Curiosity Killed Society
A Book by Megan
Jenna is separated from her family at the start of a zombie apocalypse. Follow her on her adventure to reunite with them as she travels with unwanted company, including the rude voice inside her head. 
© 2013 Megan
Author's Note
I wrote and finished this story two years ago. now I'm coming back to fix it up. I'll try to update once a week. :) Tell me what you think.
The Prologue got me immediately, and Chapter One was equally entertaining, but I my interest dropped off in the middle of Chapter Two. I'm not sure why though.
I think part of it is a vaguely psychopathic protagonist. Someone who feels no guilt and doesn't worry about feeling guilt for fairly atrocious acts is very hard to relate to, its the same reason I could never read American Psycho. So in other words, don't take my opinion to heart and keep writing what you want to :D
That being said, your style is wonderful and you can really keep the action flowing. I love your world as well.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you. :) When I started rewriting this, and I came across Jenna's attitude and my past-self's o.. read moreThank you. :) When I started rewriting this, and I came across Jenna's attitude and my past-self's obsession with expressing Jenna's guilt, I felt a little put off too. I don't much like it myself, and I've cut a bit out. But it is part of her decreasing sanity. :) Anyway, thank you for reviewing, and I'm pleased to know that you like how I write.
11 Years Ago
That's the hardest, writing character quirks that can be off putting. Not to bring up my story, but .. read moreThat's the hardest, writing character quirks that can be off putting. Not to bring up my story, but I have character who is always angry. He's got very good reasons, but he looses his temper at the drop of a hat. It took a lot of work and rewriting to still make him likable, even in the middle of a rage.
I think Jenna needs something else, to distract from the psychopathic tendencies.
A good example for you might be Brandon Sanderson's Warbreaker (WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD!!!)
For about half the book the protagonist is running around with some mercenaries who are charming and very funny. Then it turns out, no they had kidnapped her so completely she didn't even know she had been kidnapped, and worse she LIKED those men. Even after she runs away she can't quite believe they killed her friends and would kill her. One of the dudes even had been killing his pets through out the book, and it's played for laughs until you find out why his pets keep *disappearing*. Jenna is a great "plucky girl" but I think she needs more charm to distract from the crazy.
11 Years Ago
I'm not too charming myself, so it's not easy for me to instill charm into my writing. But I will c.. read moreI'm not too charming myself, so it's not easy for me to instill charm into my writing. But I will certainly try. Because yo're right; it's very hard to keep reading a book you really enjoy when you don't like the protagonist. I am trying to make her more likeable as I go into the story though. Plus... Well, (WARNING, SPOILERS FOR MY STORY even though it gets pretty obvious) Jenna eventually ends up falling for Jackson (I think you meet him in chapter two). Hopefully that bit of romance is enough to pull the girls in a bit more.
Also, something that might have pushed you away in chapter two is the fact that it was a VERY rocky chapter. Jenna was even less likeable and everything was silly and overdone. It was extremely awkward to edit. Additionally, it has been a good year and a half since I originally wrote this, so it felt like something I'd never seen before. Lately I've been speeding up in my editing, but in the beginning stages it was all very askew and lumpy and delicate. If that makes sense.
1 Review
Added on February 19, 2013
Last Updated on February 19, 2013
Tags: zombie, apocalypse, jenna, tempethine, curiosity, killed, society, humor, insanity
I'm floating between a lot of stories right now until one catches some amount fof attention. more..