Flower's of love: Part 1: At the movie's

Flower's of love: Part 1: At the movie's

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

This all take's place in our adult years.


There is a young woman with her long light brunette hair tied up in a pony tail, an emo bang over her left eye, eye's an emerald green, her peach skin glowing in the morning sun as she get's into her car, dressed in her long sleeved light and dark green stripped sweater, black watch, white slacks and black shoes.

     "I can't be late for our day at the mall!" The woman said. She pulled out her cell phone, telling her friends she was on her way, now driving off as she sent the text.

   On her way to the mall, there was a car crash, thankfully, it seemed that there were no injury's that occured, only a banged up, and misformed car. There was an ambulance and police there, talking to the poor people involved in the crash and checking if they were hurt or not.

   Trafic went faster, the woman speeding up from the once slow trafic she was in. She pulled into Tempe Market Place, parked and hurried over to the mall square near the Harkens theater.

     "Rachel!" A woman with milk chocolate skin, matching eyes and long black hair that reached her shoulder's. She wore a white long sleeved v-neck shirt, dark blue jeans and black shoes. "Over here Rachel!"

     "Yasmine!" Said woman, Rachel said. Rachel walked over to her said black woman friend, Yasmine, all her other friends there. "Hey guy's, sorry I'm late, there was an accedent on the way here." There was a long silence.

     "U-ummm...What should we do?" Another woman that had similar hair, but was a darkish light brunette, her hair put down with a small braid on her left. She has peach pale skin and hazel eyes. She is wearing a yellow and white stripped shirt, darkish light blue skinny jeans and light brown boots.

     "Let's go see a movie!" Yasmine declaired.

     "Uhh....what one would we see?" Rachel asked.

   Yasmine had paused for a moment, about to say what movie till the other brunette woman said, "Let's see 'D.Gray-man!'! I heard that it got really good reviews from my dad."

     "YES!" Rachel said excededly.

     "It already came out?!" Yasmine asked in shock. "I didn't even know that! And I'm the Almighty Anime Geek! How'd you know before me Sarah?!"

     "Well for one, Rachel is the queen of D.Gray-man and began ranting to me about it when she was in Japan with Jaya, Alana, and Siana." Said girl Sarah said.

     "Oh yeah! And that's where they were filming the movie too!" Rachel said. "Since Allen, Lavi, Tyki, Neah and Kanda were staring in the movie, the four of us decided to pay a visit."

     "And second, my dad know's I'm into anime, so when he saw the teser for the movie, he told me about it and then Rachel bagan to rant to me about it threw skype." Sarah said.

     Yasmine gave Rachel, Siana, Alana and Jaya death glare's. Siana was unfazed by Yasmine's glair, her brown eyes glimmering in the sun, her peach skin glowing and her short, light brown hair blowing in the wind. She wore a Japan shirt Tyki had gotten her as a suviner, with the Japanese kanji for 'Love' printed on it, her gray multi design jacket over her shirt unzipped, dark brown shorts and black and white running shoes.

   Jaya was a little intimidated, her brown eyes soon glareing back, her tan skin glowing, and her long dark, jet black hair blew in the wind. She wore a red shirt with a sakura blossom tree (cherry blossom tree), the petels flying off, a multipule veriety of braclets an her wrists, dark black slacks and red flats.

   Alana was very intimidated by Yasmine's stare and began to hid behind Siana, her small brown eyes holding fear, her light tanish peach skin hidden from the sun, the building's shadow darkening her skin, her long black hair blowing onto her face. She wore a velvet purple long sleeved shirt with a matching headband in her hair dark blue jeans and white running shoes.

     "How come no one told me?" Yasmine asked.

     "W-we didn't want to desturb you during your shojo manga project Eddie's making you re-do again." Alana said.

     "Uhg....don't even mention his name!" Yasmine groaned. "Let's just get our ticket's before we miss the movie."

     "Okay." All the girls replied. They walked over to the ticket booth, everyone getting the 11:15 showing and heading inside. The smell of popcorn filled the theater air as they walked in, handing the ticket tacker their tickets.

     "The Ceni Capre will be to your left. Enjoy your movie." The ticket man said.

     "Sweet! D.Gray-man's in the Ceni Capri!" Yasmine said, the six girls walking over to get some snacks. Once they had gotten their movie snacks, the six headed into the Ceni Capri and took their seats next to five gentalmen with baseball caps and glasses on, who were near the front row with the metal bars to rest their feet on.

     "Are these seat's taken?" Rachel asked one man with unusual white hair.

     "No..." The man replied.

     "You look familiar...Have I seen you somewhere?" Rachel asked, now seated into her seat.

     'Yeah, it's me, Allen.' Said man Allen whispered. 'Lavi, Neah, Tyki and Kanda came too.'

     'Siana, Jaya, Alana, Yasmine! Guess who else came?' Rachel whispered with excitment.

     "Who?" The four girl's asked.

     'Our movie star boyfriends!' Rachel whispered.

     "Neah!" Yasmine bellowed, walking over to sit next to Neah. Neah has unkept jet black hair, unusual golden eyes and dark milk chocolate skin. He is wearing a pair of glasses, a black baseball cap, light brown trench coat and dark blue slacks.

     "Hey Yasmine. Its been a while. How's your Manga coming along?" Neah asked.

     "Not so great....I still can't get the kissing scene right." Yasmine said.

     "Eddie is just being a jerk. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Your kissing scene you did back in high school was awsome." Rachel said.

     "Yeah." Sarah said, coming into the conversation.

     "Oh, Hi Sarah! How are you?" Neah asked. "Have you and Rylie found Mr. Right yet like the rest of your friends?"

     "No...." Sarah said. There was a sudden vibrate from all six of the girls cell phone's, all from Rylie.


     Hey guy's, guess what?! I got a boyfriend!


     "Correcton...I still don't..." Sarah said putting her phone away, not bothering to ask who it was.

     "Aww...that's too-" Neah was about to say till he was cut off by Lavi.

     "Too bad....some day he'll come." Lavi said. Lavi has spiky red hair, emerald green eyes and peach pale skin. He is wearing a white baseball cap, a pair of glasses over his eyes, a red shirt with a matching headband around his neck, dark blue jeans and black shoes. "Maybe like how Alana and Yuu got together!"

     "How many time's do I have to tell you, don't call me by that name!" Kanda barked. He has long, dark blue hair that is usually put up in a pony tail, but this time let down, very dark ocean blue eyes and pale skin. He is wearing a dark blue sweater shirt, black jeans and white shoes.

   The light's began to dim, everyone hushing up and rearanging to sit next to their boy friends, all but Sarah.


Once the movie was over, they all exited the movie theater, meeting back at the same spot they were at before.

     "Oh my gosh, that was the best movie I've seen this year!" Sarah said squeeling with excitment.

     "Allen, you were so awsome! I loved how you took out those Akuma before they could get to that family!" Rachel said going all gaga over Allen.

   Allen kissed Rachel on the lips and held flower's out.

     "Here, these are for you Rachel." Allen said handing the flowers to Rachel.

     "Thank you Allen!" Rachel said blushing and kissing him again.

     "Hey Siana, I got you this." Tyki said plopping a black top hat on Siana's head. He has unkept rully hair, golden eyes and milk chocolate skin like Neah. He wears a velvet shirt with a light blue jacket over light blue jeans and black shoes.

     "OH TYKI! THANK YOU!" Siana yelled in pure happyness, hugging him and kissing him afterwards.

     "Well, I guess we should be going back home now." Rachel said.

     "Okay, Bye!" Everyone said.

   Sarah walked up to her car, taking out her key's but being so clumbsy to drop them. Sarah groaned and bent over to pick up her key's, coming back up to see a man with long blonde hair tied into a very long braid, emerald green eyes and pale skin. He wore a green shirt, dark blue jeans and black and white shoes.

   Sarah blushed and asked, "M-may I help you?"

     "I'm sorry, but, by any chance, is you're name, Sarah?" The man asked.

     "H-huh?! H-how do you know my name?! I've never met you before!" Sarah said, her face flushing red.

     "Dear madden Sarah, I've been looking everywhere for you! My name is Jack and have been serching my hole life for you." Said man Jack said hugging Sarah.

     "Wait! I don't know who you are!" Sarah said trying to pry her way out of his grip. "I think you might have the wrong Sarah!"

     "No, I've been told and given information from master Break that you are the Sarah I needed to find." Jack said.

     "Break? Who's that?" Sarah asked, finally let go.

     "I can not tell you about who he is, or what he does, just that he is my master and he sent me out to find you." Jack said. "And now, I have found you at last!"

     "I'm sorry, Jack, but I think you have the wrong girl." Sarah said. "Now if you don't mind, I have to go back home and get ready to meet my editer."

     "Oh....I see....see you later?" Jack asked, a big smile on his face.

     "Uhh....I don't know.....depends on where we meet next time." Sarah said opening her car door. "I have to go now. Bye." Sarah loaded herself into her car, driving away leaving Jack all by himself int the Tempe Market Place parking lot.


   Sarah had gotten home safe and soud and grabbed her papper's to take to her editer over in Red Mountan.

     "I hope they like my manga." Sarah said as she got back into her car.

© 2012 PokemonFan#1

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Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

yeah my computer was being stupid so i couldn't review sooner! so cute and i didn't know u wanted to be a manga artist too!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 4, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012
Tags: D.Gray-Man, Pandora Hearts



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1