Chapter 1: A Princess or a Prince?

Chapter 1: A Princess or a Prince?

A Chapter by Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Aamir goes through some unknown changes... and unknown emotions. Troubled by this surprise, he seeks to find an answer... but what happens when he learns who did it?


It was awful… simply awful… how did things turn out to be like this? Everything seemed to be perfectly normal until… well… last night maybe? It must have been from the night before.

     It must have. Thought the boy looking into the mirror across the sink. The bangs of his brunette hair covered his blue eyes. He looked at his bare chest in horror. THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!!

     Putting his long sleeved light blue shirt back on, the boy locked his door so his family members wouldn’t come barging in on him. He flustered the longer he observed himself… sure he thought he looked attractive, but it wasn’t him. At least, that’s what he wants to believe.

     “How am I going to get out of the house?” He asked himself. Checking his iPhone for the time, he only had twenty minutes before he was going to be late for school. Seems he would have to dash away at the right time so he could make it on time… but first came the plan to escape while his family wasn’t looking.


Skipping breakfast was an unfortunate loss for the boy, but at least he barely made it out of the house before his father noticed him.

     Ahead of him was an academy he and his friends went to: Stardust Academy.

     He slowed his pace down to catch his breath as he walked down the halls and to his first class… but wait, he wasn’t himself… he looked down the hall and came to the conclusion that he would most likely have to enroll in this school once again.

     He was suddenly pulled into the classroom by the teacher. He was a bit shocked and in panic.

     “Glad you could make it to class on time, Mr. Hollenbeck. Please take a seat.” The teacher instructed.

     Confused, he looked to the class for a minute and then walked over to an empty seat by the window and behind him sat a girl with short black hair. She looked to him dreamily with her chocolate eyes. The boy didn’t notice her dreamy stare though.

     “Hey, Aamir.” She whispered.

     The boy did not respond, assuming she was talking to someone else.

     “Aammmmiiiiirrrrr.” She whispered a little louder.

     Still no response.

     Huffing, she tapped the boy ignoring her on the shoulder.

     “Aamir, I’m talking to you.”

     “S-sorry… I was… uh- day-dreaming…” The boy apologized. So he was Aamir? It seemed so, so he went along with it.

     “No talking during my lecture!!” The teacher yelled, throwing her chalk towards Aamir, just barely missing his head by a hair (quite literally in fact). He was frozen in place from fear it was going to hit his eye or head.


After class ended, the girl who upset the teacher clung to Aamir’s arm.

     “I’m sorry I got you in trouble…” She whined.

     “It’s okay…” He reassured her. Truthfully he was still shaken up by it.

     “No, no! I’m really sorry! I’ll do anything you want me to!” She pressed on.

     “Erm… You really don’t have to-”

     “But I want to!”

     “B-but it was just chalk…!” Aamir was beginning to fluster. This girl is determined to get him to have her do something.

     “Okay, fine, why don’t you think about it and come to me when you figure something out.” She smiled and skipped off, her short gray skirt jumping along.

     Aamir blushed looking away. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly turned on like that. It wasn’t like him, not at all.

     Walking out of class with his head held low, he saw a familiar face: Bethany Cody.

     “B-MEL, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!!” He said taking her by the shoulders.

     “Okay, first: get your hands off me!!” The short, brown haired girl said taking Aamir’s hands off her. “Second: Who the hell are you!?”

     “Bethany, it’s me, Sarah!” Aamir clarified… so his name is actually Sarah? That’s weird, why would a boy ever have that sort of name?

     “What? You can’t be Sarah… unless you can tell me something only Sarah would know.”

     “My mom divorced my dad when we went to a not-so-well-known school called Desert Marigold- and- and- I- uhm…”

      “I’m going to stop you right there.” Bethany said seeing as Aamir couldn’t think of anything else to say. She smiled and laughed at him. “Oh, seems his plan worked.”

     “………Plan…?” He asked. “What…what plan? Who’s plan?”

     “One of Break’s ideas; he told me after Yasmine lost in a bet they made… seems you got the trick instead.”

     “BREAK!?” Aamir exclaimed. “BUT WHY!?”

     “You know Break, always hush, hush on his tricks. I expect it was from that candy bar you got from him, maybe.”



The boy skipped all his classes the rest of the day. He held his face in his hands. He couldn’t believe this was all Xerxes Break’s fault… it also confused him why he got the trick, but not Yasmine.

     There was a rustle in the nearby bushes, but Aamir paid no attention to it… He suddenly felt like there was someone watching him so when he looked behind him, there stood the albino, Xerxes Break. Aamir jumped up, gritting his teeth and took Break by the scruff.

     “Why did you turn me into a guy?” He demanded answers.

     “Oh, seems you’re a bit upset.” He said with a smile.

     “Don’t dodge my question!!”

     “I was merely pointing that out~”

     “Just. Answer. The. Question.”

     “You’re not the only one I turned. I also turned a bunch of others here into the opposite gender. Consider yourself lucky to be involved this~”

     Aamir let go of the man and stumbled back, passing out to the floor.

     “Oh dear, seems the side effect came.” He sighed and left the sleeping beauty.


When Aamir woke up, he was under a tree and lay in someone’s lap. Slowly he got up and felt soft lips peck his cheek. His face instantly turned a bright red and his throat seemed to have tightened. He looked to see who that was that kissed him and it turned out to be the girl from his morning class.

     “Good afternoon, Aamir-kun~” She sang gleefully. Aamir stood up, but the girl forcefully pulled him back down and clung onto him like her life depended on it.

     “Let me go!” He said, panicking to get her off of him. He wasn’t too keen on people he doesn’t know touching him, nonetheless clingy people like this girl. He has a personal bubble only certain people can pass through.

     “No! Aamir belongs to no one but Shea!” Shea whined.

     “OI! Get your hands off my friend! Can’t you see he’s uncomfortable?” Another voice came. Looking up, Aamir was met with a milk chocolate skinned boy with corn rolls on one side of his black hair and the rest hanging over his right eye. He glared daggers at the girl. Somehow Aamir felt he knew this guy… couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

     “But he’s my boyfriend! We love each other!” Aamir nearly passed out again when she stated false facts.

     “B***h, he isn’t dating you!” The boy countered. He pulled Shea and Aamir apart forcefully and ran far away taking Aamir’s wrist.

     “YOU B*****D!!” Shea wept as her “lover” was taken away from her.


     “Are you okay, Sarah?” The boy asked Aamir as soon as they were far away from the spoiled brat known as Shea.

     “Wai- wait- How do you- Are you Yasmine!?” Aamir asked catching his breath.

     “Yepers. But use my code name: Njáll, okay?” Njáll said.

     “IT’S ALL BREAKS FAULT!!!” Aamir cried into her friend’s now flat chest. “He told me-”

     “I know… And that f*cking b***h isn’t going to go anywhere near you again as long as I’m around unless she wants to get the living day-lights knocked out of her.” Njáll reassured, cracking his knuckles at the thought of hitting Shea.

     “But you’re a guy now; you can’t hit a girl…” Aamir said.

     “I swear to God - sorry God - Break is going to pay for his evil doing!” Njáll cried to the heavens. He huffed, fuming mad. “By the way, Rachel is Ray, Jaya is Jay, Siâna is Sean, and B-mel is Ben now.”

     …Even Bethany? Aamir thought. She must have turned right after he saw her. “Kay.”


Aamir had requested to stay at a dorm since he didn’t… or rather couldn’t go home as a guy. Her other friends had already been staying here for a few weeks, but now it was permanent until they all revert back to their normal, feminine self’s (who knows how long that’d be?).

     While heading to his room, a girl had jumped onto his back wrapping her arms around his neck. He stumbled backwards, flustering.

     “Hello~” She sang. It didn’t sound like crazy girl Shea, but his bubble was still being popped.

     “Pl-please let me go; I need to get to my room.” Aamir tried to get the girl off.

     “Oh, sorry.” She said letting him go. When Aamir turned around to get a look at the polite girl, his face heated up and turned a thousand shades of red. She had long golden hair put into a long braid reaching down her back and large emerald eyes that drew him in. He was more turned on by her eyes than anything else. Slowly looking away, not knowing his face was red, he blushed even harder.

     “Th-thanks.” He said.

     “Wait, before you go I want to give you this; I made it myself.” She pulled out a pocket watch on a golden chain and put it around Aamir’s neck. “A symbol of our friendship.” She smiled largely.

     Aamir looked at the pocket watch in surprise, his face still heated up. He opened it and a sad tune began to be played. When he looked up, the mysterious and cute girl was gone.

     I didn’t get her name… He thought sadly. He closed the watch and was going to find the girl, but Njáll stopped him.

     “Hey, you better get to your room before the teachers come to check up on us.” He said.

     “Oh, okay.” Aamir said. Njáll took his hand to lead him to his dorm room while Aamir looked back where he met the girl.

     Who was she?


The next day Aamir met with Ray and Jay. Surprisingly enough, they had a class together (they all had to get new schedules). Aamir was so glad Shea wasn’t in any more of his classes anymore, but who knows, she might be stalking him and continue to enforce her fake facts.

     “I’m really glad I’m not the only one of us who got turned into a boy.” Aamir whispered to Jay and Ray so others wouldn’t hear.

     “But that still doesn’t forgive Break.” Jay grumbled.

     “I’m glad too.” Ray whispered back to Aamir.

     “I wonder how long we have to stay like this for…” Aamir wondered.

     “Who knows… hoping it won’t last forever though.” Jay added.

     Aamir turned to look out the window, gently rubbing his thumb along the smooth golden surface of his new pocket watch. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. She’s all that raced through his mind all day long. It was going to drive him crazy not knowing who she is… is this what guys feel when they’re surrounded by girls they take a liking to? Hmm… A mystery to be solved by the end of all this, that’s for sure.


At lunch break the group all gathered and discussed about what had been going on through the day, but Aamir was spacing out. He really couldn’t think… he didn’t feel like talking that much (but then again, he doesn’t usually; he’s the quiet one).

     “Hi senpai!” A familiar voice rang through Aamir’s ears. He snapped out of his world of thoughts and looked to see the golden haired girl standing in front of him.

     “You’re-” He began until he was cut off by Njáll.

     “Oi! What brings you here?”

     “I came to see my senpai~” The girl replied, smiling with a pink hue on her cheeks.

     “Ohh! Aamir, you’re already a senpai!” Ray cheered happily.

     “O-oh…!” Aamir’s face lit up a pink hue as well. The girl sat down next to Aamir and he swears his face must have turned red, if not, he felt something rise up in him. Having her so close to his bubble… he felt a little unnerving. “What-what’s your name? You… uh… disappeared before I could ask you.”

     “Oh! I’m so sorry about that!” The girl laughed. “My name is Jackie Vessalius. And you, senpai?”

     “Aamir Hollenbeck.” He replied shyly. There was a hint of a smile etching onto his lips.

     Njáll felt something… he felt something wasn’t quite right about this girl… and also the fact that their true identity’s are female was a bit confusing, relationship wise. At least they have the upper hand on how to treat one right. Still, there was something unsettling about Jackie Vessalius.

     Sean suddenly appeared with his ash brown hair all messy as if he had just woken up (in fact, he did just wake up).

     Holy cow, Siâ-Siâna got tall! Aamir thought, observing she was no longer shorter than Bethany when they all were girls. Now she was a freaking giant!

     “What took you so long, dude?” Njáll asked.

     “Hmm… I overslept.” He replied with a yawn. He turned his attention towards the unfamiliar girl. “Who’s she?”

     “Jackie Vessalius, nice to meet you!” Jackie greeted. She leaned her head gently against Aamir’s shoulder and he flustered madly. He didn’t want to be rude to such a sweet girl… plus, isn’t it normal for guys to let girls rest on them?

     Trying to think what he should do in this situation, he moved his hand slowly to place his hand on her side, but then as he was inches away she moved and jumped up.

     “I forgot I got something else for you senpai! I’ll be right back, stay here~” She bounded towards the girl’s dorms.

     As soon as Jackie was ear distance away, Ben giggled, “I think she’s got a crush on you, Sarah.”

     “Wh-what?” He asked, flustering. He was totally oblivious if that were true.

     “I saw you about to touch her too.” Sean added, snickering.

     “WHAT!?” Njáll exclaimed, unable to believe what he just heard Aamir doing.

     “Y-Yazzy, it’s not like that!” Aamir defended. His voice was shaky. “I didn’t know what I was supposed to do just then. I- I-It’s my first time being a guy!”

     “Hmm… I’m getting bad vibes from that girl. I recommend you stay away from her.” Njáll said, glaring.

     “Yazzy lay off. You can’t judge a person that quickly.” Jay retorted. “And if they did end up being a couple, I’m sure they’d be cute together… at least for a little while.” He smiled to Aamir who was blushing madly at his remark.

     “I think they’d be cute too.” Ray added smiling at Aamir as well, doubling is excessive emotions.

     “I’m back, senpai!” Jackie called. The group went silent. She held a small box all wrapped up in pink wrapping paper with flowers and a green ribbon. “I heard it’s almost your birthday, so I thought I’d give you your present early.”

     “But my birthday isn’t till March 9th.” Aamir said and the realized: Wait, how does she even know about my birthday?

     Jackie gasped loudly and nervously laughed.

     “W-well, then don’t open it until then, senpai.” She said handing the gift to him anyway. “You better not peek.” She looked at her phone and then back to Aamir. “I gotta goooo~ See you later senpai and senpai’s friends!”

     “Bye!” They all greeted off as she walked down the halls.

     “She totally is crushing on you hard, man.” Sean snickered.

© 2014 Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Author's Note

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)
**EDIT: I fixed Njáll's name; thank you Imagination-Mage for informing me ^7^/

Yay~ I got the first chapter up, WOO!
First part is all about Sarah being magically transformed into a boy! And she meets Fem!Jack and getting feelings for "her".

Please leave a review~ <3

"What's in the box???" You ask? I have absolutely no clue =7=//

TheEverHungryOne made the picture, I colored it ^-^

My Review

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I understood what was happening straight away. I think this is a good idea for a children's or teen book. You do have too many characters though.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Jackie Vessalius ....
Jackie Vessalius ....
Oh My God. *fangirls*

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

10 Years Ago

Tee hee~ ^w^

10 Years Ago

x33 Uuuuuu.
This is a cute idea for a book. I think it would work out better as a manga but I loved the characters and thought the plot idea was very good. I thought the beginning was gripping as well :) Your dialogue is pretty good as well.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the review~ :)
Yeah, I'm actually planning to turn this into a manga (soon I hope)... read more

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 3, 2014
Last Updated on February 6, 2014
Tags: Shoujo, Romance, Slice of Life, School Life, Comedy, Gender Bender, Drama, Pandora Hearts, D.Gray-Man, K-Pop, Crytonic


Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)
Sarah H. (Shadow Mage)

Zyeane, AZ

Hey, I'm not active here anymore. I'm mainly using this account to use as a way to keep my buddies who wrote Mystic Academy updated about its editing process, and any other update things for it (even .. more..
