About last night

About last night

A Story by Aj

They'd said it was gonna be a crowded party and they sure as hell weren't kidding. The small apartment could barely fit one person. It was furnished with two couches and a couple of chairs (literally). The apartment slowly started to bloom with life and it's guest began their trips to the fridge. As the night went on those whose liver begged for mercy were put to a halt by their bodies which could no longer forbear the abuse.
 One girl ended up in a bathtub whom held most of her meals from the day in her hair. Another was a boy out front laying in the rocks outside slurring incoherent words to his girlfriend on the phone. Because the tiny apartment was about the size of your living room the foul smell of the girls old lunch pinched the nostrils. The only people who remained inside were those whose liver was pleading for mercy I did my best to help out the two incapacitated party goers as I tried in vain to comfort them. After the girl had been carried home it seemed as if they smell followed her.
 I took a seat on one of the couches and observed everyone in their respectful worlds. A girl who had accompanied her boyfriend as he proved his macho to himself and those around him by engaging in a game of dead arm. Dead arm is a game of endurance where it's players take turn hitting each other in the arm until one submits. She too observed her environment although her attention was focused on her boyfriends asinine behavior which stirred a facial expression of irritation. In the other corner of the room another couple. Although they seemed to had already tried their luck at a relationship and it had failed. The alcohol however resurfaced they feelings they'd once had for each other and they quickly and quietly left without word to anyone.
 As the night dragged on more people showed up; Body odor fused with the smell of spilled alcohol and made the area almost unbearable to stand. I stepped outside to catch some night air into my lungs. Night air always seemed to brighten my spirits for some strange reason. Perhaps it was because it rushed memories of previous escapades wherein it was present. Out in front of the house sat the boy who had previously conversing with his girlfriend. He now sat against the apartment in the fetal position.
 "Are you alright?" I asked.
"YeAh..man..i'm fine...thanks tho..".
The fact that he could respond was proof that he was doing ok although I was sure he'd had better days. I'd been sitting on steps for awhile when one of the inebriated guests stumbled out and plopped himself next to me. Seconds after he'd sat down he'd fallen asleep against the steps metal railing. The doorway had procured a frail young man with glasses, long hair and a beard. My initial thought being that he resembled a man who'd died for the sins of man at the cross. Jesus however did not walk around with a red cup filled to the brim with vodka questioning the reality before him.
"is any of this.....real?....it all feels like sum sorta dream.."
I assumed he was speaking to me being that I was the only person conscious and in earshot of his question.
"The smell isn't that proof enough that it's real?!Nah your awake it's just been a crazy night". Even though I'd assured him he was awake he stared off in a state of quiet confusion. Meanwhile the kid that had dozed off on the railing now rested his head on Jesus foot.
"Should i move him?" I asked
"No it's fine. i don't need my foot back just yet"
The kid seemed to be awake and yet still quietly rested his heavy head against his foot.
Someone else then tried to move him.
"Hey!Leave him alone! he's thinking!look how deep in thought he his. Just imagine, he's probably thinking about things we've never dreamed of thinking of!"
He said with a strange seriousness in his voice. The philosopher eventually picked himself and stumbled back inside.
 I went back inside and convinced my ride that the good should get going since I'd heard of sightings of cars scouting for something to raid. I said my goodbyes to acquaintances and friends that most likely wouldn't have any recollection of me being there or anything else that had happened that night. 

© 2010 Aj

Author's Note

ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue, etc.

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Added on September 9, 2010
Last Updated on December 6, 2010




I'm really into waffles.since making pancakes is too much of a hassle. I don't get on here very often but, i like storing my writing here. That way I can watch it evolve. Anyway feel free to message m.. more..

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