) , he cuts his finger with a bite then he places his plam on the scroll "Blood Moon Seal release" the man shouted. Suddenly, the white bright moon in the sky starts turning red as blood, then fire ignites in the scrolls and burns it down. "It has been done, Master" hooded man said lowering his head. " I've wiated three thousand years for this, finally I will retrieve my glory and seek my revenge on him" The strange scary man on the throne said in a high laughter. © 2019 YasserFeatured Review
3 Reviews Added on June 29, 2019 Last Updated on June 29, 2019 Related WritingPeople who liked this story also liked..