![]() Chapter 2: An Unexpected TrystA Chapter by Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)![]() Njáll doesn't think that he should be afflicted with anything involving dating a girl. He wants to protect his best friend and for all this to pass over, but little does he know what he agrees to...![]()
Njáll was heading to his afternoon class when he felt
like he was being followed. He stopped and turned around. There was no one there.
Mumbling it off, he continued on his daily routine. Ever since he had been
turned into a boy, he’s been a bit more pissed off. Break is number one on his
blacklist of people to punish. It almost seems he is living some shoujo manga
type of life… well, with the exception not having a girlfriend any time soon or
at all. He just wants to focus on the hope they will revert back to being girls
again soon.
Speaking of girls, he didn’t trust Aamir hanging around with that blond girl… What’s her name? Oh yeah, Jackie Vessalius. He will do everything in his power to find out what she is planning. She must be planning something, right? He pondered. After all his classes for the day Njáll headed on his way to the boy’s dormitory… until… he witnessed the most unexpected thing to ever happen… Aamir was sitting at a bench all alone listening to the sad melody of his pocket watch until he felt someone sit very, very close to him and he closed it. He looked to see it was Jackie. Jackie smiled brightly at him. “Hey, senpai! I heard you listening to the pocket watch I gave you so I thought I’d come over and say hi.” She said. “Hey.” Aamir replied quietly. He couldn’t bring himself to make up an excuse to leave. She’s like some type of magnet he can’t escape from… at least she isn’t too touchy and clingy like Shea. Jackie bit her lip and leaned in close to Aamir’s face. “Senpai… can I… ask you something?” She asked shyly. “Sure?” “On a scale from 1-10, how much do you like me?” “Uhm…” Aamir averted his eyes so he could think clearly on this… quite strange question, but was pulled back into her eyes. “Uhhh…eight-? No, nine-? Seven?” He looked around flustered. Jackie laughed at Aamir as he struggled to get give her his answer making him blush and fluster even more. “You’re really adorable, senpai. You’re cute when you’re all flustered.” “Uh, th-thanks…my friends say that about me too.” “Then that must mean you’re really adored by those types of people.” She continued to smile. “I have one more question, or rather, a request for senpai.” “Uh… what is it?” His throat was starting to feel like it was tightening up again and his face felt really warm. He had a bad feeling about this. Jackie leaned her arm against his and she said: “Close your eyes for me and stay still.” Not knowing why she asked this of him, Aamir closed his eyes anyway and sat still. His chest hurt and felt like it was beating fast. Slowly Jackie leaned in close to his face. She was confident in herself and placed her soft lips over Aamir’s. Aamir flashed his eyes open. He didn’t understand what was going on; his thoughts all turned into mush. He flustered madly and without really thinking what he was doing, his body moved on its own and continued to kiss her deeply, holding her close. Njáll was absolutely horrified and stunned from witnessing this scene. He didn’t want to see any more of this. “Get the f*ck away from her right this f*cking second, Aamir…” Njáll spoke deeply (even deeper than his already deep voice). A dark aura surrounded him. As soon as Aamir and Jackie heard the intimidating voice, they pulled apart from the kiss and held each other tightly, quivering from fear. Aamir was more terrified than the horrified expression Jackie had. “I-IT ISN’T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!” “Oh yeah? Then explain why they f*ck it looked like you were enjoying it?” “I… I… I don’t know…” He said truthfully. “S-senpai… He’s scaring me…” Jackie said quietly. She hid behind him because she had the feeling Aamir’s friend wanted to strangle her. “If you don’t get away from her right now, I swear, I’m not going to go easy on either of you.” Njáll threatened. Aamir had no other choice. He didn’t want Jackie to get hurt and have Nájl get in trouble for hitting a girl, so he began to walk to his angered friend, but Jackie pulled on his sleeve. “Wait- senpai, don’t leave me…” She said with tears forming in her puppy dog eyes. “Aamir.” “I’ll see you later.” Aamir reassured. He wiped her tears away and quickly planted a kiss on her forehead and hurried to Njáll’s side. Njáll glowered and took his friends ear roughly, dragged him back to the boy’s dorm the whole way as punishment. Njáll had brought Aamir into his room and now held his nose in a pinch. “Sarah, spill it; tell me why you did it.” “I- I told you, I don’t know!” He winced at the pain from his nose being held and making his voice sound different. “It must have been a boy hormone thing or something! My body moved on its own.” “Just do me a favor and stay in your room and don’t meet up with her again until I find proof to trust her.” He said sighing and walked out. Njáll wandered the halls to locate Jackie so he could find out what she is up too… but then he heard Moonlight beginning to play in the music room. He wasn’t quite sure why he was suddenly walking into there when he had more pressing matters to attend to. Upon walking in, there was a girl playing the Beethoven piece. She had shoulder length unkept jet black hair and golden eyes… Golden eyes which focused only on the music, that is, until Njáll walked closer to her. She noticed him and stopped playing. “Don’t stop.” Njáll said. “Oh, but…” She looked up at him and a pink hue appeared on her cheeks. “I can’t play when someone is looking…” “Oh… but you are very talented. I have a friend who is the same way.” Something felt… strange. Njáll’s chest hurt when he looked at this girl. He was oblivious he had fallen in love. “What’s your name by the way? I am Njáll Lambert.” “N-Neah Walker…” The girl replied. Njáll giggled. “What’s so funny!?” “Nothing.” Njáll lied. He thought it was a little humorous how she has a guy’s name. “There’s nothing wrong with having a guy’s name, okay?” Neah said, catching on that may be the case and she puffed her cheeks. Njáll placed his hand on her head. “I think you and I’d be good friends.” “Huh? Wh-where did that come from? When did I ever say I wanted to be your friend?” She slapped his hand away. “Uh… No need to be a meaner about it.” Neah got up from the piano bench and grabbed her things walking out with a mischievous smile. I like him. He is just my type. She thought to herself. Njáll walked around the halls trying to remember what it was he was doing before. He then remembered he was on the secret mission to spy on Jackie without her knowing it. He stormed around the academy in search of her. Once found, he hid behind a wall to eavesdrop. He repeated this for a couple of days and unfortunately Jackie was just going on and on about: homework, Aamir, her family’s pocket watch business, and some upcoming Valentine dance she wants to ask Aamir out to. Njáll had a really bored and tired expression. Maybe he was wrong about her? She seemed to be really innocent… a bit too innocent. He gave up and headed back to the dorms to give Aamir the good news. Although, on his way he spotted the girl he had met at the piano room a few days ago. She looked sad and lonely. Unable to help himself, he walked over to her and bit her cheek by surprise. “OUCH!!” She whimpered. “What the hell was that for!?” “To make you feel better. You looked sullen.” Njáll reassured, but that wasn’t very reassuring to Neah. “What makes you think you can just randomly bite someone’s cheek like that?” Neah asked rubbing her cheek. “Because I can.” Njáll replied as a simple answer for her. Neah glowered and grabbed Njáll’s cheeks pinching them together making him wince. A grin appeared and she pressed her lips to Njáll’s. Njáll couldn’t move. Is this really happening right now!? Why can’t I move!? Neah pulled apart from the surprise kiss and asked: “There, now we’re even; I hope that satisfies you.” She noticed he wasn’t saying anything. She giggled. “Well now I know how to shut you up when I need to.” She got up and walked away. “Sarah… I take everything I said back… That girl you like isn’t up to anything…” Njáll said. He was still shocked from Neah’s action… He actually liked it, but he wasn’t sure why. “R-really?” Aamir asked a little bit excited he could see her again. “Calm yourself dearie, I’m still going to keep a close eye on her.” “Mmm… Hey, Yazzy, are you okay?” “Yeah? Why?” Njáll lied. Of course he isn’t okay; he was just kissed by a freaking girl! He can’t tell his friend about it. “Uhm… never mind.” Aamir said changing his mind. If Njáll said he was okay then he must be, right? ~***~ Countless times the following days after, Neah caught Njáll off guard each and every time with a kiss. Today however, Njáll decided to stay in his room locked up to make sure Neah wouldn’t catch him. He buried himself in his pillows trying to devise how to counter attack Neah. There was a knock at the door. Njáll groaned and got up walking to the door. Upon opening it he was met with Neah. “The hells are you doing here!?” Njáll asked. “You left your bag in the classroom.” Neah said handing Njáll back his things. Njáll took it and tossed it on the floor nearby. “What’s the real reason you’re here?” “Just to return your things to you… aren’t you glad I thought of you?” Neah asked. “Whatever.” Njáll grumbled closing the door but was caught by Neah’s foot. Sighing he opened it again. “I thought that was all you wanted.” “I forgot to mention one little thing… or rather, ask a request from you.” Njáll knew where this was going and he wasn’t going to fall for it. “I’m not going to kiss you.” “Will you go to the Valentine dance with me?” The two said what they were thinking at the same time. “What?” Njáll asked. “Wait, you thought I was going to kiss you again? I was just warming up to you so I could ask you out.” Neah said. Njáll laughed as if all this was a joke. “You really think I’d go out with you to that dan-” Neah started to sniffle and a tear ran down her cheek. Oh s**t! She was serious!! I made her cry; what do I do!? Njáll began to panic and without really thinking he said: “Okay I’ll go with you to the dance, just please stop crying.” “Okay~ Thanks!” Neah said smiling like nothing happened and ran off to brag to two girls, one with similar hair as hers and the other with snow white hair. “That… That little-” Njáll slammed his door and face planted into his pillows grumbling. “Break was right about her, or rather him now. Nájl is totally going to fall for me.” Neah said to the two girls, proud in her accomplishment asking Nájl out. “Just asking, why does my name have to be Ally?” The white haired girl asked. She has a scar running down her left eye from her childhood long ago. “Because wouldn’t that seem weird for all of us to have a guy name? And it wouldn’t be very fair to Jack, Allen. He- she shouldn’t be the only one with a girl’s name. Right, Tyki?” Neah clarified to Ally and turned to the girl who looked similar to him, but was very short. “If Woohyun couldn’t figure out a good name, then, yeah, it would be unfair.” Tyki replied. “Since when does Woohyun have anything to do with names?” “Just deal with it, beansprout.” Neah said poking Ally’s cheek. “DON’T CALL ME THAT!!” She yelled. “Shh, don’t let any guys notice us. Break told us to only interact with Ray, Sean, and Njáll.” Neah said hushing Ally.
“Just don’t call me that ever again, you hear?”
The next day came and Njáll was sleeping up in a tree. He didn’t really plan on falling asleep; it just sort of happened, or rather, he was just now taking in the side effect.
“Hey, Njáll, wake up.” Neah said tossing crumpled up paper at his head.
He woke up only to fall down, landing on his back.
“OUCH!!!” He cried.
“Hey there sleepy head.” Neah said with a cheeky smile on her face.
Just then there was a sudden pain in Njáll’s chest when he looked into Neah’s eyes. It wasn’t like all the other times he looked at her; this was different. There were sparkles and flowers surrounding her. Not strange at all, nope.
“What’s the matter-?” Neah started, a bit concerned why he wasn’t moving till he pulled on her arm and bit her cheek. “WHAT THE F*CKING HELL?!” She slapped Njáll’s face, but he held a tight grip on her wrist. “LET ME GO!!!”
“That’s for all the times you surprised me.” He said. For a second, it looked like Njáll’s eyes turned into emerald slits.
Hell no… is he supposed to be-
“I hope that teaches you not to get involved with me romantically in the future.”
After seeing the proof he’s that person there is no way I’m letting him get away so easily. She thought and scoffed: “I make no promise. It all depends on the future.” She pulled her hand away and walked off.
Neah had gone to her room and sat down at her desk with music papers scattered everywhere.
“It’s not right…” She said. “NONE OF THESE WILL PLEASE HIM!!” She stood up and wiped everything off the desk, papers flying everywhere. Looking at her hands, they began to turn gray. “No! NO!!” Neah dashed out of her room and ran.
“You can’t run away from this, Neah.” A voice in her head echoed.
“You can’t stop it, Neah. You’re the ‘14th’ chosen one.”
Coming into the empty music room, Neah sat down and began to play. As she played her hands returned to normal. A shadowed figure leaned against the wall outside the music room and a wide smile appeared on their face before disappearing. © 2014 Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)Author's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 5, 2014 Last Updated on May 8, 2014 Tags: Shoujo, Romance, Slice of Life, School Life, Comedy, Gender Bender, Drama, Pandora Hearts, D.Gray-Man, K-Pop, Crytonic Author![]() Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)Zyeane, AZAboutHey, I'm not active here anymore. I'm mainly using this account to use as a way to keep my buddies who wrote Mystic Academy updated about its editing process, and any other update things for it (even .. more..Writing