Chapter 10: A Mage’s End

Chapter 10: A Mage’s End

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 10: A Mage’s End


     “Master, Master! Can I go with you this time?” A young little brunette haired boy asked, running up to his master. His master had long red hair and wore small glasses over his crimson eyes. He was dressed in all black.

     “No, Allen. I need you to do something else for me.” The man said. “I need you to pay a few people. Be a good boy and do as you’re told. You don’t want to be punished again, do you?”

     “N-no master.” Allen replied, knowing if he were to refuse, he’d be gravely punished. The man walked out the door with a woman waiting for him, locking arms with her and they were off to the nearest bar to get drunk. Allen sighed. He grabbed a deck of poker cards, putting it in his pocket and was off to beat gamblers to pay off his master’s debts.


Allen had come home late with loads of cash. For a child, he was amazingly skilled at poker, mostly because he found ways to cheat. He could not be beaten. He came to the door, opening it to find it pitch black. The lights were never out. His Master would never turn off the lights, so Allen was in charge of all the house work. Slowly walking in and trying to find the light switch, Allen was suddenly grabbed by the arm, his mouth covered by a hand.

     “Gotcha’ ya little brat!” A man’s voice said. The lights turned back on. The man who had caught him lifted him over his shoulder and set him down in a chair. He put a hand on Allen’s small head and began to speak in a lost language that wizards, warlocks, and witches used.

     “W-What are-!”

     "Charm this boy with an arm of crimson and a scar eye of misfortune . (Charm this boy with an arm of crimson and a scar eye of misfortune.)

  Allen’s left arm tingled, suddenly turning crimson red and his nails turning jet black. His left eye throbbed and a star key scar formed down across his silver gray eyes. He felt dizzy and fainted.


Earl took out a poker card and flicked it onto Allen, electrocuting him. Allen groaned in pain, his arm returning to its normal size. Earl latched on a collar around Allen’s neck that if he were to try and escape he’d be electrocuted.

     “Stay here and be a good boy till the time is right.” Earl said walking out of the cell.

     T-till the time is right? What the hell does he mean by that? Allen thought. He tried to move his body, but it was all numb and if he closed his fist, he cringed at the pain it brought as if it stung like venom seeping through him. “Damn…How am I gonna get out of this mess? Tim? Go find someone to get me out of here. Hurry!”

   The small golem, Timcampy, fluttered its wings and squeezed itself through the bars, rebounding off the wall as it got through the bars. He shook his round body and darted down the halls. He zoomed right past Sarah’s cell, flying back towards it. Sensing the presence of three bodies, he squeezed in through the bars of the cell and hit Sarah’s head.

     “OW!” She yelped. “What was-” She noticed the golden golem asking the White Queen, “What is that?”

     “It’s called a golem; although, “she said as it fluttered atop Sarah’s head, “this one in particular is different.”

     “What do you mean?” She asked, touching the golem. He shied away but then nuzzled her hand, accepting her, sensing she had good intentions.

     “I cannot say. We have no time to waste on such details. We need to get you and Jack out.” She said. Tim wrapped his tail around Sarah’s wrist and dragged her towards the cell door. He pointed his tail to the direction Allen was being held.

     “What?” Sarah asked. “What are you trying to say?”

     “I might know what he’s talking about.”  The White Queen said. She stared at the golem for five seconds and translated, “He wants us to go down this hallway and…free someone.”

     “Someone else is here?! I need to save them!” Sarah said. Timcampy made a flip as if showing he was happy and squeezed through the bars and hit against the walls once again. It was fine and used its tail as a pick lock. The door clicked and opened up, Sarah glomping the golden golem in a rewarding hug. ‘THANK YOU!! Lead the way!’

   The White Queen took Jack’s hands, the two disappearing. Sarah’s head throbbed. They must have both gone into her mind for safety. Tim took her wrist with his tail and pulled her along the hall. Footsteps were heard around the corner; Timcampy quickly turned to a door and hid in there. Luckily it was a closet. The footsteps soon faded and Tim gave the go to sneak out and continue down the hall. The two came to the cell Allen was in and Sarah was surprised at his white hair.

     ‘Hello?’ Sarah whispered. The boy looked up with saddened eyes and then immediately perked up and ran to the bars. Sarah jumped back.

     “Did Tim bring you to save me?” He asked.

     “Who?” Sarah asked.

     “Timcampy, the golden golem next to you.”

     “Oh, uh, yeah. I’m here to save yoooou…”

     “Allen. Allen Walker.”

     “Uh, Tim…something-”


     “Timcampy helped me get out with his tail like it was a key.” Sarah said.

     “If you’re saying Tim could have gotten me out on his own…well he could have; I just…this collar would most likely trigger something…I think…I don’t wanna risk anything. So I need to ask you a favor.” Allen said.

     “What…is it?” Sarah asked.

     “Destroy this collar! Magic, weapon, whatever you can use to get this damn thing off!” Allen said. Sarah cringed at the word choice he had used at the end of his sentence.

     “O-okay…I can try using the four elements and light…one of them might work.” Sarah said.

     “Excuse me? Did you just say the four elements and light…?” Allen asked, astonished.

     “Yeah, now…let me try.” Sarah said. She held out her hand and a sphere of water formed in the palm of her hand. She played with the water, moving it back and forth with her hands and had it coil around the collar. It beeped, a green light appearing with four red lights blinking. “I think it needs me to use all five.”

     “Then do it, hurry!” Allen said worrying Earl or Road would appear at any moment. Sarah nodded, carefully following up with Fire, Earth, Air, and Light which nearly blinded the two. They heard the last beep and the collar fell right off and dissolved into nothingness. Timcampy unlocked the cell and the three made their way down the halls in hope to escape this hell of a prison.


Sarah, Tim, and Allen had found the exit, coming outside of the maze like place. They looked around their surroundings, checking if they were followed or not. Timcampy noticed something coming from behind the two and quickly growing larger in size, protecting Sarah and Allen from a surprise attack.

     “Tim?” Allen asked. He and Sarah were confused on what was going on. Sarah had a more shocked look upon her.

     “U-um…I think we should run…” She suggested. Allen knew Timcampy was taking this chance to stall as long as he could, but when would he reach his limit? All golems break eventually, so would abandoning Tim cause his death?

    “You go on ahead. I can’t leave Timcampy here to die.”

     “But what if you-”

     “I’ll be fine.” Allen’s arm transformed into a claw once again, but Sarah looked surprised to see it was now a claw since it was her first time seeing it. “Now get out of here while you still can!”

   All fear left her and she knew what she had to do. She had to help Allen and Timcampy no matter what. Her neck was still injured but the pain was slowly going away as it was beginning to heal. The White Queen must be healing her.

     “No, I can’t just leave you here. I just unlocked my powers and have to get you out of here.” She said ingratiatingly.

     “Well…alright.” Allen said. He turned to Timcampy. “Tim, find a safe place to hide, we got this.”

   Timcampy shrunk and none other than Earl, Tyki, Neah, and Road were there. He flew off into a nearby tree for safety and observed the fight. If things were to look bad, he’d intervene.

     “You’re supposed to be dead, Princess!” Earl said through gritted teeth. “And you,” he looked towards Allen, “what are you doing out?”

     “No fair Allen-kun, I wanted to play with you more.” Road said saddened.

   Neah cringed. His head hurt and he felt a tad jaded.

     What the hell?! What in the bloody hell is happening? He thought to himself.


When Allen had woken up he was hungry. He couldn’t remember what had happened, but his whole left side was in pain. He rubbed his head with his left arm, and when he realized it was all red, he freaked out running into the bathroom to hopefully wash it away. What surprised him more when he saw himself in the mirror was his left eye. There was a scar. How would he hide his hand and eye from his master? He saw an eye patch and gauze.

     “If I put on the eye patch, Master won’t see my eye. And if I wrap my arm in the gauze, I can hide my arm too.” Allen said. He took the gauze and began to wrap it around his arm till it came to his shoulder. He put on the eye patch next and walked out of the bathroom. His Master was standing right at the door, startling him. “M-MASTER!”

     “Allen, what happened to you? Did you try and fight by yourself against the Akuma’s?” His master sounded upset.

     “U-uhm…” Allen stuttered. He didn’t know what had happened to him, so he couldn’t really say anything.

   His master let out a sigh.

     “I don’t want to talk about it, just go to bed.”



     Allen went to bed that night sneaking in five apples, a banana, and two pears to quench his hunger. He bit into his apple as he gazed out his window. There was a shooting star that that appeared.

     “A shooting star!” He cried. “I wish my life could be different and someone from anywhere will love me for me!”

   As Allen had made the wish, a green light came towards him. His left hand suddenly began to move on its own. His left hand reached out to the green light and it injected onto the center of his hand. What soon followed was a golden thingamabob which smacked him in the face. Allen fell with the thing on him and was knocked out till the morning.

   When morning came, Allen woke up to find his gauzed arm and hand that had been hit the night before looking like a large claw.

     “What’s happening to me?!” He said taking the claw in his normal hand. The golden thing began to stir and fluttered awake. It flew onto Allen’s head and suddenly, Allen felt calm. The thing seemed to be friendly. He took it in his hand and said, “I shall call you Timcampy!”


     “We’ll attack together and make a break for it…although, are you sure you’ll be able to move fast enough wearing that large dress?” Allen asked.

     “Well-” Sarah began but then she suddenly began to glow and then there was a flash that nearly blinded everyone around them. She was now back in her old clothes from the first day she had arrived to this world. “What? What just happened?”

     “……That’ll do.” Allen said. “Now you take the left, I’ll take the right.” Sarah nodded while a little surprised on what was going on. The only thing that hadn’t returned was her hat. She still wore her tiara…which was strange. Shaking the thought out of her head, she ran to the left and created a ball of fire in her hand, ready to attack. Allen shouted, “Activate!” and his left arm transformed into the claw.

   Earl glared. He was going to have to do something to get Allen. He turned to Neah and said, “Neah, I need you to get to that boy and get inside of his body.”

     “What? Why should I do that?” He asked.

     “To bring him to me. It’s the only way I can obtain him.” Earl reassured. Neah sighed, replying in a grumble, “Alright.”

   Sarah stopped in her tracks and tossed the fire ball towards Earl, but Tyki was quick and deflected it away with a karate chop.

     “No!” She cried. Tyki was making his way towards her. She fell to the ground and focused on vines tangling him. It worked. Vines came out from the ground and trapped him…but then he walked out of it.

     “You know I can take your heart. It’s the same with walking through objects.” Tyki said. He took Sarah by the throat and lifted her up.

   Timcampy noticed Sarah was in trouble and zoomed out of the tree, growing large in size and ramming into Tyki, releasing Sarah.

     “Tim?” She asked, taking in air.

     “Why you little pip-squeak!” Tyki said. He moved his hair out of his face and was surprised at Timcampy’s rather large size. “Erm…not so little pip-squeak...I’ll let you go for now, but don’t think this’ll be the end of it.” Tyki faded out.

     “One down, three to go.”

   Allen and Road were battling it out, Road sending bolts of electricity towards Allen, Allen barely dodging them in time. He jumped into the air and slashed at her, sending her flying into the manor. Tyki was there to help her and took her to her room to heal.

     “Alright, looks like its two down, two to go.” Allen said. Neah appeared behind Allen like a ninja and embraced him in a hug…He began to break down into partials and soon enough, seeped into Allen’s body. Although, it backfired on him; instead of taking over Allen’s body, he fell into a deep slumber and could not be awoken so easily. “Three…down?”

   Sarah ran towards Allen with Timcampy on her shoulder and asked, “I got one. Did you get the other two?”

     “Yeah. Now all that’s left is-”

     “Me.” Earl said from behind the two. They turned around and backed away, getting ready to attack. “You know princess…I haven’t seen that boyfriend of yours. Is he by any chance, inside of you?”

     “How did you know that?” She asked.

     “Well then, it seems my plan to have you dead to make you a shadow has backfired on me. Now you can use his chain’s power.” Earl informed.

     “Why are you telling her this?” Allen asked.

     “We’ll continue this play later on. I can’t keep making things up as we move along. I’ll be back in a year; you better make sure to prepare yourself for another role with others.” He disappeared, leaving Sarah and Allen in complete and utter confusion.

     “What just happened?” Allen asked after about a minute.

     “I’m safe now…I don’t have to be protected any more…I CAN GO BACK HOME!!” Sarah said, her excitement level increasing to its max. She jumped for joy, Timcampy joining her even though he didn’t know what that meant. “Allen, let’s go!” She took Allen’s wrist and dragged him away till they were far enough from the manor.


 They eventually came to the castle, sneaking in through the hidden passage and heading to Sarah’s room she had stayed in. Sarah didn’t want anyone in the castle to see her; then rumors of her return would spread. She wanted to return home without there being any excitement. Only Jack, Allen, and Timcampy were allowed to know……but she really loved Jack now. She almost didn’t want to part.

   As soon as they came into the room, Sarah fell to the floor and Jack appeared on the bed with the White Queen at his side. Sarah looked up at them and raced over, the Queen disappearing.

     “Is that him?” Allen asked.

     “Yeah. Jack. Jack Heartstopper.” She said. She shyly played with his hair. She’d have to be the one to make the first move in order to wake up her sleeping prince. “Uhm…Allen? Could you…uh…l-look away?”

     “Sure.” Allen said turning his back on her for privacy.

   Sarah flustered madly when she looked back at Jack. She forced herself not to cry. She didn’t know why she felt like she’d never see him again. It was what she wanted from the very beginning. To go home. This was the first step to this mage’s beginning. She leaned in close to his lips, but pulled away.

     I can’t do it…Why can’t I do it? She wondered. She began to tremble. I have to! I have to kiss him if I want to tell him my true feelings!

   She leaned in once again, hovering over his porcelain face. She wants to see his beautiful emerald eyes again. She wants to be engrossed in his warm hugs again. Fed up with not doing it, she took in a deep breath and locked her lips with his. It felt different than all the other times she was kissed. It was magical. She was on cloud nine.

   She pulled apart from him and gazed at him to see if he would wake up in hopes of her love for him was strong enough to be the true first kiss. He crinkled his nose and as soon as he was about to flutter open his eyes, Sarah’s hat appeared on her head. She suddenly began to become transparent with specks of golden light surrounded her.

     “No! No! Jack, wake up! I need to tell you something!” Sarah begged. Allen turned around and noticed Sarah was beginning to disappear. He reached his hand out for her, but it was too late. She disappeared.

     “Sarah?” Jack asked, groaning awake. He sat up and saw Allen, a boy he never met before. “Where’s Sarah?”

     “She…she’s gone. She disappeared just now.” Allen said backing away. Jack’s face said it all. He was in shock. There was a moment of silence before he asked, “I’m sorry, can you repeat that please?” He wished for it not to be true for his love to be gone.

     “Sarah’s gone.”

     No…Sarah…I lost you…once again…


     “I LOVE YOU!” Sarah cried sitting up in her bed with her headphone’s in her ears. Her eyes widened. She was back home…or was it all just a dream? “W-what? Jack? Allen? Timcampy? But they were just…they were…right here…” Tears began to swell and rapidly ran down her cheek. “Jack…I…I didn’t get to…tell him I loved him. Was…Was that all just a dream?!” She held her head in her hands, wiping away the tears that fell. She tried to call upon the elements, but it was no use. No matter how much she tried, it wouldn’t work.

   The next day, Sarah went to school a little depressed, but didn’t show it that much. When she saw her friends, Kaylene and Amanda, they didn’t seem to remember she went missing for a few months. Everything was as if nothing had happened; as if Earl never appeared in her room for what seemed to be days ago. But it felt so real, she didn’t want to let it go…It must have all been a big dream.

   Or was it…?




To be continued…

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1