Chapter 9: Questions and Answers

Chapter 9: Questions and Answers

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 9: Questions and Answers


     “It was when I and Nii-san had lost our mother that she appeared before me.” Vincent began, “She told me she could bring her back. And as a foolish kid, I believed her.” He slammed his fist against the wall. “She couldn’t bring her back! I became filled with anger and became stained in the darkest shade of crimson blood. If I had known I would become such a monster, I never would have done such horrible things.”

     “Vincent…” Sarah said sadly within her mind. She wished so much to comfort him.

     “You are no monster.” The White Queen comforted. She set a hand on his shoulder. “As it is against my vows to harm any living thing, you did the right thing back there. I could feel all the fear everyone in that room felt when the ceremony was almost over. Then you gave them the happiness and freedom they longed for, for so long. You spoke your mind.”

   Vincent looked at her in amazement. He just couldn’t comprehend all she was saying. It meant the world to him to know he finally had done something good for once, but that would not mean what he had done in the past would ever be for the greater good.

     “Your sympathy means nothing to me,” he lied, “but I’d rather you switch back to Sarah so we can save her “damsel in distress”.”

     “Alright. As you wish. I don’t wish to become an eyesore to you.” She said; hair and eyes returning back to their original state. Sarah blinked twice before looking up at Vincent. As she was about to say something to him, he took her wrist and continued along till they came to the door Jack was held in. Vincent had pickpocketed a guard with the key to the door earlier and so he took out the key, inserting the clinging metal into the lock, turning it till there was a click and the door opened.

     “Grab him so we can get out of here; the sooner the better.” Vincent said. Sarah looked to see Jack, dashing towards him. She embraced him in a hug and he returned it.

     “Ja-Jack.” She muffled into his chest, crying and holding tightly onto his jacket.

     “Sarah.” He said while stroking her head to calm her down while he resisted kissing her head.

   The door suddenly closed itself. Vincent tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. He cursed under his breath. Sarah turned, looking behind her while holding onto Jack and saw none other than the Noah Brothers, Tyki and Neah. She shook violently as they approached the two, pulling her away and holding her hands behind her back as they tied them together.

     “Why don’t we give her a little excitement for what’s to come next?” Tyki said playfully. Sarah was horrified with what that smile hid. He took his right hand and dashed it into her chest, going straight through without harm. “Let’s start by ripping your heart out…shall we?” He began to pull his hand out, ready to rip out her heart as her breathing began to stagger.

   Jack was furious. They dare took his love away once, he wouldn’t let them do it again! He stood up about to stop them till there was a searing pain at his chest where the curse was. He cringed and suddenly his eyes changed. They once again were the once emotionless pupils. Tyki and Neah grinned. Tyki pulled his hand out as it was all just an act to trigger Jack. Jack walked towards Sarah, caressing her cheek and running his fingers through her long hair. Tears began to swell from her eyes.

     This can’t be happening… She thought. Jack took Sarah’s arm and sat her down onto the floor. An array of tears over flowed and she blushed madly as Jack leaned in towards her mouth, inching closer and closer till their lips locked. It was happening again. This time, her third kiss. How many times did she have to be kissed by force till she could do it freely? She thought this as unfair, yet, all the while, she was enjoying the deep kiss. But why does it have to be this way?

   Jack pulled away and the dizzy spell fell upon him. Gazing at Sarah, she was beginning to fall asleep as before and everything soon began to fade into blackness. Earl had won.


     “Where are we?”

     “Back home?”

     “No…I think…we got arrested.”

   Vincent was walking by and noticed the two voices as Sarah’s two friends, Amanda and Kaylene, who had wandered into the strange world without knowing. He hurried and opened the door that they were locked in and asked, “What are you doing here?”

     “Who are you?” They asked in unison.

     “Vincent Nightray...Now answer my question, what are you doing here?” He asked again.

     “Well…I don’t really know why we’re here. Last I remember we found Sarah and then it all went blank after that. Then we woke up in this prison just now.” Kaylene said.

     “I see…come with me; I need to get you back to your own world before anything else happens.” Vincent said. The two girls did as told and followed him out. Kaylene and Amanda were very dazed and hadn’t the slightest idea what was actually going on and for the reason they were even here in the first place. For some reason, they couldn’t decide if this was all real or if they were just having a dream.

     “Where’s Sarah?” Kaylene asked. She was curious on where her friend was. Vincent didn’t reply to them, staying quiet for he didn’t want them to freak out.

     “Hey! My friend asked you a question. Answer her.” Amanda said grabbing at Vincent’s sleeve.

     “Stop! I’m not telling you anything till you go back to where you came from.” Vincent said harshly, jerking his harm away from Amanda. I hope Nii-san and Echo can figure out how to get these two back.


Everything was hazy and dark. There were shackles around Sarah’s wrist against the wall. She began to wake up slowly. Her head didn’t feel dizzy as before. Her vision soon became clear, slight sunlight leaking in heating her face. Groaning was heard from across the darkened room. She looked up weakly and saw Jack, coated in blood. She gasped and felt ill. She tried to get up but she couldn’t; only struggle. There was a familiar laughter, Sarah turned her head to see Earl.

     “Let me go!” She cried. “What did you do to Jack?”

     “There is no use to struggle my dear. The boy is fine.” Earl said. He looked over at the bloody Jack and answered, “I merely had him form a blood contract with the Chain, Bloody Black Rabbit or for short, B-Rabbit.”

     “A c-contract?” Sarah said, terrified at what sort of Chain Jack was forced into contract with.

     “Yes my dear; a blood contract which grants Jack his freedom from his curse but not from his fate.”

     “Fate? What fate?!” Sarah asked, quivering. Earl only gave a smile and walked off. “WAIT!”

     “Sarah…”Jack mumbled. Sarah burst into tears, wailing and crying her little heart out. Jack forced himself to get up, crawling his way over to his dear princess. He lied in her lap, her wailing subsiding, but the tears kept on coming. She sniffled, ever so wishing she could embrace Jack in a hug.

     “I-I wanna go home…Jack…I-I don’t- I don’t- I don’t wannna be here any longer…But I…I’m-I’m scared to leave without you…” She sniffled, stuttering her words as she tried to hold back the tears.

     “Sarah, I love you…but I can’t risk being with you right now or for a while. I’m sorry.” Jack said apologetically. He raised himself up and tilted Sarah’s chin up. “Just one more kiss good bye will do. One without worrying about the damn curse.”

     “Don’t say that word…” Sarah said as she recalled on a bad memory. Tears began to overflow once again. “Don’t say…the “D” word…I-I can’t handle hearing…t-those words. Especially from y-you.”

     “I’m sorry; I’ll never say it again.” He promised. He embraced the emotional girl in a hug, though she couldn’t return it. “Are you ready for the kiss?” Sarah’s face heated up, nodding slowly. Jack smiled brightly as if everything was going to be okay…but that smile was soon gone as his eyes suddenly turned blood red and a small stuffed black rabbit with matching eyes and red coat appeared next to him.


     “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Tori exclaimed. Her dark brown eyes were filled with anger and hatred towards me as I held my minute cooked ramen in my hands by the microwave. It was a hot day and the misters were turned on. “Why the hell would you cook your food when I was in line? Go to hell b***h!” I had no clue what I had done wrong…I only cooked my food and this is what I get? She’s evil. She’s pure evil.

   I leave as the fuming short haired blond just glares at me with her mean eyes. It hurts…I set my food down at my table with Kaylene and Amanda to let it cool down and walk into the girls bathroom. I walk into the biggest stall, go up against the wall and softly begin to cry. I don’t want anyone to see me break out like this. I never want to see or talk to Tori EVER again!


     “That was very beautiful my dear. Thank you very much for breaking her down.” A voice said from behind Tori. She turned around to see Earl.

     “I’ll be back guys.” She announced to the people around her. She got up and walked behind a tree so no one would think she was talking to herself. For only Tori could see him. “I did what you said. Now what?”

     “I need you to do one more thing for me before you can be released.” Earl said.

     “And what would that be?” She asked. He held up a microchip.

     “Put this into her bag.” He said. He handed Tori the microchip and vanished within the shadows.


I hear others coming into the bathroom and I try to wipe away the tears upon my face. I inhale and exhale to hopefully stop crying and to make sure my eyes aren’t red, showing any sign of sadness when I go out. The voices of the girls fade out. I unlock the stall door and look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are back to their normal state so I walk out of the bathroom and walk back to my seat where my food is. I take a bite into my noodles. My friends don’t seem to be suspecting anything. I hope they don’t ask about it.


As the day went on, my friends did eventually ask what happened. I told them what happened and said that I didn’t want to be a tattle tale and get her in trouble. They said I should tell Debi, our art teacher, but I didn’t feel comfortable to rat her out. They left me alone about it. When school was over, I was walking to pick up and suddenly Tori runs into me.

     “Watch it!” She said.

     “I-” I started. She quickly walked off, leaving me in the dust. Today was such a horrible day.


Jack leaned in towards Sarah, inches away from her lips. She quivered. Something didn’t feel right. He took his left hand and wiped away the tears with his thumb and set his lips on hers. There was a sudden blast of air that knocked him away. He looked at Sarah with surprise to see the White Queen standing before her.

     “What do you think you are doing to your love?” She asked. Jack smiled evilly, a crimson scythe appearing in his hands. “I see. Your contract has been tainted and the only way to heal you is if I can get to you. Be it your way.” She turned to Sarah and touched the cuffs, releasing her.

     “Jack…?” Sarah asked, confused with the situation going on.

     “I need you to stop this man. Use your powers to stop him so I can purify him and his chain.”

     “What? But- but I can’t hurt him! I- I-” Sarah began to tremble. The White Queen set a hand on Sarah’s shoulder, releasing her from all fear and stress. Looking into her crimson eyes, Sarah decided now was not the time to argue. She would have to do anything it would take to return Jack to his normal self.


Allen was in his cell, forcing himself to slowly eat away his food, his stomach constantly told him to just scarf it all down, but he wouldn’t; for who knows when Road would come back? He didn’t want to die of starvation. A small round golden creature called a golem, with wings, a long tail, and a light golden cross came into the cell and landed atop his head.

     “TIMCAMPY!!” Allen yelled with excitement. He scooped the golden golem in his hands, nuzzling the creature against his cheek. “Did Master send you? Is he coming to save me?” The creature called Timcampy opened his mouth revealing shark teeth and spit out a piece of paper. Allen took the crumpled up paper and began reading it. Dismay and despair hit him. He leaned back against the wall. “He’s not coming…”

     “Allen Walker. How ironic. Neah has the same last name as you;” Earl said walking into the cell, “could Noah perhaps be a long lost relative of yours, young man?”

     “Who are you?” Allen exclaimed, startled. Timcampy snuggled into the nap of Allen’s neck.

     “Ever heard of Earl Taxidermy? That is me.” He said with a wicked grin. He snatched Allen’s left hand, rolling his sleeve down to reveal a crimson arm. “My my, what ever happened to this arm of yours?”

     “It’s none of your business!”

     “Oh, but it is. Shall I force you to tell me by torturing you?”

   Allen fell silent. He was tortured enough by his master.

     “A-all right…” Allen’s arm suddenly transformed into a claw. Earl stepped back in amazement.



Sarah stood up and began to form a flame in her hand by calling upon the energy of the element. The possessed Jack noticed she was getting ready to attack him, so he decided to intervene, dashing towards her and gripping her wrist and pinning her against the wall. The flame burned out.

     “Why are you trying to stop me? No one can stop me. I cannot be stopped!” He said with rage in his tone. Chains with sharp tips appeared from the ground. They coiled around her neck, choking her. She gasped for air, her breathing staggered.

     “Ja……Ja…Ja…ck…!” She gripped his shirt with her other hand, clinging on tightly. Tears streamed down her face. “I-I don’t….wa-want……t-to…hurt…y-you…! P-plea- se.” Jack’s face suddenly fell with a surprised look. He seemed to have returned back to his old self.


   The chains choking her disappeared, causing her to fall to the floor, taking in lungs full of air. She coughed up small specks of blood. Freaking out, she hit the wall, accidently hitting her head, causing her to groan in pain.

     “Sarah!” He said, rushing to her aid, but the White Queen stopped him, resting her hand on the man’s shoulder and locked lips. Sarah weakly looked up with her head throbbing in pain and saw her chain kissing her love.

     “N-NO!!” She picked herself up, but as soon as she was about to stop the White Queen, she pulled away and Jack fell into a deep slumber. Sarah paused, looking in horror. “What did you just-?”

     “I put him into a deep slumber where once this is all over,” the White Queen interrupted, “he can only be awakened by your true first kiss.”

     “But my first kiss was stolen!”

     “Technically it is not true in this world.” She began. “First kisses mean something completely irrelevant in your world compared to this world. You may say it was stolen many times, but here, none of those were true. In order for there to be a true first kiss, the two of you must love each other deeply in all your heart. Something like broken love is nothing even I can heal. Once you deeply love someone here, then it can hurt you if the one you love dearly is kissing another, forced or not. You felt no pain because you still don’t know if you truly love him.”

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1