Six Word Tale#1
A Poem by
Pragati Chaudhary
Words are all I have
She: him
he: him Constitution legalized
© 2017 Pragati Chaudhary
Author's Note
Hope you like that!
:)))) Don't ask don't tell. hahahaha. Nice piece.
Posted 7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Thankyou Mirror :)
By changing the grammar you can definitely break the ancient and obsolete practices to much extent. Quite smart.
Posted 7 Years Ago
By changing the grammar you can definitely break the ancient and obsolete practices to much extent. Quite smart.
7 Years Ago
Thankyou soo much :)
Thats clever......
I also liked ashwin shankar comment below......
And it also matched ....
Posted 7 Years Ago
Thats clever......
I also liked ashwin shankar comment below......
And it also matched ....
7 Years Ago
Thankyou SSR!
Good word play portrayed here, Pragati!😊
Congratulations, you've formed a great six word tale,gal.
Pat on your back *😊*
Posted 7 Years Ago
Good word play portrayed here, Pragati!😊
Congratulations, you've formed a great six word tale,gal.
Pat on your back *😊*
7 Years Ago
Ohhhhhhhh M too glad u liked it
Thankyou Soooo much Saumya
Keep reviewing read more Ohhhhhhhh M too glad u liked it
Thankyou Soooo much Saumya
Keep reviewing
7 Years Ago
😊you're most welcome, Pragati!
Its always a pleasure reviewing your works.
7 Years Ago
Awwww that's soo sweet!
This is what counts as poetry nowadays?
Posted 7 Years Ago
This is what counts as poetry nowadays?
7 Years Ago
Its a bit like Zen Koan style.
7 Years Ago
Its a Six word Short Tale
Is this about the constitution legalizing gay marriage?
Maybe it could be
"I now pronounce you
Husband and Husband"
But won't fit in six words :P
Posted 7 Years Ago
Is this about the constitution legalizing gay marriage?
Maybe it could be
"I now pronounce you
Husband and Husband"
But won't fit in six words :P
7 Years Ago
Now, This is too funny!
If two commit. One union formed. Thank you Pragati for sharing your amazing poetry.
Posted 7 Years Ago
If two commit. One union formed. Thank you Pragati for sharing your amazing poetry.
7 Years Ago
Ohh! Thankyou soo much Coyote
I'll share more of the Six Word tales!
7 Years Ago
You did well and you are welcome.
Reading your words it amazes me how much can be voiced in 6 words. A whole world it seems.
Posted 7 Years Ago
Reading your words it amazes me how much can be voiced in 6 words. A whole world it seems.
7 Years Ago
Ohh That made my day!
Thankyou soo much Owl!
Keep reading!
7 Years Ago
Just so glad to have you here sharing! :)
I do like that. There is near endless meaning to it. So I sent a read on that subject into your inbox.
Posted 7 Years Ago
I do like that. There is near endless meaning to it. So I sent a read on that subject into your inbox.
7 Years Ago
Thankyou William
Keep reviewing!
9 Reviews
Added on September 8, 2017
Last Updated on September 8, 2017
Pragati Chaudhary Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India
I am a box of thought process in glee!
An Indian girl, bit far from the acidic attitudes and unavoidable nuisances.
I write when my mind and heart goes for a walk together :)
Welcome to my pieces..
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