![]() Chapter 8: Awakening part 2A Chapter by PokemonFan#1![]() This is the newest chapter to the old versioin of this book![]()
Chapter 8:
Awakening: part 2
Somewhere deep in the dark woods, a man clothed in all black and wearing a black cloak (which was red on the inside) was walking around and noticed a girl off in the distance. He heard her complaining about her dress not being the way she preferred it. Her blood smelled rather nice. He smiled and turned around with two twin figures appeared before him. One was a girl and the other a boy. They both had jet black hair; the girl’s hair was long, crimson red eyes and snow pale skin. “Master, you called for us?” The boy asked. He wore a red plaid dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, dark blue jeans and red convers. “Yes, you see that girl off in the distance?” The man asked. The two nodded. “Yes, so what is it you want us to do?” The girl asked. She wore a gray tank top, dark blue skinny jeans, and knee high red boots. “When night falls, bring her to me; she is somehow connected to my late sister. I can feel it.” He said. “Yes, our lord!” ~***~ “I-I feel so-” “Princess, come. We will first awaken Earth. Then we will move onto Water, Air, Fire, and Light.” The Doll Maker said dragging Sarah over to a tree. Sarah looked towards the building where Jack was. She saw him wave at her and gave a thumbs up. She blushed and the Doll Maker snapped her out of her daydreaming. “Princess, please. Pay attention.” “Yes…” She replied. The Doll maker showed Sarah hand motions in which to call upon the power of earth. Amazingly on the first try, a chunk of the ground raised up which startled the poor girl half to death. “That was amazing! You’ve already mastered Earth like a pro.” He congratulated. “I have a feeling you’ll be able to master the rest before the end of the day. Now, let’s work on it a bit more and we’ll move on.” ~***~ “Ah, my dear Sarah is doing a wonderful job out there.” Jack observed as his love made a flower begin to grow from the ground. “My, my, she can become a florist creating such beautiful carnations.” “Jack!” A young girl’s voice echoed in the room. He froze. Could it be…Could it be Road? “Hello?” He called back. “Who’s there; show yourself.” A figure he knew all too well suddenly appeared, holding a pure white stuffed rabbit doll. She had crimson eyes, jet black hair, and snow white skin. She giggled at Jack who gazed upon her in awe and fear. “La-?!” “Jack!” She lunged at him as if to cuddle but went straight through him. He stumbled backwards onto the couch, gripping his chest with eyes wide open. “Lacie?” He mumbled. Memory of his once possible love rushed to his head once again and he gripped his hair exclaiming, “No! No, you died! You died back then! You can’t be here!” “But I am, Jack.” She placed a ghostly hand on the man’s shoulder and set the stuffed white rabbit with blue buttons for eyes on his lap. “I never got to say good bye to you back then.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and he couldn’t move. Was he dreaming? Or was he hallucinating? Jack’s breathing began to slow and grow heavy. Lacie then gently kissed Jack’s lips and thus, disappeared. Soon enough, Jack’s breathing stopped all together. ~***~ Sarah had just cast her last and final spell, Light, and had now unlocked all her powers. To celebrate, the Doll Maker would make any type of cake Sarah wished for, and so the two headed inside, but when they came into the room where Jack was to tell him of the good news… “He appears to be sleeping, Princess.” The Doll Maker said bluntly. “But…something doesn’t feel right.” Sarah said and walked towards Jack. His chest wasn’t moving. He looked lifeless. To confirm her theory, she sat next to him and rested her head onto his chest…no heartbeat. Tears began to form rapidly in her eyes and beads of tears overflowed. “Princess?” “He’s not breathing!” She cried in fear. Her emotions got the best of her and she began to bawl her eyes out, hiding her face in Jack’s shoulder. The Doll Maker could see that all Sarah needed was to be alone for a while to morn for the loss of Jack, so he left the room. The white rabbit that sat in Jack’s lap suddenly glowed brightly, blinding Sarah when she looked over. Everything turned white and soon faded into pitch black. Sarah was now standing and walking on water. “I can grant you your wish.” A voice that sounded like Sarah’s said. “My…Wish?” Sarah asked, trying to locate where this doppelganger was. A chain suddenly appeared before her, causing her to stumble back. Then the softness of what seemed like a fluffy teddy bear caught her. A snow white pale hand was placed onto her shoulder. She felt at ease. “To bring your love, Jack, back to life.” The figure whispered into her ear. She flustered and turned around to see a pure white albino figure of herself in front of her, the crimson eyes luring her in. The white figure of herself took Sarah’s hands, clasping them and continued, “Only if you’d be willing to form a blood contract with me.” Sarah was about to respond to her, but then she was suddenly brought back into reality and was being held bridal style by a male figure. “Ah, you seem to have woken up earlier than I thought.” He said. He was one of the vampires. He smelt of vanilla. Sarah tried squirming out of his iron grip, but he held on tightly. He laughed at her, saying, “It’s no use, stop wasting your energy!” “Marshal Lee, Marceline.” A figure said, hiding behind a tree. The boy, Marshal Lee stepped forward and set Sarah down. Fear had overcome her and she couldn’t even move. Her legs were shaking violently. The figure behind the tree came out, showing his face. “My name is Oswald, you have nothing to fear.” “The vampire Jack met?!” Sarah squeaked. “Ohhhh! Who do we have here, Oswald?” A male figure asked, appearing from behind Sarah, gently placing his pale white hands on her shivering shoulders. Sarah froze. She was in the clutches of a clan of vampires…but what did they want with her? Marceline, Marshal Lee’s twin sister, dropped the lifeless body of Jack with everyone turning to look, asking, “Can we feast upon him and the girl now?” “Not yet. I mean, No.” Oswald replied in monotone. “Revis-” “Yes my lordship.” Revis said, backing away. Still frozen in fear, Sarah hadn’t realized the tall, long white haired vampire from behind her move away. Oswald snapped her out of the trance by lifting her chin up and drew closed to her face, nose and forehead touching. He closed his violet eyes for a few short seconds and flashed them open. “Sarah Hollenbeck: the Chosen One, and Princess of Elements.” He said. He reached for Sarah’s hand, lifting it up to his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles. She flustered at the sudden gesture, surprised about how this vampire was treating her. Oswald glanced over at Jack with a death glare. He walked towards the body and kneeled down. Sarah began to quiver, trying to stop him, but she couldn’t! He closed in on his neck, about to suck his blood, but there was a sudden high pitched scream heard off in the distance, causing him to jerk up. Sarah fell to the ground, relieved. Suddenly, a red head’s head toppled onto the ground in front of her, blood oozing out. Her face turned pail from such a horrible sight. She felt like throwing up, but forced herself not to. She screamed and suddenly everything around her turned pitch black again and she was sitting on the water floor. Chains suddenly wrapped around her arms like a puppet on a string and lifted her up. The albino self appeared again and asked once more, “I can grant you your wish to bring your love, Jack, back to life, only if you’d be willing to form a blood contract with me.” “Jack…Y-yes.” She whimpered, only thinking of saving Jack’s life. Her side was suddenly slashed at, the albino licking her fingers as she replied, “I do so despise hurting living things because I am the White Queen of Purity, but that is the life of a chain like me. I’m sorry for hurting you so. Now, take upon my blood and I shall heal both you and Jack.” She cut the palm of her hand and placed it over Sarah’s mouth. Without thinking, she licked the bloody hand. Doing so, Sarah cringed as her side burned, feeling like it was on fire, and before she knew it, she began to wake up with dried blood running down her mouth. She groaned, sitting up and found heads all around her. None were of the four vampires she had met and none were of Jack either. What a relief! But she was scared. Fear took over her. “SARAH!!!” A familiar male voice cried out. “Huh…? Jack…?” Sarah mumbled, recognizing whose voice it was. “SARAH!!! OW! STOP THAT!!” “Jack!” She quickly got up to see Vincent holding Jack hostage and pulling at his braid. “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!” Vincent bellowed. Sarah was even more terrified than she had been with the vampires. “Sarah, if you want this knave to keep his head, then you’ll come with me, back to the castle!” Swelling up with tears, she had no choice but to do as Vincent ordered in order for Jack to be safe. She ran towards him and latched herself to Jack and he wrapped his arms around her. “Everything’s okay, Sarah, I’m here now. You can stop crying my love.” Jack said, trying to calm Sarah down. She tried to stop crying, but the tears just kept coming. Vincent, fed up with their little reunion, took Sarah by the wrist and dragged her away back to the castle where the King awaited for their return. ~***~ Road was wandering about the streets till she could locate the cute boy she saw earlier. Easily recalling he had short messy snow white hair and a star key scar across his left eye would be a snap. It wasn’t every day there was a handsome young boy with mysterious white hair and silver gray eyes. “I’ll have-” Road heard the voice of the person she was looking for, ordering loads of food from a vendor. She grinned evilly and walked up to him with a cute smile on. “Make that a double order!” She said. “I don’t-” The white haired boy began until he was interrupted with a large bag of gold for the food. “I got it covered.” She said with a wink. The ordered food came as a to-go meal and she asked, “Is this food really all for you?” “I-I…Yes…” The boy replied shyly. “I have a fast metabolism.” “Oh! I see!” Road said sounding interested. “My name is Road, what’s yours?” “Allen Walker.” Allen replied. He was beginning to grow bothered with this girl. She was very pushy and had come out of nowhere, paying for his food, plus doubling it! Although…He couldn’t help but like her for that. “Allen…What a cute name.” She mused. She tugged onto his white shirt sleeve and pulled him in, whispering in his ear, “I’ve got you!” He jerked back, only to have his back hit a door. “What is this?! What’s going on?!” Allen questioned as he was completely and utterly confused. She seemed like such a nice girl too. Boy was he wrong! “As I have told you, I’ve got you!” Road replied and took Allen by the arm, dragging him through the doors which led them to the cells in Earl’s manor. She locked him up with only the food they had gotten and sang, “I’ll see you later handsome!” “What have I been dragged into?” Allen muttered. ~***~ Back at the castle now, Sarah was being led to see the Fronz Waldorf with Vincent while Jack was taken by the guards into the dungeon’s and locked up. Everyone gazed at Sarah with a strange look once again, but with horrified facial expressions of fear. “Vincent. Why did the king not want me to unlock my powers?” Sarah asked. “How should I know…?” Vincent replied bluntly. “If there’s one thing I know you know, it is that you knew there was something off about me. Not very many people could see me as that but you. I congratulate you.” “What are you-?” She started but was cut off as they were surrounded with weapons pointing at them. “Guards! Away!” The king ordered as he appeared. The guards moved away and lowered their weapons. He came up to Sarah, caressing her cheek, causing her to fluster and step back. “EW!” She blurted out bluntly. Oops… “Excuse me, Princess?” The king inquired. “You’re majesty that was rather a perverted action for someone as old as you are to do to such a young girl. Of course she’s rejecting you.” Calcifer spoke. The king grew furious, raising his hand up to slap Calcifer across the face, but Sarah stopped him. Her eyes were red and her hair had turned snow white. The White Queen had somehow taken over Sarah’s body. She was now in her mind in a white empty space and chained to a chair. “What’s going on?” Sarah asked herself. It all happened so suddenly. She tried to analyze what was going on and soon a pool appeared before her and she gazed down upon it, seeing what the White Queen was now seeing. “Passing Judgment upon others for the truth is unacceptable for a ruler. I should know. And I do so despise any sort of violence to occur.” She said. The King looked to somehow have a different attitude towards her and felt the need to listen to every word she had to say when speaking in such a tone. “Leave him be and release the man you sent to the dungeon.” “That fool knave was your date to the ball, am I correct?” “He is not a knave, but yes.” The king took “Sarah’s” hands, dragging her away. He brought her to an altar of sorts with a Priest there. Sarah’s eyes returned to their normal blue state which indicated the White Queen had withdrawn back into her mind for some odd reason. “What’s going on?!” She said in a panic. “You can’t use that trick on me. It’s the wedding of course!” The king said. He was not the same king Sarah had known before when she first came…He was insane and mad! Sarah felt faint. He most defiantly was not referring to her getting married to Jack…he was referring to himself! She pulled away with all her might, running down the castle halls till she came to the ball room. She breathed heavily from running trying to catch her breath as fast as she could. A few guards appeared and ran towards Sarah, locking their arms with hers. She struggled to get free and then remembered the Doll Maker had helped her awaken her powers. She thought of a gust of wind blowing them away and magically it worked as they were dashed into the wall and knocked out. She cheered silently but suddenly a hand grabbed at her neck, nearly choking her, and the other resting on her forehead. A strange and numb feeling coursed through her body. Her world began to fade and she soon blacked out. ~***~ When Sarah had awoken, there was music playing…wedding music. She flashed her eyes open and was in a wedding dress gown. There was even a veil over her face. She held flowers and her hands were tied together, disabling her from escape. This had to be a nightmare. Tears were streaming down her cheek and the veil uncovered her face. There stood the king. Who would’ve thought it’d turn out to be like this? “If there are any who object, speak now or forever hold your peace.” The Priest announced. All were silent, knowing already if they were to object, they’d be beaten or killed when he was in such a mad state of mind. “I OBJECT!!” A voice bellowed. Everyone gasped, turning to see the one who had spoken out of line to discover it was none other than the king’s stepson, Vincent. The King was angered; outraged; Furious! “How dare you interfere, Vincent!!” He bellowed back. Vincent stormed his way up to the altar, taking Sarah’s arm and hiding her behind him. “I won’t allow you, a messed up perverted old man, to marry this young girl!” Vincent’s shadow began to morph and before the king could respond to Vincent, the king was beheaded. Everyone fell dead silent. The blood spurted onto Sarah’s cheek and stained her white wedding dress gown. “Vin…Vin…” She tried to speak, but it happened all so fast. The rope binding her hands together was cut and coiled to the floor. Vincent’s face grew pail. He then took Sarah’s hand and the two dashed out. Vincent had taken her to a door which led to the dungeon where they would find Jack. They walked in silence until again Sarah’s eyes turned red and her hair snow white. “Vincent-kun. You used my sister, Demios’s power back there. You were filled with so much anger; you lost all control over her.” The White Queen said. “Hm?” Vincent was caught off guard when Sarah began speaking such a way and her sudden appearance startled him even more. “Sarah? What are you talking about, what happened to you just now?” “Sarah is resting in my mind at the moment. She can see and hear what we are talking about. I am her Chain, White Queen.” She confirmed. “But enough about me; how did you find my sister?” © 2013 PokemonFan#1Author's Note
Added on March 27, 2013 Last Updated on May 6, 2013 Author![]() PokemonFan#1In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZAboutI am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..Writing