2: Castle of White

2: Castle of White

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Retrace II: Castle of White


Sarah and Demitrius had returned to the Castle of White, a large white castle with a beautiful green sward and stately green trees and hedges all surrounding the majestic building, and snuck in through the back so they wouldn’t get caught by the guards who seemed to be on the lookout for not an intruder, but the princess herself. Once carefully sneaking by all the castle guards, they made it into Sarah’s room which was all white with a white bed that had a white vale with diamonds all over hanging above the bed.

     “Phew! Made it back before mom and dad noticed.” Sarah said taking off her cape hoody and placing it on her coat hanger.

   The door’s suddenly burst open, a worried King and Queen dashing towards Sarah, embracing her in a hug.

     “Where have you been Sarah? I, your father, and sisters were so worried!” Sarah’s mother, the Queen, said while embracing her eldest daughter in a tight hug. She had short, curly brunette hair with blond and red streaks all over, worried aquamarine eyes and peach skin. She wore the same white gown as Sarah, wearing a golden crown and white shoes.

     “We looked all over the castle for you.” Sarah’s father, the King said with worry. He wore a golden crown, hiding the fact that he is balding with a full beard having hints of gray, hazel eyes and rosy pale skin, a white tuxedo and shoes.

     “U-uhh……well I uhh…” Sarah stammered. I can’t tell them I went all the way to Pandora. They’ll freak out!

     “W-we went to go see Oz and Ada, but they weren’t there so we decided to head back to the castle.” Demitrius lied, defending Sarah.

     “Huh? Oh…Yeah! I wanted to see Oz and Ada, but neither of them were there.” Sarah said playing along.

     “Okay. But just tell us next time when you leave like that again.” The Queen said.

     “Okay.” Sarah said. “Umm…Since Oz and Ada weren’t there, may I go see Echo?”

     “No. You are to never to set foot in the Nightray house.” The Queen said bitterly.


     “I’m just kidding! Yes you can go!” The Queen said laughingly.

     “Really?” Sarah asked, her eyes filled with hope.

     “Tomorrow.” The Queen said.

     “Ah……” Sarah said, her face frozen. “Why?! What if Vincent is with her tomorrow?”

     “Because we have to knight three of your body guards today.” The Queen said.

     “Aww…Okay…” Sarah said, saddened.

     “Demitrius will tell you when it’ll start.” The King informed.

     “I-I will?” Demitrius asked as if surprised. “B-but I was never told anything about this.”

     “That is why you’ll be coming with us.” The King said.

     “O-oh…” Demitrius said following the King and Queen out. “I-I’ll be back my Princess.”

     “Okay.” Sarah said saddened. Sarah walked over to her bed and lied down, resting her eyes feeling tired from her day at Pandora.


Three young girls were on their way to meet with the Hollenbeck royal family, tired and exhausted from walking.

     “How much farther is it till we reach the castle?” A girl with long silk jet black hair, dark brown eyes and tan skin asked. She wore a dark purple tunic with a light purple long sleeved shirt underneath, white slacks and black boots.

     “We should almost be there. Just hang in there a little longer, Jaya!” A girl with light brunette hair, a bang over her right eye covering one emerald eye with a free one for her to see out of and peach skin. She wears a similar outfit as the girl Jaya, but her tunic green with a light green long sleeve shirt underneath, white slacks and brown boots.

     “Can’t you use Cheshire to get us there Rachel?” Jaya asked.

     “You know I just found him. He was badly hurt. On the brink of death poor thing.” Rachel reminded. “He has to recover for now so he can help protect the Princess.”

     “I guess you’re right. Hey Bethany, could Kitty get us there like Rachel’s chain?” Jaya asked.

     “No. She doesn’t have that type of power silly Jaya!” Bethany said laughing. She has long brunette hair, brown eyes and peach skin. She wears the same outfit as her friends, Jaya and Rachel, but her tunic is a dark red, a pinkish red long sleeved shirt underneath, white slacks and flaming red boots. She’s rather short, but she isn’t one to mess with.

     “Darn……and neither does Kyuhyun……” Jaya said sadly.

     “Kyuhyun isn’t considered your chain. He’s more like your boyfriend.” Bethany said teasingly.

     “Shut up Bethany! You know he’s a chain.” Jaya bellowed as she began to blush.

     “But he looks so human. Just like Alice, the B-Rabbit.” Bethany said only to receive a slap on the shoulder.

     “Bethany, I swear to-”

     “Guy’s look! We’re here!” Rachel said pointing towards the Castle of White before Jaya and Bethany could begin fighting.

     Finally!” Jaya cheered, running ahead.

     “Don’t leave us behind!” Rachel said her and Bethany following after Jaya.


Sarah’s eyes opened at the sound of a banging door, realizing she had drifted off to sleep.

     “Aw man……How long was I out?” Sarah wondered to herself.

     “P-Princess, the three knights are here. Please come.” Demitrius said.

     “Okay, okay. I’m coming.” Sarah said leaving her chambers. Sarah’s mother and father were standing next to the three girls’: Jaya, Rachel and Bethany, and talking about their duty and uniforms they would be assigned to.

     “Y-your highnesses. I’ve brought Sarah here like y-you told me to.” Demitrius said gesturing the sleepy Princess.

   Sarah rubbed her eye, yawning and soon spotting the trio.

     “Who’re they?” She asked as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

     “Sarah, these three brave and noble ladies’ will be your protector’s.” The Queen said.

     “Ummm……Why three?” Sarah asked.

     “Because they will also be your new friends.” The King said.

     “Really?! I get friends?” Sarah asked, feeling like she would burst from happyness at any moment.

     “Yes. Now the one with black hair is Jaya Miller,” the King said, introducing Sarah to the three,” the one with a bang over her eye is Rachel Wilder and finally, the one with long hair is Bethany Cody.”

     “Hello Princess. I can’t wait till we become great friends!” Rachel said with glee.

     “Me too! I’ve never had friends before, the fact that my family is pretty isolated from the world is rather sad, so I don’t have much friends.” Sarah said. “Let’s go to my room so I can get to know you guy’s some more!”

     “Sorry Sarah, but that’ll have to wait.” The Queen said. “They have to be shown around the castle and find their uniform. Why not play with your sister’s for a change?”

     “Humph…no…I don’t wanna. I’ll just stay in my room and wait.” Sarah said bitterly. “Come on Demitrius.”

     “He has to show them around though.” The Queen resorted.

     “But- fine. I’ll be by myself.” Sarah said and casually stormed off and into her bedroom, slamming the door shut. Sarah sat at her desk and resting her head down.

     “Wahh!” A voice shouted from outside.

     “Huh? What was that?” Sarah wondered making her way to her window to see Jack, lying in the bushes. “J-Jack? Hey-hey Jack! Are you okay?!”

     “Huh? Oh, Princess, I uh……” Jack stammered looking up and blushing.

     “What’re you doing here?” Sarah asked.

     “I came here to see the beautiful castle, but now I see the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met lives here.” Jack said making Sarah blush madly.

     “Wha-what, I-I ummm…” Sarah stammered, unable to find the words she wanted to say.

     “May I come up?” Jack suddenly asked.

     “Huh?! O-oh, uhh……” Sarah stammered again. W-what should I do? Mom and dad wouldn’t be very happy if a boy like Jack were to be with me…alone…with…without any one too-…it usually takes a long time to show new knight’s and maids around so………

     “Princess?” Jack asked.

     “Hmm? Y-yes. That’s all right.” Sarah quietly replied blushing.

     “I could come back tomorrow if-”

     “N-no! Please don’t go! You can come up here if you wish!” Sarah said. Ahh…what have I just done?

     “Really? Okay.” Jack said climbing his way up the castle wall. Once Jack had climbed through the bedroom window, Sarah began to feel like regretting to have ever granted Jack permission into her room.

     “U-ummm....S-so what-” Sarah began to stammer till she noticed Jack’s hand was bleeding. “Y-your hand! It’s bleeding!”

     “Huh? Oh, I didn’t notice.” Jack said plainly, looking at his hand.

     “How could you have not noticed?!” Sarah asked now panicking.

     “I don’t know.” Jack replied. Sarah then realized there were two options’ she could choose. One, she could take Jack to her nurse, everyone finding out she had let a boy in the castle, or two, she uses the White Queen’s power to heal Jack. Thinking it over, she didn’t want to risk getting in trouble, so she summoned the White Queen who looked somewhat like her, but albino.

     “Is that your chain?” Jack asked in awe.

     “Yes. Now please hold still.” Sarah said. She closed her eyes, Jack’s wound healing slowly. Once fully healed, Sarah suddenly felt tipsy and jaded, collapsing down and hitting the floor with a: thunk.

     “P-Princess?!” Jack said. “Princess, are you all right?” Sarah didn’t respond. “This isn’t good. What do I do?” Jack was beginning to panic and realized he could place her in her bed. Jack picked her up bridle style and placed her on her bed. Sarah’s door began to creek open, Jack quickly diving under her bed.

     “A-and now that you’ve met her sister’s, you may d-do as the princess needs.” Demitrius said showing the trio Sarah’s room.

     “Hmmm? She looks like she’s sleeping right now.” Rachel pointed out seeing Sarah on the bed.

     Who are they? Jack thought.

     “Oh, I-I guess you’ll have to wait till s-she wakes up.” Demitrius said. “For now, you can stay in here till s-she wakes up, or you can wait outside the d-door.”

     “We’ll wait outside. Don’t want to startle her when she wakes up.” Rachel said.

     “I-I guess you’re right. Well then, just stand guard a-and check her room every so often until she wakes up.” Demitrius said leading the girl’s out. Once the room was empty, Jack crawled out from underneath the bed and looked at Sarah one last time.

     “I have to go now. I can’t get caught.” Jack said. He turned towards the window, his eyes catching a glimpse of paper and a quill pen. “Perfect! I’ll leave her a note saying I left. That way, she won’t worry.” Jack walked over to the desk, quickly jotting down a note for Sarah. He folded it up and placed it in her hand and climbed out the window. Bethany had opened the door just as Jack had escaped out the window, closing it for a few minutes more.

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

Whew! Finished chapter 2! Yay!

I hope you liked it.

Please leave a review!

**Edit** I just did a few editing here and there, nothing drastically changed.

My Review

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Yay, close call with Jack, already loving the character's carefree banter and the new characters along with the old... her chain is awesome!!! Can't wait to read the next chapter :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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WOOT WOOT! I love the friendship between everyone! I die when they tease each other XD lovely!!!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you darling~ ♥ ^-^

12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

^-^ ~♥♥♥
Once sneeking by the last guard, they made it into Sarah's room which was all white with a white bed that had a white vail with diamonds all over hangging above the bed.----Once sneaking by the last guard, they made it into Sarah's room which was all white with a white bed that had a white veil with diamonds all over hanging above the bed.

Your father, sister's and I were so worried---sisters

She has short, currly brunette hair with blonde and red streak, aquamarin eyes and peach skin.----curly brunette hair with blonde and red streak, aquamarine eyes and peach skin.

He wears a golden crown, hidding the fact that he is balding, a white tuxedo and shoes----hiding

but they weren't there so we desided to head back to the castle."-----decided

"Umm...Sence Oz and Ada weren't there, may I go see Echo?"----since

Bethany said receving a slap on the shoulder.----receiving

Bethany ollowing Jaya.-----allowing

the three knight's are here---knights

Sarah said leaving her chamber's----chambers

Work on spelling and grammar. Just so you know 's is only used for owner ship like taylor's car not something like the three sister's

I liked this so far. I just cant mark every mistake I find.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you, I fixed it since I finally got my own computer with microsoft word to fix those mistakes... read more
Taylor H.

12 Years Ago

:) ok
i just have one question, by SuJu, do you mean the WHOLE group. or just KyuHyun, who Jaya likes?

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Just Kyuhyun. Next chapter is up.
This is getting better! I can't read those names and not think of P.E.T XD You go a little overboard with apostrophes, but other than that, not much else constructive criticism I can give you. It's getting better, I'm more compelled to keep reading now.

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Glad you liked it (yeah, the characters from P.E.T. are based off of me and my other friends) I fina.. read more
Yay1 I am in it! and Cheshire too! he's so cute!

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Yeperz! And now (after 6 months of waiting) chapter 3 is UP! ^-^
oh meowmers this was excellente!

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you~ And now the next chapter is finally up!
whew that was a close one!! i really loved it, can't wait for the next one!! i'm officially hooked!

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

If you were "officially hooked!" six months ago, I hope you're still "officially hooked!" now cause .. read more

12 Years Ago

Remember I still hat a s**t ton of hw from school
There were a few spelling and grammar errors, but nothing too bad that it was distracting. Well done. I shall be reading more. Thanks or sharing with me, the Pandora Hearts freak~

Posted 13 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

The next chapter is up! WOO! ^-^

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10 Reviews
Added on March 16, 2012
Last Updated on March 11, 2013
Tags: Pandora Hearts



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1