It's time that you left me alone. You are not welcome in my life anymore. Because of you, I nearly did not have one. You were my best friend and my worst enemy, making me feel like there was nothing left of me but promising me that if I did what you told me, only then would I be happy. It was never enough. Five became ten, and ten became twenty. The only way you will be satisfied with me is when there is no me left to be satisfied with. Too many nights were spent with thoughts of intense guilt and regret which eventually led into more extreme actions with even more detrimental consequences. You corrupted my childhood and left me without a sense of who I am. I will never get back those years that you took from me, so I'm reclaiming my life. I miss the days when accidentally stumping my toe or having my brother eat the last cookie in the jar was considered a bad day. Because of you, life was a living hell every day of my life, and the only pleasurable time of the day was going to sleep and the thirty seconds after waking up the next morning. For those thirty seconds, I forgot the crap you put me through the day before, and everything was finally right in the world. The crushing reality of you broke the few precious seconds of inner-peace, and I'd land straight back into hell. You made me demolish my arms, throat and any potential of having any sort of self-esteem. You destroyed my relationships with the ones that I loved, and I will never let you do that again. Not only did you break me, but you broke my family. So, ED, I'm taking back my happiness, I'm taking back my youth, and most of all, I'm taking back my life.
This means goodbye.