Chapter Three from The Time of the Changing

Chapter Three from The Time of the Changing

A Chapter by Polly Lewis

Ana begins her journey of discovery.



Chapter Three
                Sinaria was a pastel world of grace and beauty; the embodiment of all that was pure and just in a universe of conflict and contrast. It symbolized goodness, a blending of light and power, every mountain and pasture filled with the magic of its illustrious queen. And all who inhabited this extraordinary land basked in the glow of love and peace that exuded from every pore. It was warm and safe yet full of wonders and tantalizing surprises, and each closely guarded secret represented an enticing challenge to the small child as slowly, day by day she began to explore her strange new surroundings.
                After the return of her memory it had taken Ana almost three weeks to recover her strength and find the will to leave her bed. The shock of seeing her grandparents in their true form had also been difficult to overcome. On Earth they had appeared old and fragile, like normal grandparents, always there when she needed a hug and constantly providing a delicious assortment of goodies when she was feeling down. But here they were young and strikingly beautiful, their yellow eyes and jet-black hair perfectly complimenting their olive skin. They were tall and slender, both standing over six feet, and their voices were warm and filled with strength and power.
                In the end, her curiosity had finally won out, and she could no longer resist a proper look at those marble statues. Their vibrancy nagged at her inquisitive nature, tempting her from the bed, and on closer inspection she had instantly seen they were in fact a perfect likeness of her two devoted grandparents. This made her feel happy and safe, watched by constant guardians who never left her alone. 
                The palace itself was another unending source of fascination, ceaseless in its corridors and passageways running in all directions, and Ana had already learnt that each of the six floors had a different coloured theme. She soon realised she could use this to navigate the vast building, and was making new discoveries on a daily basis.
                The ground floor was white, its grand bedchambers playing host to the royal family, while the floors above housed most of the other occupants, although a few shy Sinarians did choose to live in small villages scattered outside the palace walls. The first floor was cream, then pink for the second, followed by lilac, lemon then finally light blue at the very top.
                Ana’s room was on the ground floor along with her grandparents, although just where the palace was had become a bit of a mystery. Strange white mist swirled on all sides of the vast landscape and could be seen from the edges of her veranda and throughout the palace. There were magnificent gardens within the palace walls, and spectacular lakes and mountains beyond. However, even on the distant horizon, way past the seven towering peaks the mist could still be seen, its mystical glow unmistakable. The only place that seemed to escape the daunting barrier was the clear blue sky above, and when she looked up at its familiar beauty she could almost believe she was back on Earth.
                Upon her recovery she had been given the freedom to roam wherever she wished as long as she avoided the white wall and curiosity still niggled. However there were countless rooms to be investigated inside the palace and all manner of strange people and creatures to meet, and for the moment she was content and happy to obey the rules while she surveyed this vast and magical empire. 
                As she awoke to find another perfect day brightening her room, she stretched lazily and thought about the adventures lying in wait. Today she would explore the Great Hall. It was to be her last day of freedom and she wanted to make the most of it, for tomorrow she would start her lessons with Professor Bloom. She was excited about learning her history and discovering, as her grandfather had put it, her powerful magic, but the thought of studying was not quite as appealing. Professor Bloom was apparently dedicated to teaching, but his stuffy manner and steely gaze made her a little uncomfortable and she doubted his classes would be much fun.
                Throwing back the lace quilt, she swung her legs to the side of her huge bed and slid to the edge. Through an archway to the right of the bedchamber was a stunning bathing area, and rubbing her eyes she headed towards it, skipping across the blue tiles. Four steps led down into a sunken bath in the middle, and in the corner of the room was an ornate marble shower. The water came out through the mouth of a large marble dolphin when you walked underneath it, and deciding this would be the faster option she swiftly moved beneath it.
                Once she was washed, she dressed in a comfortable pair of pale blue cotton leggings with matching silk blouse, and pulled on her cream knee length suede boots. Peering into the mirror, she tied back the shoulder length black ringlets with a white satin ribbon. Then finally satisfied she set off for the dining room to join her grandparents for a delicious breakfast.
                As she entered the tranquil space, she marvelled at the beautiful glass table that appeared to float in the centre of the room. Open archways leading to the gardens lined each side, and the white marble floor reflected light back up to the ceiling making the whole room sparkle and shimmer. Everything on this floor was white except for the floor in Ana’s room. The fabulous blue marble had been specially requested by her mother to inspire the imagination of her beautiful daughter.
                Greeting her grandparent’s excitedly she took her place at the table and watched with pleasure as an assortment of delicious freshly baked pastries and cakes were placed before them. There was warm bread with layers of butter and honey, poached and scrambled eggs gathered that very morning, and ice-cold juices, freshly squeezed from hand picked apples and oranges.
                Once she had finished, she asked her grandparents if she could leave the table and with permission granted she ran off in the direction of the Great Hall.
                A little intrigued Lucas turned to Alandra, a quizzical expression lifting his features. “Riana seems very excited this morning; is she aware of tomorrow’s gruelling schedule?”    
                “Yes she is,” replied the queen, “but the potential treasures of the Great Hall seem to be distracting her a little.”
                “It is good to see her laughing again, and behaving like a six year old child. However, should we not be a little careful?”
                The queen rose from her seat and walked towards the gardens. “Her powers are bound; there is no danger, Lucas. Soon enough we will return her to the world for which she was born.”
                Cautiously now he moved to her side. “Have you spoken to Mylia?”
                “No, but she has requested an audience.” Alandra paused by an archway and looked down at her hands. “Our time runs short my love.”
                Finally reaching her destination, Ana pushed open the gigantic white doors to the Great Hall and lingered in the doorway surveying her surroundings. She had only been in this wonderful room once before, and then it had been filled with people waiting to meet her and present her with strange gifts. It had seemed fairly big on that occasion, but now, standing alone in the emptiness, the immense size was almost inconceivable to a small child.
                Slowly she walked to the centre of the room and stood mesmerized by the spectacular chandelier hanging directly above. The glass sparkled, reflecting colours from the flowering trees outside the windows. Pinks, blues and greens bathed the white room in an amazing rainbow of dazzling colour and almost unable to contain her excitement she marvelled at the wonderful sight, pondering its beauty. When night fell hundreds of crystals would beam candlelight from the main chandelier outwards around the room, igniting dozens of smaller glass lights adorning the walls and it was difficult to decide which part of the day was the most impressive.   
                Finally, unable to decide she turned her attention to the rows of glass chairs lining the room, and skipped towards the sparkling furniture. Then seating her self on one of the chairs she closed her eyes and began to imagine the scene of a great ball.
                Beautiful women in delicate pastel gowns swirled around the floor in the arms of men wearing blue velvet jackets and white silk leggings. Pink and cream roses from the palace gardens added scent and elegance to the jovial atmosphere. And seated on their glittering thrones her grandparents sat serenely, overseeing the proceedings from their royal platform.      
                Suddenly, thoughts of her parents flooded her mind their unexpected appearance bringing tears to her eyes, and she squeezed her lids tighter together to shut out the vision. But her heightened senses were picking up an event of great importance from the past and without training she struggled to disengage her increasing power. Their presence filled the room, fierce emotions maintaining the vision and as Ana watched she not only viewed the scene but also felt their terrible anguish. They seemed to be wrestling with a monumental decision, a choice neither of them wished to make, and instinctively Ana knew that a binding agreement had been reached and sealed in this very room. She was witnessing the decision that had killed her mother; the fatal agreement to take their child to Earth, and calling on her willpower Ana at last managed to break free from the vision, anxious to escape the sadness of the past.
                Rising from the chair she moved back to the middle of the room, wiping at her tears. Then courageously jutting out her chin she continued to explore the Great Hall, glancing around at the elaborate surroundings. Her eyes settled on the glass throne now directly in front of her and dazzled by its magnificence she took a tentative step, gripping her left ear.
                Gently, at first, she began to feel a strange pull of energy beckoning her forward and her perfectly smooth brow creased in confusion. She crept towards it, pausing before the platform, unsure whether to proceed. Then locked in its unknown magic she slowly mounted the dais steps.  
                Her head swam with dark images, a strange, hypnotic trance gripping her mind. She stared at the throne, lost and unseeing, her pulse racing. Then unable to stop she began to walk forward, the compelling force driving her on.
                As she turned to sit down an insistent thumping pounded her chest, the force almost painful, and she fought in vain to contain the cause. It pulsed through her veins, fierce and primal, mingling with her own innocent blood, struggling to be free. And no longer able to fight she finally gave in to its terrifying power.
                Caught in its spell she placed her hands on each arm, pulling herself up to sit upon the sparkling throne, her face a porcelain mask of malevolence. And as she threw back her head the power finally engulfed her and dark magic rose to the surface, burning her skin.
                Instantly her bright green eyes simmered to black, dark ebony orbs, glaring maliciously. And gripping the arms she tried desperately to control the power, her tiny knuckles growing white with the strain. She trembled, the innocence inside once again fighting to contain the terrible force burning within. Then suddenly her mouth went dry, her lips parted and a deep, dark voice erupted from her throat. Nazula!”
                The word for release echoed across the Great Hall, unleashing the tiny creature. And unaware of the danger it posed Ana watched the brown moth flutter towards an open window before slumping slowly from the throne to the cold, hard, marble floor.
                Strolling through the gardens Alandra felt the vibrations shake the ground and reacted immediately. “Cian,” she whispered, using her magic to transport. And almost instantly she sat beside Ana’s tiny form, lying helplessly on the floor.
                Lucas appeared beside her and reached out to lift the child, checking her first for wounds. Then finding nothing, he carried her gently back to her room and lay her down on the huge bed.
                She stirred slowly, opening her eyes and staring at her grandfather in confusion. Her trembling hand moved to her left ear lobe and Lucas stroked her shiny black curls and whispered reassuringly. “It’s alright now, Riana, you just had a fall.”  
                A few nervous moments past as Lucas continued to soothe his granddaughter, and then finally the air buzzed and his wife appeared having just completed a thorough investigation of the Great Hall. She lingered by the bed, her face unreadable, then gazing at her husband with concern Alandra finally spoke. “I found nothing…”
                The horror of that frightening day seemed nothing but a distant memory, and thankfully, once again the child had recovered quickly. But now, the queen faced an even more daunting trial and her hands trembled as she headed for her long overdue meeting with the insistent priestess.
                She had delayed their meeting for as long as possible, allowing five months to pass by without responding to the request for an audience. Until finally, unable to tell a lie she had run out of feasible excuses, and it was at last time to confront her own unavoidable fear.
                Assuming her usual regal posture she walked through the pathway of swaying lavender that led to the rose garden; the wonderful fragrance from the small purple flowers calming her mood as she brushed past. Then smiling affectionately she approached Mylia with unwavering confidence.
                Under the shade of a huge willow tree, the priestess sat in deep meditations, however sensing the queen’s arrival she raised her violet eyes to watch her approach.
                Alandra nodded a silent greeting, aware of her reddening cheeks. Then taking a seat on the cool grass beside her adviser she took a moment to admire the stunning array of flowers clustered around them. Roses in all colours swayed softly in the gentle breeze, the heavy floral scent almost overwhelming, and the queen welcomed the brief distraction.  
                Finally, however, she could delay no longer, and clearing her throat she turned to Mylia, who had been waiting patiently for the queen to speak. Tell me what you have seen, Mylia?” she questioned, locking her gaze.
                “You already know what I am going to say, Majesty.”
                “It is time to send Riana back.” Her words were a statement of fact, not another question.
                “Yes. Her memories must be buried and replaced with a new life until the time of the Changing,” answered Mylia. Sadness touched her face as she spoke, and tactfully, she broke the queen’s gaze.
                “What of her training? She has only spent a few short months with Professor Bloom,” Alandra responded.Hope resounded in the sentence, although in her heart she knew there was none.
                “Six months have already passed since her arrival. All she needs to triumph over Solon waits deep inside her, and when the time comes she will know all.”
                The queen closed her eyes for a moment then moved to rise. “Alright, Mylia, I will make the necessary preparations for her departure.”
                The priestess reached out and gently caught her arm. “The spell is already in place and the plan set. The Metcalf’s are a wonderful, strong family, who will love Riana with all their hearts. She will not fail, Majesty.”
                “I pray to the Creators that you are right, Mylia,” said Alandra, with a tentative smile.Then rising quickly, she rushed through the garden, without looking back, and swiftly entered the WhitePalace.

© 2008 Polly Lewis

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I have to agree....this is brilliant......I just want more and more. Plz dont keep your audience

A Great write Polly.....keep them coming :)

Posted 17 Years Ago

I agree 100% with Amor-de-angel down there....

And yes...more pleaseeee :))))

Posted 17 Years Ago

This is just getting better with each part.
Your descriptions are faultless and the characters are superb.
I love everything about it.
More please....

Posted 17 Years Ago

Polly I am simply swept away by the sheer artistry of all you've conjured up here . In my 'umble opinion the likes of J.K.Rowling can't even begin to hold a candle to this.

Posted 17 Years Ago

Once again our srory has held me capive. The piece is flowing well as it progresses. It is cohesive an well written story and so far so good. Great write as well as a great read. Keep up the Good work. I really loved
The description of the Great halls Chandalier, and the vivid colors

Posted 17 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on February 15, 2008


Polly Lewis
Polly Lewis

United Kingdom

My name is Polly Lewis and I am a struggling new author who would really appreciate constructive comments and advice on my work. Writing is a passion, an expression of our soul. It drives our every .. more..

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