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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Chill....We're Just Friends

Chill....We're Just Friends

A Chapter by Hannah

Nicholes changing personality is irritating, and Kaci's alone time with Brian is a little....interesting. Is she crushing on her ex crush again? And seriously does she have a chance?


Nichole smirked at my expression,then as if another person had taken over her,she changed her expression completely. Now there was a look of concern on her face. I couldn't think of anything coherent to say, I was full of 'But's' 'You said' and 'Arghhhhhhh' so I sat back down.


"Oh Kaci you know I'm just joking." She reached over and gently patted my kneecap.


'Whats up with this chick.....what am I supposed to say to that?'


I said nothing, I just gawked....not because of what she said,but because of her entire mood change. It was all borderline bipolar to me...simply..INSANE.


"Kace I'm sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction ok. Look me and him were just having a conversation...that's it. I prommmmmmmmmise. Chill...we're just friends ok?"


I nodded slowly, I mean I still didn't know what to say. What else was there to do except look at her and nod?


A friendly smile took over her face and I questioned whether she had been that way all along and it was my fault,but I wasn't able to question myself for long because her iPhone sang.


'Moment of Honesty,

Someone's gotta take the lead tonight

Whose it gonna be?

I'll stay right here and tell you all that comes to me

If you have something to say, you should say it right now.

You give me a feeling that I've never felt before

and I deserve it, I know I deserve it

Its becoming something that's impossible to ignore

and I can't take it

I was wondering if maybe, could I make you my baby?

If we do the unthinkable will it make us look crazy?

If you ask me I'm ready'


She sang to Brians ringtone until she got to her favorite verse and then answered.


"Hello? Hey baby!"


I sunk into my chair.


'Baby? Seriously?'


"Yeah. Oh...really? Tonight? Yeah....your place it is." A giggle escaped her lips and from the looks of her heated expression,nostrils flaring,lip-licking,eyes-dilating,crossing and uncrossing her legs, and that smile on her face,they were talking about sex.


Or something like it.


She hung up and fell on my pillows. She stared up at my ceiling and counted my glow in the dark stars(My hobby as a fourth grader when glow in the dark was in).Then she turned her head slightly and looked at me.


I rolled my eyes.


"Whattttttttt?" She gushed.


Oh she knew what.


"Soooooo..." I drew out the o until I could add more to my question, "You're gonna have sex with your non-boyfriend?"


"Girl hushhhhh. We aint gonna do anything."


But that look of pure ecstasy and fantasy on her face betrayed her.


"Uh huh. Ok."


Within five minutes her cell-phone sang 'Unthinkable' and she was up and running out the door.


"So I get no goodbyes!?" I shouted as she left out.


My answer was a door slam and Brians loud, "Wuzzup Kiddddddd."


I went to my window and peeped out the blinds. I could see them stumbling down the sidewalk to his car, kissing and wrestling with eachother. I just shook my head and tucked myself under my comfertor(with my day clothes still on). I still couldn't get that gnawing feeling of despair,hurt and mistreatment to go away...and I could feel a growing depression.


'This is what happens when you're friends with Nichole'


Addition: Rule 6 'Casual sex means nothing if the guy is a Mr. Right Now'


The next week I stood on the corner of the next street waiting for my school bus. I honestly hated riding the bus to and from schools,but its something I had to do. But here are the reasons I hated riding the bus.


1. I had to wake up an extra hour early (5:45 a.m)

2. I had to catch the bus at 7 a.m. (school didn't start until 8:15 a.m.)

3. I had to ride with kids who bullied me from elementary to middle school (yeah theres a reason why they stopped in high school......fist fist POW)

4.People with motion sickness puke in the aisle.


That morning as I waited for the bus,sitting on the curb on the sidewalk and fidgeting in my new skinny jeans(mama made me buy them,she thought they were cute and in....which they were...but lets face it I'm not IN...I'm OUT) sandals and twisting locks of neck length freshly permed hair a car pulled up beside me. I looked around waiting for someone to run to the car and hop in,but nobody came. I could see some of the kids I went to school with walking to catch the bus, maybe it was somebody for them. I began to worry as the window on the passenger side of the black gleaming car rolled down. I had always pictured myself getting kidnapped that vulnerable looking....with a god damn book in my hand! I stuffed the book into my backpack and stood up so I could make a run for it.


"KACI!" I had to turn around(because I was walking away from the car) and as I did so strands of my flatironed hair whipped around and fell in my face.


I peered in the car and sighed in relief. It was just Brian.


"Hey Brian." I smiled apologetically.


I could see that he had on his varsity jacket for the coming cold (it was October) a plain white t-shirt and dark blue jeans.Man he looked good....and he was alone.


Where was Nichole? Usually thats where she sat in the morning...then again it was early...really stupid early.


"Trying to run away from me huh?" He smirked at me.


I walked closer to the car and peered in through the passengers window bending down just a tad bit.


"No, I'm sorry....I thought you were a kidnapper or something. A rapist or something crazy like that. Whose car are you in?"


He chuckled at the first part of my statement. I loved the way he smiled and the way his whole face changed when he was amusing. The perfect blend of sweetness and mischief in one expression. That day he wore glasses and they made him look extraordinarily handsome.


"Kidnapper? Why would I do that to you Kaci? For one purpose maybe...."


'Say what nowwww?"


I laughed at that in surprise, there was so much sexual connotation I could've swam in it.


It was


and I was actually (at that moment) pretty...


not that I'm ugly...


its that moment I was pretty and he saw...and maybe the sexual innuendo was because I was pretty...right then and there.


"Wait was that?" I asked still laughing.




Oh but that grin on his face told it all...and then the grin was gone just as quickly,replaced with something a bit more friendlier.


"But anyway,this is my mamas car. I thought I oughta do a favor for her. So I took her car and filled it up with gas, my cars at home."


'Thump thump'


"Thats so....sweet."


I felt warmth on my chest and looked down to see my hand resting If I was going to have a heart attack and that would stop it. I dropped my hand and held back an embarrassed blush.


"Thanks....I try to be every now and then. Where are you going?"


"Oh, I catch the bus for school every morning....."


I looked at my wristwatch.


7:21 a.m.


"Damn...he's late again!"


That was maybe the fifth time the bus driver had been late that month, and I had to wait an extra twenty minutes for him to show up, and then sometimes we got to school late...




"So when did this start?"


I thought back, "Before school started, my mama got a new job and she has to be gone by 6 a.m. so me and JoJo have to catch the bus for now."


"Oh wheres JoJo now?"


I shrugged, "He spent the night at a friends house, their mom drove them this morning."


"Well-up.....hop in then patna."




"Yeah, Imma drop mamas car off and  chill....are you in a hurry?"


I popped the lock up and hopped in his car(clumsily lol)


"I am definitely NOT in a hurry. Thank you Briannnnnn."


I must've been extremely happy because the thank you hug I was supposed to give him turned into a cheek kiss.


His eyes bugged out and his smile was huge, "It must be my birthday or something. My first kiss from you. I must be doing something right."


I blushed, "Sorry...I just really hate riding the bus."


"Naw its cool, I'm just playing with you."


He concentrated on his driving, putting the car in the drive gear. Brian turned the wheel smoothly with one hand and glided down the street, I talked to him as he drove.


"So where is Nichole?"


He smiled,bit his lip and turned the wheel of the car smoothly. It was a few seconds before he answered.


"Honestly I don't know whats up with your girl Kaci. One minute we cool and the next she's telling me she wants I'm giving her space this morning."


"Oh." I nodded and stared out the window.


"You look really nice by the way."


I could feel his eyes on me, and that made me blush even more. I didn't work so well with attention, and I think he noticed.


"Awww....don't be shy Kaciiiiiii. You know you look good right now."


I turned just to swat at him, "Oh shut up!"


"You do, got your your little hair did, some skinny jeans, hips out for the world to seeeee....oooooh weeee maynneeeeeee. If it wasn't for Nicholeeeeee."


His face screamed playfulness,so I had to push down the ache slowly settling in my chest.


'If it wasn't for Nichole'


Brian had been another guy I'd had a crush on. Ninth and tenth grade crush until I told Nichole, and she swooped and had him just like that.


He turned into his mamas driveway as I pushed away the thoughts and parked.


"Gimme a minute."


I got out of his car and followed him in instead of waiting. The door was wide open and his mom..was....well I didn't know where she was but I wasn't going to wait outside. It was boring.


I stood at what I presumed to be his doorway and watched as he grabbed his backpack and found some keys.


"I thought you said we were going to chill here first.....what don't want me in your room?" I teased.


He did that bite-smile thing and stood there watching as I made my way over to the lone chair in his room and sat down.


" might want to get up from there."


'Nice Kaci, look what you did. Keep pushing your luck Kace,push it until nobody likes you!'


"Oh I'm sorry!" I hopped up immediately and walked to his doorway,


"I should've waited in the car and not come in my bad."


"No, no. Kacie your fine. I promise." There his hand was reaching out to grab my arm,but it dropped awkardly to his side.


"I told you not to sit there....cuz I had sex in that chair."


'Oh wow.'


"Oh'll wait outside."


He gave me an apologetic smile as I scurried out of his room embarrassed. I waited outside just as I said I would and within a minute he was walking out jiggling his keys in the air.


"Lets ride!" 

© 2011 Hannah

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Added on May 9, 2011
Last Updated on May 9, 2011