Chapter I

Chapter I

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

One day there lived a young girl, about seven and a half; turning eight soon, in the Kanto region in a town called Pallet. Pallet town is a nice quiet town where hardly anything bad happens. The girls name is Harmony Alice and is an only child living with her mom, Melody, and her dad Hector. Harmony has unusual mismatched mutant emerald and sapphire eyes -emerald on the right and sapphire of the left- and for that she gets picked on at school every day. She has peach pale skin and light brunette hair with bangs.

     “Harmony it’s time to get ready for school.” Harmony’s mom, Melody said pulling Harmony’s blankets off. She has aquamarine -with a tint of sapphire- eyes, peach skin and long light brunette hair in a light blue ponytail, bangs over her forehead and strands coming out. She wore a yellow long sleeved t-shirt with medium dark blue pants. “Please take a shower and get dressed while I make you breakfast.”

     “Uhn…But everyone at school picks on me!” Harmony moaned.

     “Just don’t listen to them then.” Melody said. “Now please take your shower.”

     “Okay…” Harmony said sighing and grabbing her towel, heading toward the shower door until bumping into the wall. “Ouch!” She groaned in pain. “I-I’m. I’m okay; still half asleep.” After finishing her shower, Harmony was wide awake and brushed her hair, putting it into pig tails with two bright pink heart clips in her hair to keep her bangs -which need trimming- out of her face and put on her long sleeved shirt, lime green vest with a red-orange ribbon, light and dark green plaid short skirt and long black knee high socks, then dashed down stairs quickly to eat breakfast, put her dark brown buckle shoes on and ran out the door grabbing her school bag and lunch; hopping onto her bike toward school.

   Upon arriving at school, Harmony put her bike where all the other bikes were being kept and she walked into the Pokémon Trainer School Academy doors. Harmony went to the Headmaster’s office to see her dad. Harmony's dad, Hector, is the school’s Headmaster and is in charge of everything that goes on there. Harmony has only been at the school for a month and so far she hasn’t made any new friends yet.

   Harmony walked into the school office, requesting the receptionist to let her see her dad, and she did so, Harmony walking in and sitting in a chair next to her dad.

     “Dad, why are the other kids so mean to me?” Harmony asked her dad.

     “I don't know why Harmony.” Hector said. He has emerald eyes with black slim spectacles, pale skin and lime green hair. He wears a blue and white striped button up dress shirt, red, white and black striped tie, medium dark brown slacks and jacket. “I'm trying my best to stop the bullying in this school. Just be strong my sweet little Pikachu.”

     “Okay…” Harmony said sighing, then walked out of his office and walked down the hall to her morning class.

     “Did you do something bad?” A boy’s voice asked, Harmony turning to see a boy about her age with pale skin, jet black purple hair and golden topaz eyes. He wore a black rich boy type of outfit and he was leaning against the wall to the office.

     “Victor?!” Harmony said sounding surprised. “W-what are you doing here?”

     “I heard you weren’t coming back to school ever again. But I guess they were wrong.” Said boy Victor said. Victor was one of many students that picked on Harmony and one of the leaders.

     “Who told you that?” Harmony said scared Victor would do something to her.

     “You know, my twin sis, Victoria, or better known as, “Purple Violet”.” Victor said folding his arms.

     “Humph! Well, you can tell Victoria, and everyone else, that I am staying at this school no matter what!” Harmony said defending herself, but still scared.

     “Fine, but theres something on your shirt.” Victor said pointing at Harmony's chest.

     “I'm not falling for it…………Where?!” Harmony said looking down causing Victor to flick her nose, hard. “Ow! That hurt!”

     “Ha, ha! You always fall for that trick!” Victor said laughing his head off. “See ya later “Mutant”.”

     “Don't call me that!” Harmony said wanting to cry, but holding it in.


Harmony walked down the long hallway and reached her first class. Harmony wants to become a Pokémon trainer someday, so she's taking a class that will help her learn more about battling. The school provides Pokémon for a student that has been there for at least one month and they may receive any three Pokémon of their choice to bring home. Harmony finally gets to choose a Pokémon team she wants to bring home and train with at the end of the school day today.

     “Okay class, may I please have your attention?" The teacher said. She has peach pale skin, long purple hair and sparkling amethyst eyes. She wears a long sleeved white shirt with a collar, a light purple vest, dark purple shoes, a light brown dress jacket and a medium purple skirt. "We have two new students from two different and very far away regions transferring into this school. I'd like to introduce you all to: Gold and Kitty.”

   Two young kids walked into the classroom and they both looked like they were around Harmony's age, eight.

     “Why don't you tell us about yourself?” The teacher continued.

     "Um...M-m-m-my names K-Kitty White…" The girl Kitty stuttered. She has pale skin, beautiful long flowing pink hair and pretty pink eyes. She wears a dark pinkish red sailor outfit with a light pink skirt; a pinkish red horizontal line, white knee high socks, black buckle shoes and has a thin yellow ribbon tied into her hair. “I-I'm from the H-Hoenn region and I-I'm dreaming on becoming a P-Pokémon coordinator w-when I graduate from here. Oh a-and I'm staying with my c-cousins.”

     “My turn? Okay, I'm Gold Black and I came from the Unova region.” Said boy Gold said. He has pale skin, short brunette hair and strange golden orange eyes. He wears an orange t-shirt, a black vest with a little zipper, light blue jeans and dark brown shoes. “I don't know what I'll do yet, but I’ll be in this class for sure. And I'm living with my older sister.”

     “Thank you for telling us about yourself. I'm Miss. Jade, and I'll be teaching you about Pokémon battles.” Said teacher Miss. Jade said. “Please take a seat.” Kitty and Gold walk toward the back of the class and sat behind and next to Harmony. Harmony is both startled and happy they sat near her. Harmony turned around to talk with both Kitty and Gold saying with a big smile and a hand to shake, “Hi! My names Harmony. Glad to meet you!”

     "Oh! H-hi." Kitty said shyly, shaking Harmony's hand.

     “Hi.” Gold said shaking Harmony's hand next and then noticed her eyes. “Hey, you have different colored eyes.”

     “Oh! Uhh. Y-y-yeah...” Harmony said a little nervous if they would make fun of her.

     “That's really cool.” Gold said. “Could we be friends? I'd like to be friends with someone like you.”

     “M-m-me to.” Kitty added. “M-m-maybe if I'm friends w-w-with the two of you, m-m-my stuttering will stop?”

     “R…really!? You want to be friends with me!?” Harmony said sounding shocked. “Of course you can.”


At lunch time, Harmony sat at a table by herself, till Gold and Kitty came over and sat down with her, eating their lunch with her.

     “Oh. Hi guy's!” Harmony said smiling.

     “So....” Gold mumbled.

     “Hm? “So....” what?” Harmony asked.

     “Uh, could…could we come over to your house time this week?” Gold asked.

     “Really?! Of course! As long as your family is okay with it!” Harmony said, happy there were finally some kids who wanted to go to her house for once.

     “Yay! I c-c-can't wait!” Kitty said.

     “Me too!” Harmony said filled with the upmost happiest amount of glee. “We should all talk to our family members after school and then we come back tomorrow, we can know if you two can come over.”

     “Why are you two talking to mutant?” Victor asked from behind Kitty and Gold.

     “Stop calling me that!” Harmony yelled.

     “She's a mutant. Did you know that? That’s why we call her mutant.” Victor said coming up from behind Kitty and Gold.

     “Stop it! Stop being such a meany head!” Harmony said.

     “Mutant, when will you learn, you'll never fit in.” Victor said. “I bet no Pokémon will want to be with you when you chose today.”

   Gold stood up and turned to Victor. “Will you stop picking on Harmony and leave please?”

   Victor chuckled.

     “Fine. But we won't be stopping this. Everyone in this school doesn't like her because of her eyes but you two.” Victor said and walked off.

     “It’s one in this school likes me except for you two, the teachers, my mom, and my dad, the Headmaster…” Harmony sighed.

     “Your dad is the Headmaster?!” Gold asked.

     “Huh?” Kitty said tilting her head like a confused puppy.

     “Well, lunch is almost over and I need to go see my dad before class starts.” Harmony said trying to get out of explaining about her dad and stood up. “I'll see you guys later.”


Harmony came into her dad’s office like before, but this time for a different reason. She was at the school for a month, so now she was choosing her three Pokémon she’s to care for over the two years of school left.

     “Which three Pokémon do you want to care for Harmony?” Hector asked. There was a list of all the Pokémon the school had in Harmony’s hand, Harmony thinking rather long and hard. Whatever Pokémon she would choose would be with her till graduation; no going back.

     “So, I can choose a Caterpie, train it and get it to evolve? Also with other Pokémon? Is that how it works?” Harmony asked.

     “Yeah, that’s what you can do. If you care for it and keep it in good health, by the time its graduation, you’ll have to battle the adults and me. It’s sort of like, helping you know what to expect at a gym. The teacher’s play the role of gym trainers, while I, the head of the school, play the role as the Gym Leader.” Hector said.

     “What happens when we beat you?” Harmony asked.

     “You get a diploma no matter what, but you’ll get a trophy if you manage to beat me.” Hector said ruffling Harmony’s hair.

     “I wanna get a trophy!” Harmony said.

     “Then you’ll have to beat your old dad for it.” Hector said.

     “Oh, hey daddy.” Harmony said.

     “Yes Pikachu?”

     “I wanna train a Caterpie, Poliwag and Porygon.” Harmony said.

     “Okay, let me go get them.” He said leaving the room, soon coming back with three Pokéball’s on a belt. “Here you go Harmony, make sure you do your best.”

     “Dad, what are you talking about? I will be the very best like no one ever was.” Harmony said smiling.

     “I know you will. Now, let’s head home.” Hector said.

     “Oh wait! Dad! I made two new friends today!” Harmony said.

     “You did? I’m so proud of you, what are their names?” Hector asked.

     “Kitty and Gold!” Harmony said.

     “Ah, that’s right; the two new transfer students.” Hector said recalling the two names.

     “They both want to come over tomorrow, PLEEEEASE?! Can they come?!” Harmony said beginning to beg.

     “Of course, they are your newest friends after all.”

     “Yay! I can’t wait! I hope their family say’s yes!” Harmony said with high hopes they’d say yes. Harmony and Hector got into the car with Harmony’s bike attached to the back and they headed home to where they were greeted by Melody and a clean, sparkly house.

     “Welcome back you two; how was school today Harmony? Any better?” She asked.

     “It was great!” Harmony said smiling a very big grin.

     “That’s terrific! You’ll have to tell me all about it at dinner.” Melody said. She turned to Hector and pecked him on the lips, Harmony shielding her eyes from the horror of a kiss. The two laughed and headed into the kitchen, Harmony heading up to her room and working on her homework she got.

© 2012 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I really didn't know what to have Kitty and Gold's names be, so I just went with Black and White.

My Review

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I like this story, keep up the good work, PokemonFan#1 ! :3

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thanks! Will do!

12 Years Ago

^_^ *nods*
i read this at school right?

Posted 13 Years Ago

not bad i like cant wait to read the rest might check out ur other writing

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

Nice introduction so far!

Posted 13 Years Ago

cool :) i like how you inclded the bike, though you shoudlve had the mom tell here "dont go in the tall grass! wild pokemon might attack you!" like in the games, haha.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on July 26, 2011
Last Updated on June 29, 2012
Tags: Kanto, Pallet Town, Harmony Alice, Melody Alice, Hector Alice, Victor, nickname, bully, transfer, Kitty White, Gold Black Hoenn, Unova



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

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A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

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