3: Hungry for adventure!

3: Hungry for adventure!

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Retrace III: Hungry for Adventure!

An hour had passed, Sarah beginning to regain consciousness again. Her face cringed at a strange taste in her mouth, soon waking up. She looked around and got up and out of her bed.

     “What happened? Hmmm? Wait where’s-” Sarah began till she noticed she was holding a piece of paper. She opened it up and began to read it.

            Dear Sarah, after you had fainted I placed you in your bed so if anyone were to see you on the floor, they would have freaked out. I'm writing this to tell you I left, so please don't panic on my disappearance. I’ll come see you again another time real soon.

     Love, Jack

     Wait, how did he know my name? Neither I nor Demetrius said my name. Sarah wondered.

   Jaya had opened the door as Sarah re-read the letter, soon folding it up and noticing Jaya standing in the door way.

     “Oh good. You’re awake.” Jaya said in relief. She turned around calling, “Rachel, Bethany! She’s awake now.”

   The two girls hurried into the room, Jaya closing the door behind them. The girls walked over to Sarah and thus began their introductions.

     “Hello Princess, in case you forgot, my name is Rachel Wilder and I hope that we can be great friends as I know we will!” Rachel said excitedly. A black cat with one crimson eye and a golden bell tied on a red ribbon around its neck appeared out of nowhere and onto Rachel’s shoulder.

     “Meoww!” The cat meowed.

     “Oh, this is my Chain, Cheshire Cat. He has a human form, but he’s recovering and has to stay in this form.” Rachel said holding the cat Cheshire in her arms.

     “Awww! He’s so cute!” Sarah said blushing at Cheshire.

     “And then I’m Jaya Miller. My Chain is-”

     “-A man she has a crush on!” Bethany finished.

     “Bethany!” Jaya exclaimed, blushing.

     “His name Kyuhyun.” Bethany added. “And I’m Bethany Cody by the way. You can call me B-mel for short. My Chain is also a cat name Kitty.”

     “Does it look like Cheshire?” Sarah asked with wonder.

     “No. She’s more like……well if you want to know what she looks like, I could show you.” Bethany said.

     “Sure!” Sarah said gleefully.

   A large white house cat with a pink ribbon around its neck appeared before the girls, Sarah shocked at the size of the white cat.

     “Princess, meet Kitty. Kitty, meet the Princess, Sarah.” Bethany said smiling.

     “U-uhhh...nice to meet you?" Sarah said to Kitty. Kitty bent down, sniffing at Sarah and soon welcoming Sarah to a nudge that was so soft to the touch it was like she was touching the clouds. Kitty gave Sarah a gentle cat kiss as she began to purr.

     “She likes you Princess.” Bethany said. Kitty disappeared, Sarah looking everywhere to see where her new friend went.

     “Now it’s your turn! Tell us anything and everything about you.” Rachel said.

     “Huh? Oh…uhh…well, my name is Sarah Hollenbeck, I’m the White Princess and……please don’t let my mom and dad know this but uhh…I-I got a Chain today. I got the White Queen.”

     “Huh? But I thought no one here was allowed to own a Chain but for the guards and us.” Jaya asked.

     “Yeah, well……I convinced Demitrius to take me to Pandora, cause I needed a Chain if I were to…” Sarah stopped midway, pausing to think if this was the right idea to be telling them her plan.

     ““Were to…” Were to what?” Jaya asked.

     “Go out and have an adventure to meet people, explore the lands, sail the ocean blue! That type of thing.” Sarah said. “But, mom and dad would never approve…well, my dad would but not my mom.”

     “An adventure is what you want, right?” Rachel said clasping her hands with Sarah’s, Cheshire on her head now.

     “Yeah?” Sarah said.

     “Well what if I told you that we could take you.” Rachel continued.

     “Really?!” Sarah asked being sucked into the world of happiness.

     “Really. Jaya, B-mel, and I will grant you’re very wish too: meet people, explore the lands and sail the ocean blue!” Rachel said recapping Sarah’s exact words.

     “Oh, thank you so much! We’ll leave tomorrow and head to my, sorta friends, home in Nightray manor.”

     “Hmm? Why there?” Bethany asked.

     “Well, I did ask my mom if I could go see Echo…but at the same time, I’m a little afraid to go there to see her…” Sarah said beginning to tremble.

     “Why?” Rachel asked.

     “B-because…Vincent might be there…He’s always near her or tries to hit on me, but if Gil were to be there, I could talk to Echo and we could talk…sadly, Gil is on a mission with Oz and Alice.” Sarah said. “But I’ll have you guy’s if Vincent’s there.”

     “I’ve got an idea that’s insane, but that’s just who we are.” Bethany said.

     “What is it?” Sarah asked.

     “We could distract him, get him into an empty room alone, tie him up and leave him there while you go meet with your friend Echo.” Bethany said evilly.

     “That’s too much.” Sarah said. “But I like the distracting him part the most.”

     “But that’s no fun!” Bethany complained.

     “Bethany! Remember who you’re talking too.” Jaya said slapping Bethany on the shoulder.

     “Sorry…okay, we’ll go with the distraction idea.” Bethany said.


The next day came by quickly and all night long, Sarah packed up whatever she would need for her long adventure. She wore her white dress with an extra pair of clothes packed away for afterwards and put on her silver pocket watch she had gotten from Jack the other day around her neck, hiding it in her collar.

     “Are you ready yet Princess?” Rachel asked.

     “Yep. Oh, and after we leave the Nightray manor, just call me Sarah.” Sarah said.

     “Of course, Princess.” Rachel said the two leaving the castle to meet up with Bethany and Jaya. Sarah took one last look at the castle and the four got into the carriage.


A man with long blond hair, mismatched gold (right) and crimson (left) eyes, and pale skin got dressed in a long jet black dress with black and gold boots and white gloves.

     “Are you ready yet Echo dear?” The man asked.

     “Yes, Vincent-さま.” A girl with light baby blue hair, emotionless sapphire eyes, and porcelain skin said. She wore a blue and white short dress with long sleeve’s that go over her hands, a black tie and thigh high white boots.

     “Good, Sarah should be here any minute. I’ll greet her and we can all talk together.” Said man Vincent said with a smile. There was a knock and Vincent went and answered it. “That must be her.”

     “Uh, hi Vincent. Is Echo here?” Sarah asked, not at all satisfied that it was Vincent who answered the door, but didn’t show it.

     “Yes, but, if I may, who are these three young maidens?” Vincent asked.

     “Oh! I’m sorry! They’re my new body guards, Rachel Wilder, Bethany Cody, and Jaya Miller.” She said introducing her new friends.

     “Welcome! Come on in, Echo and I have been expecting you.” Vincent said welcoming the four girls into the Nightray house. They walked in and were welcomed by a young boy with freshly cut black hair, showing his glorious amethyst eyes. He wore a white dress shirt with a dark purple jacket and jeans with black shoes and a thin bow with a large jewel.

     “Hi Leo!” Sarah greeted. She noticed he wasn’t wearing his large round glasses that would cover his eyes. She somehow felt drawn into the mysteriousness they held.

     “Hi ya’ Sarah-ちゃ�"! How are you doing?” Leo asked, smiling.

     “Good.” Sarah replied.

     “That’s great. Oh, who are they?” Leo asked, pointing towards the three girls.




     “It’s nice to meet you. So Sarah, what brings you here today?”

     “I wanna talk with Echo…by the way, where’s Elliot? You’re usually with him twenty-four seven.” Sarah asked. Leo froze; hiding his face and Vincent quickly intervened and replied for him, “My little brother, Elli is out with Vanessa on a vacation with Duke Nightray far away. We have no clue when they’ll be coming back home.”

     “Oh, well, okay.” Sarah said. Something doesn’t seem right. Leo and Vincent sure are acting strange…

     “Hey, Vincent-san, mind showing us around the Nightray manor for a bit?” Bethany brought up. It was time to set her plan in motion. If all else fails, she most likely will go with her plan…we’ll just see how long they can go with plan A.

     “Well, I guess I could.” Vincent said. “Right this way, ladies.”

     “Leo? Do you know where I can find Echo?” Sarah asked as she was now alone. Leo looked up at Sarah and gave her a warm smile.

     “Corse, right up here.” Sarah lifts up her dress and began to climb up the stairs, walking along side Leo.

     “…I’m sorry you couldn’t go with Elliot on the vacation, I feel bad mentioning him like that…I just thought-”

     “Sarah, it’s okay, I’m fine.” Leo said, though, Sarah could tell he was lying. The two teens soon came to an empty room.

     “Uh, Leo, I don’t see-” Sarah started. When she turned around, Leo was gone. “Leo? Leo, where did you go?” She walked up to the closed doors and found they were locked. She began to freak out and frantically tried to open the locked doors but there was just no use if it was locked.

   There was suddenly a chuckle coming from a woman behind her. Sarah stiffened up.

     “Look at what we have here? It’s the White Princess, Sarah Hollenbeck~” The woman sang. Turning ever so slowly, there was a woman with long pink hair, pink irises, smooth peach skin, and large b***s. She wore a large red cape with a hood over her head, a white collar on her neck, pink gloves, a red shirt vest with light pink ruffles and a matching short skirt, black fishnets on her legs with red heels, and cuffs loosely around her ankles.

     “W-who are you?” Sarah asked. “How do you know who I am?”

     “My name is Charlotte Baskerville, Lottie for short.” Charlotte said grinning wildly. “And I know you from Vincent-さま.”

     Vincent? I knew I could never trust him…wait, if Rachel, Jaya, and Bethany are with him…has…has he done something to them?

     “Come here girl.” Charlotte said. “Come talk with おねえ-さ�"pleeease?”

     “Wha- No.” Sarah refused quietly.

     “What was that?” Charlotte asked. There was a growl coming next to Sarah, Sarah jumping at the sound and was in terror to see a big large lion with a crown on his head and shadow thin wings. “I don’t think Leon and I heard you right.”

   Sarah slowly backed away and was set onto Charlotte’s lap.

     “That’s better~ Now tell おねえ-さ�" aaaall about how you met Jack the other day.”

     “W-what?! How did you-” Sarah began till her lips were covered by Charlotte’s index finger.

     “No question’s please, just information on Jack is all I need.” She interrupted.

   Sarah sighed.

     “I’m not telling you anything until I know what’s going on!”

     “If you don’t mind your friends dying, I’m fine with that, but are you willing to put their lives in danger for this small information?” Charlotte bribed.

     “No! Please don’t kill them!” Sarah pleaded.

     “We won’t, as long as you tell me.”

     “…K-kay…I-I saw Jack when I got to Pandora Headquarters and then when I was in my room.” Sarah confessed.

     “Really? Is that so…? Hmm, he appeared before you just those two times?”  She asked. Sarah nodded. “Did you do anything with him? Did he give you anything?”

     “Well…he gave me a silver pocket watch…” Sarah said.

     “It wouldn’t perhaps be this pocket watch, would it?” Charlotte said noticing the silver chain, pulling at it to reveal the pocket watch.

     “No, it’s-” Charlotte raises an eyebrow. “…yes…this is the pocket watch he let me keep…”

     “So, he just let you keep it? How sweet, it’ll make it that much easier to find him.” Charlotte said smiling. She took the pocket watch off of Sarah, stuffing it in a golden bag. Sarah tried to grab for the bag, but was held back. Something grabbed her, but she couldn’t tell what it was.

     “What’s going on!?”

     “You think we’d let you go?” Charlotte scoffed. “No, we need you as the bait to lure Jack out. Surly if he sees you are hurt or in danger, then he’ll come for your rescue.”

     “Wha- NO LET ME GO!” Sarah pleaded. Echo suddenly came into the room, but it was not Echo �" actually, it is her, just a different side of her. She looks livelier and wears the same red cape as Charlotte.

     “Echo?” Sarah asked.

     “Nope! I’m Noise! Or better yet, I am Zwei!” Zwei said. “And if you’re wondering why you can’t move is because Duldum, my Chain, has the terribly amazing ability to bind others and manipulate them with strings.”

     “Wha- but-” Sarah could hardly even say anything due to Deldum’s manipulating ability.

     “Now then, let us be on our way to find Jack~ ” Charlotte said. Zwei chuckled and Sarah began to walk out the door, unable to stop herself from going through with the Baskervilles evil plan.

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

Whew! I'm finally updating this after I got to a really intense part I have many questions for. So, yeah, I think I'll be following Pandora Hearts story line a little, but not too much. I AM writing a fan fiction after all~ ♥
(Also, I think I'll make a manga for this)

**ちゃん = Chan
**おねえ-さん = Onee-san (older sister)

I hope you liked it.

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Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Yes, Pandora Hearts.

12 Years Ago

ahhhh this makes much more sense now
Poor Sarah, getting really interesting, wonder if they'll be able to lure Jack out. Oh, and Cheschire's soooo cute, glad he's in it... now wishing for more episodes of Pandora Hearts... the plot thickenss ;)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I would love to see a manga of this :) I enjoyed this and I didnt see any mistakes

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Good! Glad you want to see it as a manga. In fact, I'm working on it right now. Just finished the fi.. read more
Taylor H.

12 Years Ago

awesome :) thanks

12 Years Ago

No problem! ^-^
This is like Alice in wonderland, right? This is a very interesting take on it. I really like the perception of it. It very different and good from the Alice in Wonderland stories

Posted 12 Years Ago

It's attractive !!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Arigato!!! (Thank you!!!) ^-^

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5 Reviews
Added on March 20, 2012
Last Updated on March 11, 2013
Tags: Pandora Hearts



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

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A Chapter by PokemonFan#1