Chapter 6: The Annual Ball

Chapter 6: The Annual Ball

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 6: The Annual Ball


     “Where are we?” A seventeen year old girl with dirty blond hair, light blue eyes, and peach skin asked, wandering the halls of the castle with her fifteen year old friend walking next to her. “Where do you think we are Amanda?”

     “I have no clue Kaylene. All I remember is that I was with Ashley and my Mom, and then I suddenly passed out and saw you.” Said girl Amanda said. She has long light brunette hair, blue eyes, and peach skin.

     “Well, I want to get out of this place as fast as I can. I don’t like it here.” Said girl Kaylene said. The castle somehow gave her the creeps even though she enjoyed spooky things, but this was just too much for her.

     “I’m sure we’ll find our way out of here. Hey, maybe this door will take us out.” Amanda said taking ahold of the handle and opened it up to find someone they weren’t expecting to see.

     “SARAH!” They cried in unison and rushed to her side.

     “Shhh! She’s sleeping.” A voice said. Turning around they saw Jack and were very surprised.

     “Who the heck are you?!” Amanda asked.

     “My name is Jack Heartstopper.”

     “What are you doing to Sarah?” Amanda asked.

     “Nothing, I’m just-”

     “I see, so what makes you so special to be in here? You aren’t a pervert, are you?” Amanda questioned.

     “No I-”

     “So then why-”

     “Amanda stop.” Kaylene said.

     “Uhhn…I’m tired, go away…” Sarah mumbled.

     “Sarah! Sarah wake up! We need to get out of here!” Amanda said shaking Sarah.

     Stoooop…” Sarah whined.

     “Sarah, it’s Kaylene and Amanda.” Kaylene said. Sarah then bolted awake, still half asleep and unable to see clearly due to it being so dark in the room. Jack opened up the curtains a little and Sarah nearly squealed with excitement, happy to see her two best friends. She tackled them both in a long hug and asked, “How’d you get here?!”

     “We don’t know, but you’ve been gone for five months.” Kaylene answered.

     “What?! Five months?! I’ve only been here for a few days!” Sarah said. The doors suddenly burst open and Calcifer walked over to the two girls, taking their wrist and they suddenly fell to the floor.

     “Noooo! What did you do to them?!” Sarah asked, rushing to her friends side but was stopped by a servant.

     “There is nothing to worry about; I just cast a sleeping spell on them. It is strange how these two got here. I will be sending them back to their world now.” Calcifer said.

     “Send me back too then!” Sarah said.

     “Princess, I cannot send you back until Earl is stopped.” Calcifer reminded. “I am your guardian angel, which means I have to keep you here until further notice.”


     “Sarah darling, I think you should listen to him.” Jack said.

     “……Who are you and how’d you get in here?” Calcifer asked, just now taking notice of Jack’s presence.

     “I’m her date to the dance.” Jack said as if it were obvious, putting his arm around Sarah. Sarah turned to him and was at a loss for the right words to say.

     “I see…I’m watching you.” Calcifer said and took Sarah’s friends under his arms.

     “Wait! No! Don’t take them!” Sarah said about to give chase, but Jack stopped her, taking her wrist. “Let go Jack!” She tried to worm her wrist out of Jack’s hand, but he held on so firmly. She tried to pull away by using her other hand, but then he took ahold of that one too. When Sarah looked at Jack’s face, it wasn’t the sweet Jack she had once met, instead, Jack’s eyes were pupil less and he had no expression.

     “J-Jack?!” Sarah asked, hopping he’d respond, but he did not. He pinned Sarah to the floor, Sarah flailing about, afraid he was about to kiss her. Jack leaned in close enough to where he could have pressed his lips against her’s, but then as he was just inches away, he’s eyes became no longer pupil less and his facial expression was terror. He slowly moved away and pressed his back against the bed, covering his mouth.

     “T-that…d-did I…?” Jack mumbled and turned to Sarah who was now sitting half up, her hands on the floor to keep her up. He asked, “Did I?”

   Sarah shook her head and he let out a deep sigh of relief.

     “Thank goodness!”

     “Jack………are…are you okay?” Sarah asked.

     “Sarah, you needn’t worry for me. I just need to know if you’re okay. Are you?” Jack asked.

     “I…I just want to go home Jack…” Sarah said bawling her eyes out.

     “Are you scared of me?” He asked.

     “……………I-I don’t know……………” Sarah replied softly.

     “If you ever fear me, just let me know love.” Jack said. Two maids came in and noticed Sarah crying, so they helped her to her feet and wiped away her tears.

     “Come Princess, it’s almost time for the annual ball.” The maid on her right said. “We need to get you into your dress.”

     “Is this young man your date?” The maid on the left asked.

     “Uhh, yeah.” Sarah said.

     “Young sir, are you wearing this to the ball?” They asked towards Jack, noticing his green over coat was torn and dirty.

     “Well, I don’t have anything else I could wear.” Jack said.

     “That won’t do; Kim, will you please take this man to find a proper suite?”

     “Yes ma’am.” Said maid Kim said taking Jack to find a suite while the other maid took Sarah to be dressed.


Vincent, Echo, and “Raven” arrived to the dance hall where the annual ball would be held. Echo wore a teal dress that came with a mask to hide her identity from King Waldorf. She had on a pearl necklace, teal heels, and white silk gloves that went up to her elbow. Vincent wore the red tux and matching mask, snickering at his brother’s embarrassment while wearing the white tux.

     “Stop laughing Vince…Why couldn’t I wear the red tux?” Raven asked.

     “Isn’t it obvious? I told you that tux was all they had in your size.” Vincent said. “Errmm…phhhht! Y-you look…AHAHAHA!”

     “Vincent Sama.” Echo said to Vincent.

     “Ha, ha, I’m sorry; I’ll stop now…phhhht!” Vincent said trying to act calm.

     “I’m leaving.” Raven said giving a death glare to Vincent and walked away; a girl noticed Gilbert and hearts were in her eyes, and she was soon chatting with him. Guest’s began to arrive, the whole room soon filled with people. The king soon came in, thanking everyone for coming and called for Sarah to come in. Sarah was behind the curtain and was very nervous.

     “Sarah? Is something wrong?” A voice asked from behind, startling Sarah. She turned around and saw it was just Jack. What really caught her eye was what he was wearing. He had on an all-white shirt, jeans, boots, overcoat, and even his blue hair tie was now white.

     “J-Ja-” She began but her mouth was covered by Jack’s gloved finger.

     “I can tell. You’re nervous right?”


     “You are; remember, I can tell when someone is lying or telling the truth. You can’t lie around me my dear.” Jack said lifting up Sarah’s chin, causing her to become flustered even more than she already was. “I’ll go out there with you~” Jack happily pulled Sarah along. When they came out, there was a spotlight shining onto the two. Everyone gasped at the beautiful gown Sarah had just recently chosen. It was a long white dress with frills, the sleeves large and open, the glass slippers she had saved from falling when she came were on her feet, and her hair was still down, but nicely done with a silver tiara.

     “Ah! Isn’t the Princess beautiful?” King Fronz Waldorf said amazed at the Princesses beauty. “And such a handsome man she invited to come as her date. They will be sharing the first dance together.”

   Sarah’s eyes widened, Jack took her wrist and pulled her onto the dance floor. The first song was a slow dance and Jack took her right hand with his left hand and then pulled her up close, placing his right hand on her back.

     “I-I can’t dance though.” Sarah whispered.

     “Slow dances are easy, especially for the beginners; just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.” Jack reassured. The music began and Jack stepped back with his right leg, Sarah following with her left. They then began to slow dance, Sarah slowly learning how. By a few minutes into the music, Sarah had learned how the steps of slow dancing worked and enjoyed it by showing it though her cheeks as they turned a slight pink.

     “This is fun.” Sarah said. As the song came to a near end, Jack took Sarah’s right hand and spun her, her dress blowing up into a marshmallow and falling back down. “That was really fun!” Sarah said, a big smile on her face, cheeks still pink.

     “I’m glad you’re having such a wonderful time my dove,” Jack said and took ahold of her, his left hand taking her right and his right bringing her close, resting on her back once again, “but the song isn’t quiet over yet.”


After dancing, Sarah was exhausted, so Jack suggested on going out into the garden. They walked around and enjoying the great night weather. Jack held onto Sarah’s hand and she was still a little unsure if she should be with him all alone. What if this time he actually kissed her? What would happen after the kiss ended? Those thoughts ran through her head, but Jack was unaware, for she was still happy and smiling, despite that she was worried on the inside.

     “I had a fun time…the most fun ever when you spun me. That was awesome! It was magical!” Sarah said to Jack. Jack chuckled and gave Sarah a hug.

     “Did I tell you, you look beautiful?” Jack asked.


     “Now I did.” Jack said. Sarah blushed at the remark and was pulled over to a bench. The two sat in silence, enjoying the beautiful flowers and the songs of the crickets. Jack put his arm around Sarah and had her head rest on his shoulder. All the while Sarah blushed madly and strangely enjoyed Jack’s company. He somehow made her feel like she actually had someone who would love her forever, despite the five year age difference. She was slowly growing fond of Jack, while Jack was totally gaga over her already.

     “Jack?” Sarah asked.


     “Thank you. I had a good time here, but I still want to go home.” She said.

     “Sarah…I-” Jack began, but stopped mid-sentence. His face was shadowed behind his hair and Sarah noticed something was wrong. She tried to get up, but with Jack’s grip over powering her strength, she was stuck.

     “Jack?” She asked. She tried to look at his face to see if it had changed, but suddenly he put his hand on the back of her head and he pressed his lips against hers, Sarah’s eyes widened in complete shock. Once again, Sarah’s second chance at a first kiss was stolen, but it was with someone who she had actual feelings of love with. The kiss was deep and finally Jack had pulled away. He felt dizzy and Sarah felt sleepy, falling into his lap and into a deep slumber.

     “Well done Jack, you ended the first scene so beautifully; now for scene two.” A voice said coming from the shadows of the garden. Jack’s eyes were beginning to get hazy, but he could tell it was Earl. “I shall now take you both back with me, for scene two of the play has just begun!” He reached for Sarah, but then a dagger was thrown at him, Earl easily dodging it.

     “I cannot let you take the Princess away, Earl.” Calcifer said.

     “Not that damn guardian angel again.” Earl said annoyed. Calcifer ran up to him and was about to cast light magic till he was stopped by strings; even Earl was caught.

     “What the-?!”

     “Humph. I’ve had it with Vincent, I thought he was here, but I see he isn’t.” A voice said. The two looked over to where the voice came from, only to reveal a man who looked like he was nineteen, but really somewhere around twenty-six. He had light brunette hair, bright brown eyes and porcelain skin. He was even dressed for the ball too, but preferred to stay away from dancing. He wore a white dress shirt with a jet black tux over, black shoes, a teal tie, a red cape over his shoulders, and a fake red crown on his head.

     “Doll Maker?! What are you doing here?!” Calcifer asked.

     “I was here to get revenge on that brat Vincent, but since he isn’t here right now, I’ll just take away his dolly I saw him with earlier.” The Doll Maker said referring to Sarah. He jumped down from the wall and picked Sarah up bridle style. Jack only weakly pulled onto the Doll Maker’s cape, trying to save his dear Sarah, but was too out of it and the man walked away with Sarah in his arms, disappearing into the dark of the night. Once he was gone, the strings binding Earl and Calcifer were released and they were fuming mad. Earl disappeared leaving Jack and Calcifer, Calcifer taking Jack inside and letting him rest in a room, completely unaware of what Jack had done.


The ball was still going on and four beautiful women and a pretty little girl arrived, the king announcing them at the five spirits’. One of the women was clothed in all green, a forest like dress, known as Midori, the spirit of Earth; the second clothed in all blue, a watery like dress, known as Nami, the spirit of Water; the third clothed in gold, a goddess like appearance, known as Usagi, the spirit of Light and Dark (a split personality disorder); the fourth clothed in all white, a dress like the clouds, known as Sorano, the spirit of Air; and finally; the fifth spirit, the child, dressed in a fire mage cloak, known as Kohona, the spirit of Fire.

     “Now it is time to randomly pick a name out of the hat.” The king said. A guard came up to the king and the spirits; he was holding a top hat filled with names of all the guest. Fronz Waldorf reached into the hat and drew a name. “Raven? Come up here Raven.” Just then, “Raven” jerked his head up and had a surprised look behind his mask. He didn’t really want to go up, for he would most likely have to remove his mask. That would cause a problem. He tried to pay no attention, but was grabbed behind by some guards and brought up to the stage.

     “W-wait, I-I-” Raven stammered. Vincent seemed to prepare himself for something, his shadow seeming to look distorted.

     “Raven, the five of us grant you the choice of either a year of happiness,or a chance of finding a lover. Which will you pick?” Midori asked.

     “Umm…A year of happiness.” He said. Midori smiled and turned to Usagi, taking a red and brown box from her and handing it to Raven.

     “This box holds all the happiness you’ll need. Once you open it, it will count down, and once the time is up, it will return to us for the next time we come.” Midori said. Raven took the box and he was escort off stage. Vincent gave a sigh of relief and his shadow returned back to normal.

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

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A Chapter by PokemonFan#1