![]() The past life of Crona Zay HillA Chapter by PokemonFan#1![]() A character I created in Thread Heads, Mystic Academy fourm.![]() One day, a girl peach skin, amythist silver purple hair emerald green eyes with large round glasses, wearing a red plade shirt and short black shirt with a teal green beaded belt, black glittery knee high socks with a purple ribbon, night time green tenis shoes, a silver watch and a big light brown bag was walking home with her boy friend, Danny Walker. Danny wore all black, his hair blonde and his skin peach; eyes ocean blue. "Bye Crona." Danny said kissing Crona on the cheek. "Bye Danny!" Crona said waving as Danny walked into his house. "Beter head home. Mom's making Hamburgers today!" Crona ran down her street, and walked up to her house. The front door was wide open, Crona slowly walking inside. She place her bag down in her bed room and walked around the house to find her parents. She looked in their bed room and even their bathroom, but they weren't there. "Where are they?" Crona asked herself. There was a loud sound of glass breaking from in the kitchen, Crona running in to investigate. "That sure was a tasty dinner..." A man said liking his lips. He had deep red hair and very pale skin. He wore a long black over coat and buckle boots. He turned around and made eye contact with Crona, Crona flinching as she saw his deep blood ruby red eyes. "What's this? Another?" "W-w-w-who are you?! W-w-where's my m-m-mom and d-d-dad!" Crona stuttered, backing up into the wall as the man walked towards her. "My name is Draco Red. I am the master of all Vampires." The man Draco said slaming his fist into the wall, trapping Crona. "V-vampire?!" Crona screached. "Yes. I am the most dangeres vampire to meet." Draco said runing his cold hand againts Crona's cheek and lifting her chin up. "I've just drank all your mother and fathers blood dry, not a single drop left. But sence your such a pretty girl, I'll give you the choice of becoming a vampire like me, staring out as a fledgling, or dieing along with your mother and father." Crona was in a stiky situation. She had the choice of becoming a vampire fledgling, or dieing. She began to shiver uncontrolibly and began to stutter. "If you don't chose now, I'll kill your boyfriend too." Draco said. Crona froze. She had just gotten Danny to be her boy friend just a week ago. She didn't want to lose him. "I-I-I'll....I-I-I'll become a vampire....." Crona said in defeat. "That's a good girl." Draco said patting Crona's head like a dog. He turned Crona around, tilt her head to the left, moving away her hair, held onto her around the wast in case she tried to run and whispered, "You'll feel a sharp pain, but it'll all be worth it in the end." He bit down into Crona's neck, Crona losing all feeling and slowly being brought down to the floor. Draco stopped sucking Crona's blood to leave a little for her to change. The vampire venome ate away at Crona's remaining blood, turning her into a fledgling that needed blood from a living creature very badly. "T-t-t-thirsty...." Crona mumbled. She weakly rose from her spot, a small mouse running past them, Crona diving towards the little creater, catching it and biteing into it. Crona's eyes and skin changed, now had very pale white skin, deep blood red eyes, still having to wear her big glasses, and smooth red lips. Crona dropped the blood draind mouse, her hands bloody and trembling. Fear was in her eyes as she looked at her hands. "W-what am I d-d-doing?" "Put these new clothes on my dear princess." Draco said tossing Crona a pare of new clothes. Crona took the clothes and walked into her bedroom. When she walked out, she wore a fluffy purple shirt with a black vest and wore long gray socks with small red ribbons with black boots on her feet and a golden chain belt to keep up her short black skirt. 'I-I-I need to find somewhere e-e-e-else to live...' Crona whispered. 'B-b-b-but first, I have know if D-D-D-Dany will still l-l-love me..." As Crona made her way to the front door, Draco stopped her. "Where do you think your going?" Draco asked. "O-o-out." Crona said. "Aren't you wondering if you'd burn up?" Draco asked. "D-d-do I?!" Crona asked. "No. That's just what they say in movies." Draco said. "W-w-we d-d-don't sparkle...d-do we?" Crona asked. "Course not! Stephenie just made that up!" Draco said. "We can walk out into the sun without burning or sparkling." "S-so can I-I leave?" Crona asked. "Just come back before night fall." Draco said moving out of the way. Crona walked out side, the world just really bright now, but soon her eyes aggusted. She walked up to Danny's house, knocked on the door and came face to face with him. "Hey Crona. is something up?" Danny asked. He noticed Crona's now pale skin and red eyes. "Hey, are you okay?! Your so pale! And...and your eyes! T-ther...red! Crona what happened?!" Crona began to cry, tears over flowing and running down her cheeks. "D-D-Danny! I-I made a deal with a v-v-vampire!" Crona shouted. "What? Your not telling me your into Twilight and saying you were 'bitten' by Edward...are you?" "D-D-Danny! I made a deal with a really bad vampire! H-h-he killed my mom and dad!" Crona said, crying really hard. "H-h-he said I had a choise t-t-to either die or become a v-v-vampire! Please believe me! If I d-d-d-didn't chose, he said he would k-k-kill you!" "So you chose to become a vampire?" Danny asked. "T-t-to save you!" Crona said. "Well I'm sorry. If your a vampire now, I can't be with you any more." Danny said. A single tear began to fall from his eye. Crona was shocked at what she was hearing. Did he really just dump Crona? "D-Danny...I-I don't understand....." Crona said. "Crona... We're over. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way." Danny said and slamed the door into Crona's sad face. Crona fell to the floor, balling her eyes out and began to sing a little bit of her favorite sad song. "C-c-cover my e-e-eyes. C-c-cover m-my ears. T-tell me t-these words are....**sniff, sniff** a lie.... I-I-It can't be t-t-true, that I-I-I'm losing y-y-you... Good bye...forever Danny..." That was all Crona could sing up too till she ran away into the woods, coming to a large gate. The gate way to Mystic Academy. © 2012 PokemonFan#1Author's Note
2 Reviews Added on February 11, 2012 Last Updated on June 5, 2012 Author![]() PokemonFan#1In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZAboutI am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..Writing