

A Poem by Leviathus Fortes

Willingly I travel
Down the path that you do choose
My heart, I can't deny
For if I follow, I won't lose

Snowflakes fall to this Earth
Each one is special and unique
Just like the dance that is called life
To be open and to listen, shows that none of us are weak

In essence all around us
True salvation will you hold
A message of inspiration
An answer sought, shall then unfold

Weary is my mind
But strong, Oh is my heart
I trust in it as always
For that's where to end and always start

Questions lead to answers
Thus, the cycle does repeat
Forever trapped, to only wonder
To makes sense, to make complete

I know not where I'm going
But I follow anyway
The skies are now more blue
When, at one time, they were gray

Passion leads to splendor
For joy is what it makes
To trust in it so fully
Means that I shall never break

Fondly as I think back
To reflect upon events
I step forward to see new things
My time not wasted, only spent

Life is an enigma
Infinite as much as I
Looking forward, choosing a path
Fear no failure, I must try

To find a sacred bonding
To share my heart as one
When I reach my destination
The game is over and I've won

For I am always guided
The truth of all has been revealed
My spirit broke or my heart shattered
The truest faith shall keep it healed

Take with me a lesson
I welcome all that has come forth
Inspired by elation
I now know what to move toward

Although I have no answers
It's not for me to question yet
Call religious, love, commitment
What you give is what you get

The Golden Rule, I follow
It's never once led me astray
A principle of guidance
That I will answer for one day

Wrapped up, like in a blanket
Encased inside a ring
Like a kindly word or feeling
Like a song you want to sing

A caring hand to hold you
That's what we really need
An awakening so brilliant
That brings us to our knees

Arms to wrap around us
To show that we are loved
They have always been there
Just seek the answer from above

© 2015 Leviathus Fortes

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Added on January 22, 2015
Last Updated on January 22, 2015
Tags: Willingly


Leviathus Fortes
Leviathus Fortes


Be inspired by others and you will inspire yourself, which in turn WILL inspire others. - Hercule Will --- I've always felt the need to write. Even if, at times, it seems to myself tha.. more..

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A Poem by Leviathus Fortes