Chapter 5: Your Touch Was Enough for Me to Love You

Chapter 5: Your Touch Was Enough for Me to Love You

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 5: Your Touch Was Enough For Me to Love You


Sarah came back to her room where she was caught off guard and greeted by a hug from Jack. Surprised at the sudden gesture, Sarah attempted to pull apart, but with no luck. He pulled apart at last and closed the door, taking Sarah by the hand. He brought her hands to his lips, about to kiss them but refused to, for it might trigger his curse.

     “Sarah,” Jack began, looking her into the eyes, “I once met a young girl like you; fell madly in love with her.”

     “Wait why are you telling me this?” Sarah asked.

     “I don’t know why, I just feel like you need to know the truth about me; who I was before I met you.” He said. They sat over at the bed and Jack began to tell Sarah all about who he was in the past and why he cried out to her, “I’ve finally found you!” in the woods.


It all began when I was just a fifteen year old boy; I looked to be what I am today, just younger. I had a terrible foster mother named Miranda as I was an orphan when I was five. She had long red hair that was always put into a bun, her eyes were crimson red and she would constantly wear only red. She took me out into the streets and taught me how to tell if someone was lying or telling the truth. Because I looked so much like my Father " who died long ago - I was considered to be the youth of him. People would give me their money and-


     “Jack, Is there a point to this? Why are you telling me-”

     “I’m getting to it…now, where was I? Oh yes.”


Miranda went out one day, leaving me at home alone, so I snuck out and went into town to have a free day without stealing for once. When I arrived into town, I saw a young girl with hair black as night, skin pale as the fallen new snow, and her eyes as crimson red as a perfect apple. They were so alluring. She wore a white sundress and white flats; red stains appeared to be splattered over them. It was strange she was wearing something like a sundress in the winter time.

     “U-uhm…H-hello.” I shyly greeted, walking up to the beautiful girl. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?”

     “Who are you?” She replied coldly.

     “Jack Heartstopper.” I replied, my body stiff as stone.

     “Jack, you’re that boy who steals money, aren’t you?” She asked.

   I sigh.

     “Sad, but true…I-I’m only forced to steal, so I don’t get beaten by my foster mother.” I said.

   The girl smiled and took my hand, then looked at it as if caught off guard. She shook it off and led me into an old shack away from town. I was wondering where she was taking me and why she seemed happy I stole for a living.

     “Here we are, Jack. Please close your eyes for a moment, okay?” She said giving a warm smile. I sheepishly smiled back and did as she said. It was so quiet for what seemed to be forever, till I heard, “Okay, you can open them now~” I open my eyes and saw a candle lit dinner all set up.

     “What…what is all this?”

     “A dinner silly! Come on, sit down!” She said offering me a seat. As a boy who had seen nothing this fancy, I took a seat and she joined as well, smiling wildly at me. I began to doubt ever talking to her, but she seemed to be a nice girl who was lonely.

     “My name is Lacie Snow.” She said placing her elbows on the table and resting her chin in her hand.

     “Nice to meet you Lacie.” I greeted her. There was a silver platter. She took the dome off to reveal a cooked chicken. “I made sure there was no blood in this chicken. You’ll be fine.”

     “But, it’s almost impossible to get all the blood out; that is, unless you’re a vampire.” I said jokingly. She seemed to have frozen for some reason I was unaware of.

     “R-really? Ummm…W-what do you think about vampire’s, Jack?” Lacie asked.

     “I don’t know I’ve never actually met one, so I can’t say.” I replied.

     “What if you had already met one, but hadn’t known it?” Lacie asked. “People say they kill, but if you were to meet one without knowing it, how would you treat them?”

     “Like any other person; kindness.” I reply plainly. We were silent for a while and she began to cut a piece for me and we ate.


After we had finished, she took me out on a walk into the forest. It was the first day of winter and had begun to snow, no leaves on the trees, well, maybe just a few dying ones, but that isn’t the point; where she was taking me, I had no clue. The snow had soon covered all the branches and the ground was covered in a blanket winter wonderland. It was getting really chilly. I was lucky I had put on a jacket, but looking at Lacie, her shoulders were bare and that wasn’t good.

     “Lacie, you should take my jacket, you’ll catch a cold wearing that.” I said offering her my jacket.

     “What about you? You’ll catch a cold.” She said.

     “It doesn’t matter, I’m warm enough. Take it. I don’t want you to die out her from the cold.” I said.

     “Jack…I’m fine, I’m already dead.” Lacie said smiling.

     “W-what?” I asked. I was shocked, confused, and didn’t know how to reply to that. Then it hit me. She was dead, didn’t need my jacket; she was a vampire. That must explain her blood stained dress and why she seemed so surprised when we were having dinner…and the chicken too.

     “I’m a vampire Jack. They don’t need to keep warm. All they care about are killing their prey by luring them in with our beautiful looks.” Lacie explained.

     “Wait, so you led me here so you could kill me?” I asked trembling.

     “Jack…I feel something different with you. It’s as if…I lead you here…to tell you…I love you, but we cannot be with each other. I feel you must flee deep into the woods and stay away from me and the other vampires. Help anyone else who comes here and return them home. Jack, when I touched your hand, it was enough for me to love you.”

     “Who do we have here Lacie?” A voice said startling us both. “Another victim?” The figure came out from the shadows revealing to have coal black hair, neutral violet eyes that gleamed crimson, and the same snow pale skin as Lacie. He wore all black, and a cape as well.

     “O-Oswald? This. This isn’t what you- I mean- i-it’s not-” Lacie stammered.

     “What is it my sister?” The man Oswald asked. “If there’s something you want to say, you better say it.”


     “Wait, he was her brother?”

     “Yes, though you’ll be surprised at what happens next, princess.”



    “Uhm, I just- he-” She stammered still. The situation was a bit hard for her it seemed, so I decided to jump in and say something.

     “I saw this beautiful girl while walking around and it seemed she was lost so I thought I would come and see if she needed help.”

     “Huh?” Lacie asked.

     ‘Just play along.’ I whispered.

     “Is this true Lacie?” Oswald asked.

     “Yes, this boy came up to me just now and I was telling him I wasn’t lost and was heading home.” Lacie said.

     “I see.” Oswald said and turned to me. “What is your name?”

     “Jack, Jack Heartstopper.”

     “Well Jack, would you like to come to our home?” He asked.

     “No thank you, I have to head home now.” I declined. If Lacie was a vampire, then so must be her brother. I turn around and found Miranda in the hands of another vampire, one with red hair. “M-Miranda?!”

     “Ah, dinner has arrived.” Oswald said plainly. Though she is my foster mother, I couldn’t let her die from the evil vampires so I ran towards them, but was suddenly sucked into a shadow, the last thing I saw was my mother bitten and her blood run dry, but the most terrifying part was seeing Lacie stabbed in the back by a shadowed figure. She fell to the ground and turned into dust. Then, I blacked out.


I had woken up with a slight headache and noticed I was in a bed and trapped behind bars. I raced over to the bars, only to be electrocuted and crumbled to my knees. I thought I had been caught by the police and being sentenced into imprisonment for the crimes Miranda had forced me to do, but when I…when I looked up…


     “What’d you see?”

     “Sarah, this may be hard to tell you - and may be the possible stopping point for me to tell you.”

     “But I want to know what happens next!”

     “Well, alright, if you really want to know I’ll continue.”


When I looked up, I saw Earl, Tyki, Neah, and a girl hiding her face in the darkness of her hooded cape. All they did was snicker and seemed to be enjoying the terrified look on my face. Earl took out a key and began to unlock the cell door. When it was fully open, I quickly attempted to run away, but the girl stepped onto my back and sat atop of me, pulling at my braid.

     “Why do you have a braid? Why is your hair so long? Why did you try running away? Why-” She questioned me, pulling at my braid tightly (it hurt really badly) and was interrupted by Earl.

     “Jack Heartstopper, age fifteen, long golden blond hair, beautiful emerald eyes; he is the one said to fall in the hands of evil.” Earl said. “He is the fallen one said to be able to locate the chosen one, the Princess of Elements.”

     “OW! Stop it! You’re hurting me!” I cried, trying to stop the girl from pulling my hair any further.

     “Darling, please stop pulling on Jack’s hair. Go with Tyki and Neah so I may be alone with the boy.” Earl said. The girl pouted and got off me, storming out of the room with the two Noah’s following her.

   Earl turned his attention back to me and as I was about to make a break for it, I was held down by strong dark magic.

     “Let me go!” I demanded.

     “Now why would I do that? I’ll be needing you’re charming looks to lure the Princess of Elements into your arms. Once she falls madly for you, you will be free and I can finally put an end to her life, having her join my growing army of Noah’s and Shadow’s as a Shadow.” He said.

     “No way am I doing anything for you; especially to do anything with putting a girl in danger!” I said gritting my teeth.

     “I could kill you, but I cannot, for you are an important actor later on once I locate the young mage.” He said. After that, everything went dark and I found myself working for Earl, hoping it would be a way out of his evil plans.

   When three years had passed, I finally got the chance to escape and ran into the woods to find a small cabin and found no one living there. Like Lacie had said, there were people walking around the area, lost and afraid.


     “Wait, so where you found me, there were…vampires waiting to get me?!”

     “Most likely. By the way, were you being chased? You looked to be hiding when I saw you.”

     “That scary angel guy - I can’t remember his name - was trying to bring me here against my will.”

     “I see; so as I was saying-”


I helped many people find their way back to their homes, safe and sound back in town. While I was there, I decided to buy a sword in case I was ever to be attacked by anything; also buying new clothes.

   Three more years pass by, no sign of Earl or his henchman which was strange; I was gone for six years, you’d think they’d have found me when I first escaped…Anyway; I was walking around till I heard a loud boom, the wild animals going crazy. It couldn’t have been a vampire, though, who knows what they’re capable of; I only encountered them once in my life without knowing anything about them.

   I decided to see what caused the booming, soon hearing leaves crackle. I scanned the area and spotted you, shivering with fear and hiding. I don’t know what it was, but you felt so pure and magical. My body moved on its own and I found out you were the one for me, calling out, “I’ve finally found you!” and began loving you.


Once Jack had finished his story, Sarah was speechless for a few seconds, then asked, “How old are you?”

     “Twenty-one.” Jack replied.

     “But I’m only sixteen! There’s no way I can- I mean- Uhh…” Sarah stammered becoming flustered.

     “It’s just a five year difference. I know it seems weird and awkward to you, but please don’t hate me. I love you too much.” Jack said. He took Sarah’s hands and she was so flustered, she tried to hide it, but just couldn’t. She couldn’t figure out how to hide it.

     “I…I don’t hate you, I just…it’s…I’ve been in love before, but…I don’t know; I never thought I’d be loved by someone from a different world…I mean, be loved in general…and, by a complete stranger.” Sarah muttered. Jack laid Sarah’s head against his chest and she began to feel a little sleepy when she listened to his heartbeat.

     “By the way my little dove, what dress did you pick out?” He asked, but Sarah had fallen right to sleep. Jack chuckled and laid her onto the bed with the covers over her. He was almost about to kiss her forehead, but he quickly jerked back and covered his mouth.

     “No, I cannot…I cannot kiss her no matter what.” Jack reminded himself.

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1