Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

The beginning of a long road ahead...


Chapter One


An alarm clock sounded as the sun came up. The owner lazily searched for the off button, but in the process it dropped to the floor, crashing. Quickly siting up, a brown haired girl got tangled up in her blankets and toppled to the wooden floor boards next to her now broken clock.

     “I’M LATE!!!” The girl cried, untangling herself and rushing into the bathroom where her clothes were set out. She took a quick shower getting herself all clean for the day and then once dressed, she made her way down the stairs. Missing a step she tumbled down.

     “Harmony?” A worried mother called from the kitchen walking into the family room to see her ten year old child had fallen down the stairs again. “Harmony, are you alright?” She helped her clumsy daughter to her feet.

     “I’m late mom! I have to go!” Harmony informed. She ran into the kitchen to grab something to eat on her way out, taking a piece of white bread, spreading butter on top and adding some sprinkles. She got a cup pouring the orange juice that was set out for her and chugged it down feeling energized.

     “Harmony, dear, please wait a moment.” Her mother said grabbing a black hat with a blue ribbon tied around the crown. She plopped it on top of Harmony’s head and smiled. “Be safe out there. You don’t know when a wild Pokémon will attack you.”

     “I know mom.” Harmony said with the fairy bread in her mouth and slipping on her black boots. She ran out the door, her mother waving her off as she raced to the local Professor Oak’s laboratory where she would receive her first Pokémon.

     “Did she leave?” A man’s voice asked.

     Turning around, Harmony’s mother found her husband dressed in a navy blue blazer for work.

     “Aw, Hector,” She began, “you just missed her.”

     “Its fine, Melody,” Hector reassured his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her forehead, “our little girl’s been looking forward to this day. She grew up so fast…”


     “I’m… here…” Harmony panted, out of breath from the long distance run.

     “Glad you could make it, Harmony.” Professor Oak said. “Kitty and Gold have already chosen their Pokémon. They said you all decided together on this.”

     “Yeah, Bulbasaur, I choose Bulbasaur…” Harmony said slowly regaining oxygen.

     A medium sized green plant with a bulb on its back jumped onto Harmony and licked her face.

     “Balba~” The Pokémon sang.

     “Aww~! You and Bulbasaur are sooooo cute together, Harmony!” Kitty awed.

     “Thank you for the Charmander, Professor.” Gold thanked and walked down the stairs exiting the lab. Harmony looked a little sad as she was helped up by Kitty. They all had planned to travel together, but then Gold broke the bad news the other day saying he wanted to go alone and figure out what he wants to do.

     “Before you depart, here is Bulbasaur’s Pokéball along with five empty ones to catch wild Pokémon with and a Pokédex to record the data on the Pokémon you will meet.” The Professor said, handing Harmony her supplies before they left.

     “Thanks. And thanks for Bulbasaur.” Harmony thanked.

     “And my Squirtle~” Kitty added.

     The two new Pokémon Trainers walked out of the lab and then a vision came to Harmony, but only for a brief moment.


     “Keep still.”

     “Hurry up before someone finds us.”

     “I’m trying! �" There. She shouldn’t-”


     “Harmony?” Kitty said waving her hand in front of Harmony’s face snapping her out of her trance. “You okay?

     “HM? Oh! Sorry, it’s nothing. I was imagining what to expect once we leave Pallet Town.” Harmony reassured her friend. She actually has been having strange dreams frequently since she turned ten. Quite scary realistic dreams actually. It feels all too real and she only hopes that is what they are: a bad dream.

     Kitty chuckled to herself and said, “I know right? I’m so excited!”

     Harmony nodded her head and the two were on their way to their first destination: Viridian City. Along the way many variety of Pokémon scampered or flew about. Harmony attempted to catch a small purple rat Pokémon called Rattata, but upon defeating it in battle, it ran off before she could even throw a Pokéball at it. Saddened she wasn’t able to catch her first Pokémon, Kitty reassured her with another Pokémon flying above the pair called Pidgey, a bird type of Pokémon. Harmony brightened up with a wide smile and ordered her new Pokémon Bulbasaur to get it down to the ground using a Leech Seed attack which shot a small brown seed out of Bulbasaur’s bulb on its back, latching itself onto the wild Pokémon and entangling it in vines, draining it of its energy. The Pidgey flapped its wings causing sand to kick up and hit Bulbasaur in the eyes.

     “Use a Tackle attack!” Harmony ordered, Bulbasaur obeying and charging towards the Pidgey, successfully hitting it with a direct hit.

     “Now’s your chance Harmony!” Kitty said.

     Harmony took the previously un-thrown Pokéball and threw it at the Pidgey, only for it to bounce off and land back into her hands. Harmony and Kitty were both utterly confused as to why it didn’t go into the Pokéball.

     The vines died off and faded �" the Pidgey flying past the two girls. Harmony and Kitty looked back to see where it was going. It landed on a tall young boy, wearing silver framed glasses, shoulder. He gently scratched the Pidgey’s underbelly, the Pokémon cooing in reply.

     “Oh! Is that your Pidgey?” Kitty asked.

     “Yes it is.” The boy said. “May I ask why you were trying to steal it?”

     “Oh-! No-! You’ve got it all wrong! I- I wasn’t trying to steal your Pokémon; we thought it was a wild Pokémon. We had no clue it already belonged to someone…” Harmony clarified. “I’m really-”

     The boy’s bright violet eyes grew wide as he noticed Harmony had two different colored eyes, one blue and the other green. Unable to control his excitement for such a rare find in a person, he held Harmony’s shoulders to examine her eyes up closer.

     “Uh-uhm, what are you-” Harmony began when she was cut off with: “You have such beautiful eyes!” She flustered madly, her face turning all red at his complement. “You wouldn’t mind if I travel with you for a while, do you?”

     “Uhm, can I speak with my friend privately for a second?” Kitty awkwardly asked. The boy obliged and let Harmony go a little distance away to speak to her friend about the situation in hushed tones. “What do you think Harmony? Should we let a complete stranger come along with us?”

     “Well…” She began, “Maybe, I mean, not very many people like my eyes, or find them so fascinating besides you, Gold, and my family. Actually, no one’s been so excited and happy like him when they look at my eyes.”

     “So what you’re saying is that he should come along with us because he’s someone who fancy’s your eyes?” Kitty asked.

     “… I think I know where you’re getting at this…” Harmony said. “I have a plan.” The girls returned to the boy introducing themselves and asked for his name.

     “Dustin’s my name.” Dustin said.

     “Okay Dustin, if you beat me in a Pokémon battle we’ll let you join us on our journey.” Harmony said.

     “And if you defeat me?” Dustin asked.

     “Then you can’t come with us… this time…” She replied.

     This time!? Kitty thought with shock. Harmony actually wants him to travel with us, doesn’t she?

     “This time? Then I presume you’ll go all out. Very well then.” Dustin said, adjusted his glasses making them gleam and he tossed a Pokéball into the air, a pony-like Pokémon with cream colored fur and a blue fiery tail and mane appearing beside him, twinkling for a few seconds.

     Ponyta, the Fire Horse Pokémon,” Harmony’s Pokédex began as she pointed it to Dustin’s Pokémon (she and Kitty both thought it looked different in the Pokédex (which had red flames) but wouldn’t question about it), “As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster and its legs grow strong while it chases after its parent. It runs in fields and mountains all day. Even though its mane is made of fire, it is said that Ponyta will never burn someone it cares for.

     The two girls looked at each other and then to Bulbasaur who looked a little nervous.

     “You got this.” Kitty whispered giving a thumbs up. She’s done for…

     “Alright, I’ll be using my Bulbasaur then!” Harmony said to Dustin.


A very short Ember attack later…


     “I can’t believe I lost…” Harmony said in disbelief.

     “Yay! We get to travel with Harmony and Kitty guys~” Dustin cheered happily with his Ponyta and Pidgey. He returned Ponyta back into its Pokéball and he walked up to Harmony, outstretching his hand for her to take. “That was a good match.”

     Harmony took his hand and shook it.

     “We should get to a Pokémon Center so they can heal Bulbasaur, Harmony.” Kitty suggested.

     “Luckily I know a short cut we can take~” Dustin sang and led the way. Before they knew it, in just twenty minutes or less the group arrived into Viridian City and came to a large building where people take their Pokémon when sick or injured known as the Pokémon hospital, or more commonly referred to Pokémon Center.

     “We got here pretty fast.” Kitty mused.

     “For some it would take two to three days on the main road.” He said.

     “Hello, I’m Nurse Joy, how may I help you?” The nurse running the hospital center kindly asked.

     “My Bulbasaur needs healing.” Harmony said handing the Pokéball to the nurse.

     “Pidgey as well.” Dustin added setting Pidgey into the counter.

     Nurse Joy happily took the Pokémon telling their Trainers she’d be right back. In a few short minutes she returned with Bulbasaur’s Pokéball and Pidgey happily singing.

     “Your Pokémon are fully healed.” She said. “Please come again.”

     Harmony and Dustin thanked Nurse Joy, and as they headed out, a dark purple hooded figure bumped Harmony’s shoulder without apologizing. She turned to say something to him, but he was gone. Suddenly she became timid.

     “Harmony?” Kitty asked.


     “You coming?”

     “Uh- er- yeah.”

     Turning back one more time the hooded figure was at the front desk talking with the nurse. He looked behind his shoulder and smiled a toothy smile. Harmony, a little startled, caught up with Dustin and Kitty.

© 2014 Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Author's Note

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)
The mysterious hooded character at the end is actually based on a real person I battled at a Video Game tournament in Arizona (long story short, he beat me in the fourth battle).

In the beginning of this book I might have the chapters start out short and maybe even quick paced, but there will come a time when I'll write more pages and it'll be slower (I hope) kinda like the Pokémon movies.

This story has been re-written so many times it's not even funny. I'm putting my foot down and sticking with what I write no mater how crazy it is because I just gotta deal with my crazy writing sometimes.

My Review

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I really like this! I enjoy novels that are about Pokémon. Check out mine if you like!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much ^-^ I do too~
I've added your book to my reading list so I'll get to it wh.. read more

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1 Review
Added on July 5, 2014
Last Updated on December 1, 2014
Tags: Fan Fiction, Original Character, OC, Adventure, Action, Shonen, Romance, Monsters, Pocket Monsters, Kanto, Pokémon Fan Fiction, Pokémon


Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)
Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Zyeane, AZ

Hey, I'm not active here anymore. I'm mainly using this account to use as a way to keep my buddies who wrote Mystic Academy updated about its editing process, and any other update things for it (even .. more..
