Flower's of love: Part 2: An editer to remember

Flower's of love: Part 2: An editer to remember

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

The second part of our adult series.


Sarah drives up to a big building, get's out of her car and walks in. She goes into the elevater, puching the seventh floor button and goes up till a man tells her to wait and let him on. He is wearing a black fancy shirt, black slack, a black baseball cap and sunglasses, short blonde hair leaking out, a white watch and black shoes.

     "Which floor?" Sarah asked.

     "Floor seven." The man said.

     "Oh, that's where I'm going too!" Sarah said.

     "Ah....Oh, is that your manuscript?" The man asked, noticing Sarah was holding a folder with her manga in it.

     "Yeah. I'm meeting my editer today." Sarah said.

     "Is this your first?" The man asked.

     "Yeah." Sarah said.

     "Well good luck then!" The man said. There was a ding and the elevater door's opened, the two walking out and heading into a different direction. Sarah came to a big room where there were paper's flying everywhere, people picking them up.

     "Oh no! Don't let it get away!" One man said.

     "Come back here!" A woman said chasing after some flying paper's.

     "Uhh....I-is this the right room?" Sarah asked herself.

     "Ah, you must be Sarah. So sorry for the mess." A man said walking up from behind Sarah, startling her. Sarah turned around to see a man with white hair, a bang over his left eye, red eyes with a pair of glasses over his eyes and peach skin. He wore a dark brown tuxedo, a bow tie and black shoes.

     "W-who are you?" Sarah asked.

     "I'm Xerxes Break and I'm the head of this building." Said man Break said. "I believe I sent Jack out to get you?"

     "O-oh! Y-your Break?!" Sarah said shocked. "I'm sorry, I was with my friends when he came and I didn't have my manuscript with me."

     "I see. As long as he found you, everything's okay." Break said. "Now, about the manga you wanted to get edited. I'll be having Jack be your official editer starting now. Let me go get him."

     "O-okay..." Sarah said. Break walked off into another room, leaving Sarah alone in the crazy room. Break came back in shortly with the man Sarah was in the elevator with, Sarah blushing madly.

     'T-that was Jack?!" Sarah thought.

     "Hi Sarah! Good to see you again!" Jack said taking the baseball cap off, his long braid falling to his back. "I'm going to look forward to being your editer." Jack winked at Sarah, making her grow even more red.

     "So, let's get this to be looked over. If there's anything that need's changing, Jack'll tell you." Break said taking Sarah's binder.

     "O-oh, a-ahh, I-I." Sarah stuttered, unable to find words.

     "Come on, you have to come too!" Jack said pulling Sarah into another room. This room was nice and clean with no flying paper's and people chasing after. It was quiet enough for Jack to do his editing.

     "Plaese take a seat." Break said, motioning to a chair for Sarah to sit in. Sarah shyly sat down and waited there while Jack looked over her manga.


Once done, Jack stood up and handed Sarah her manga back.

     "There are are just a few things you need to change. First is the fight scene and second, the kissing scene." Jack said.

     "Aw...I knew my kissing scene wouldn't be good...." Sarah said taking her manga back.

     "Don't worry, you're just a beginner taking your first steps to becoming a great Manga artist." Jack said.

   Sarah looked up at him with saddened eyes and asked, "Really?"

     "Yep!" Jack replied with a smile. Jack took Sarah's hand and led her out to her car. "We should hang out some time. Maybe with your friends or just the two of us...alone."

     "H-huh?! Wait, y-you want to hang out with me and my friends?!" Sarah asked, blushing.

     "Or alone." Jack said.

     "U-uhh....I-I think they would think we were dating." Sarah said.

     "Whaaaaat?" Jack said playing dumb. "Why would they think that?"

     "W-well, I don't have a boyfriend yet, and they're bugging me about getting one." Sarah said.

     "Don't you want one?" Jack asked.

     "Y-yeah, but-"

     "Then why not be mine?" Jack asked. Sarah's face flushed tomato red. She tried to talk, but words couldn't come out. "Is that a yes?" Sarah tried to talk again, but words still couldn't come out. "I'm taking that as a yes."

   Sarah's mouth dropped open, now compleatly speachless.


After a long stall of trying to get into her car, Sarah finally managed to get home. She walked into her room and fell onto her bed. Sarah grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Sarah's cell phone soon vibrated, letting her know she had gotten a text. Sarah sat up and looked at her text message. It was from Bethany.


     Hey guy's, sorry I missed out on our day at the mall. Justin and I had a big oporation we had to do.

Could we go out to the Cheese Cake Factory? Plz replie back for those of you who can come.


   Sarah looked at the text her friend Bethany sent, thinking that she really needed to have a break from the day she had.


     I'll come B-mel. I'll be there as soon as possable.


   Sarah sent the text, walking over to the door and grabbing her key's. Once Sarah walked out the door, Jack was waiting by her car, seeming to find her.

     'Oh no! Jack!' Sarah yelled whispered. She quickly and quietly walked back into her house, locking the door. She pulled out her cell phone and franticly began to text Bethany.


     I might end up being late to the Cheese Cake Factory, sorry in advace. I'll try to get there soon, I promise!


   Sarah sent the text, Bethany replying, Okay, as long as you're coming, we'll wait.

   Sarah peaked out her window, Jack looking over. She quickly fell to the floor, hidding.

     "When is he going to leave?! I need to get to the Cheese Cake Factory as soon as possable!" Sarah said. The sound of foot steps were growing softer. Sarah looked up to see Jack had left, so she got up and went to the door. There was a sudden rush of foot steps that came from out the door. Sarah didn't notice the sound and opened to door, only to find her face being pointed at with a man wearing all black holding gun.

     "Sit down!" The man demanded. Terrified and intimidated, Sarah backed up to sit on her couch. "Grab anything that is of value."

   Another male figure came in holding a bag and ws about to take Sarah's vase she had gotten from her mom as a good bye present, until a dart came and hit him in the arm, falling to the floor and sleeping. Sarah squeeked, another dart flying, hitting the man that held the gun to Sarah so she couldn't try anything funny. He fell to the floor, sleeping.

     "W-what was that?!" Sarah asked, trembling.

     "Sarah, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Jack asked.

     "Jack?!" Sarah nearly yelled. "W-what are you-" Jack had put his lips againt Sarah's, Sarah's eyes widdening, and her face cherry red.

   Jack pulled away and said, "I'm glad you're okay." Jack helped Sarah up and he called 9-1-1. The police came and took the two men away, Sarah's house now empty of evil.

     "I have to go now." Sarah said.

     "Where?" Jack asked.

     "To the Cheese Cake Factory with my friends." Sarah said.

     "Your friends? I wanna meet them!" Jack said.

     "Fine...I guess there's no use fighting over this. Come on." Sarah said in defeat.

     "Yay!" Jack said hugging Sarah. "Thank you!"


Sarah and Jack had arrived at the Cheese Cake Factory, walking over to see all her friends but Rylie.

     "Sorry I'm late B-mel. There was....traffic." Sarah lied.

     "Who's the guy?" Bethany asked. She has long wavy brunette hair that reach down to her elbows, dark brown eyes with small glasses and peach skin. She is wearing a red tang top, black short's and high top flip flops (because she is short, she wears the them so she can be tall).

     "Hmmm? Oh, uh....this is Jack. He's my manga editer." Sarah said. "He wanted to come along to-"

     "Is he your boy friend?" Justin asked pulling his headphone's. He has short blonde hair, sapphire blue eyes and peach pale skin. He wears a long sleeved light brown shirt, dark brown jeans, brown beige skarf, a sort sleeved dark brown trench coat that reach to his elbow's and black shoes

     "Justin, she just said he's her manga editor....were you even listening?!" Bethany said.

     "Sorry, no. I had my headphone's on." Justin said receaving a slap on the arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

     "You shouldn't listen to your headphone's while at a resturant!" Bethany scolted.

     "Sorry..." Justin said.

     "Where's Rylie?" Sarah asked, looking around the table.

     "She couldn't come. She had to baby-sit." Bethany said sadly. "Aside from that, let's get our food now that everyone's here."


Once everyone had finished eating, Bethatny and Justin headed home, along with everyone else.

     "See you later Bethany!" Justin said.

     "See ya' Justin!" Bethany said. "I better get home and get ready for work tomorrow." And with that, Bethany drove home.

© 2012 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

This whole chapter I kept thinking I had glasses on and was my character Crona, every time I had me blush, imagining the [none existing] glasses fogging up. Weird....

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... and WHEN did Jack get my stamp of approval?

Posted 13 Years Ago

okay this sounds all to familair with my manga (rises eye brow) plus i should inform u that u can not mix personal with social life at work okay; so no smut at work! plus i need to interview that guy! No one dates u without my okay!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 5, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012
Tags: Pandora Hearts, Soul Eater, D.Gray-Man



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1