![]() Chapter 4: Gilbert and Vincent’s PastA Chapter by PokemonFan#1Chapter 4:
Gilbert and Vincent’s Past Vincent took Echo
to the servants who make all the gowns and tux’s, telling Gilbert they’d bring
back an outfit back for him. Once Gilbert had fully awoken and was finally all
alone, he began to think about the past while he waited for the two to return
back. ~***~ Gilbert and Vincent were born as members of the Nightray
royal family and they lived in the mansion with their mother, Mary Nightray, father,
Dan Nightray, and aunt, Lilly Banker. Mary Nightray
was an elegant and beautiful woman with long blond hair and two miss matched
eyes, one crimson red and the other an ocean blue; skin porcelain. She would
wear a dark purple dress with white frills, jet black heels and white gloves on
her hands. Dan Nightray was
a tall, well-shaped man with jet black hair, gold eyes and peach skin. He wore
a white long sleeved shirt with a gray vest over, a jet black over coat, and
matching slacks. Lilly Banker is
the sister to Mary and she has short blond hair, ocean blue eyes and porcelain
skin. She wore a green dress with white frills and a ribbon on each side of the
dress, dark green heels and black gloves on her hands. Dan had suddenly
gotten ill one day and died a few days later; a memorable funeral was held and
Mary had to find a new husband and soon. One day she instantly fell in love
with a king named Fronz Waldorf. He too fell for the lovely woman and the two
married, now living in a new place. Vincent was very
young to understand what was going on, but because Gilbert was older, he snuck
around to spy on this king, his step father, and see if he was really suited to
be a part of their family. ~o~ I, Gilbert Nightray, stumbled upon a hidden passage way
in Vincent my and Vincent’s room. Surprised at the new discovery I had made, I
looked behind me to see Vincent sleeping by all his stuffed animals he had
gotten as a gift from the king. I then decided to make my way through this
passage and it turns out to be a maze! I searched for a way out after hearing a
terrible sound of hissing, most likely from a cat (they scare me) and tumbled
into the ball room. “Did you hear?
The new queen has suddenly grown ill.” I hear a servant say. ‘What?! Mother
is sick?!’ I whispered and continue to listen. “She has?” “I suspect she
must have been poisoned-” ‘No! Mother!’ I run down the longs halls and come
to my mother’s chambers to see her lying in a bed. “M-mother?” “Hmmm?
Gilbert, is that you?” Mother asked weakly. “Mother!” I
cry running up to her; hugging her. “Yes, it’s Gilbert.” “Gilbert, I
want you and Vincent to not worry about me and live your life the way you want
to. You still should listen to people, but never listen to the Noah’s or
Shadow’s, controlled by Earl.” Mother said holding my hand. “What are you
talking about mother?” I ask. I have no clue what she is talking about. What is
this sudden subject she is telling me about? “Gil, I don’t
have much time left. When the time comes, if you and Vincent are to be
separated, remember to keep a look out for the chosen one.” Mother says. “Who’s the
chosen one? How will I be able recognize this person?” I ask. “They say the
chosen one will come from another world and will be a girl. You’ll know who she
is once you see her.” Mother said. She closes her eyes. “Take good care of yourselves.
Care for each other as long as you can. I love you Gil. Tell Vincent I love him
too, for me…” The room went silent and mother’s body suddenly gets cold. Tears
begin to swell up madly and fall onto her cold body. “I-I will…I-I’ll
tell Vincent you loved him…Mother…Mother, don’t leave yet!” The doctor, nurses,
and King Waldorf come rushing in, the nurses tried to pull me away from my
mother as I struggled and tell them to let me go. “Take him back
to his room.” The king ordered the nurses. I was dragged out and that was the
last time I would ever see my mother…Mary Nightray…Alive. ~***~ Gilbert snapped
out of his daydream and noticed he was crying. He wiped away the tears and he
walks into the closet to change into his normal clothing. Vincent and Echo
were talking to the maids, telling them the type of gowns and tuxes they were
in search for. Sarah soon came in with a servant pulling her along; no matter
how much she disliked the idea of dancing at a ball to be filled with royals
staring at her, she’s being forced to attend. “Please Princess Sarah, you must attend
the ball; the king says it’s some requirement of some sort.” The servant said. “But I can’t dance!” Sarah said. “Hello Sarah, nice to see you here.”
Vincent said from behind, startling Sarah half to death. “Are you looking for a
gown for the ball as well?” “W-well-” She began. “Echo would be happy to see you come.”
Echo said. Hearing that, Sarah sighed and told them she was and Vincent offered
to take Sarah off the servant’s hands so the three could find their outfit
together. Vincent found a white tux that came with a black mascaraed mask of a
bird. “Nii-san absolutely hates wearing anything
white. That would be so fun to see him all uncomfortable!” Vincent snickered to
himself. He then began to remember back on the day learning of their mother’s
death. ~o~ I had just awoken and heard soft whimpering. Then the
sound of muttering was heard. I get out of bed; my short blond hair is a mess.
I walk over to the figure and notice its Gilbert. “Nii-san?
What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I ask. “*sniffle* V-Vince...M-mother’s
dead, and she told me to tell you she loved you…” Gilbert cried, pulling onto
my night clothes. What…what is he talking about? Moth…mothers, dead? One of the servants, Calcifer,
came in and told us what Gilbert had told me and I fall to the floor, gripping
my hair. I soon see scissors with my fuzzy eye sight and take them in my hand.
I look at them, thinking I would rather die than be here now, but I am suddenly
stopped. I looked up and it was Gil. He gives me the puppy dog eyes and begs
for me not to throw my life away. What does he know! I want to die! “Vincent!
Please! I can’t lose both you and mother!” Gilbert begs. I drop my hands to my
side, still clutching the scissors in anger and sadness. I walk over to my bed
and take a stuffed bear and stab its chest, running the scissors down and
cutting off the head. Like the Queen of Hearts, Demios, says, “Off with his
head!” ~***~ Vincent was in a rampage and began cutting up all his
toys. An array of stuffing all around him. Gilbert was terrified of his
youngest brother’s behavior and even left the room so he wouldn’t get hurt.
Once Vincent had cut off all the heads of his stuffed animals, he snapped back
into reality and was saddened at his surroundings. “What have I
done?” He said looking at all the stuffing and toys without heads sprawled over
the floor. “What have I done?!” The door creaked open and Calcifer was holding
onto Gilbert’s hand, walked over to the mourning Vincent and took him with his
other hand. “The king
wishes for an audience with you two.” Calcifer said. The three walked out of
the room and Calcifer was a bit surprised with all the cut up toys, later
asking to have them be stitched back together by the Doll Maker. They came to
the kings chambers and he was tearing up. Gilbert looked to be shocked; Vincent
just too depressed to notice. “My step sons,
it was very sudden off your mother, the queen, to suddenly die today. I hope
you two will move on from this tragedy soon.” Fronz said. “Since there is no
queen, you two must prepare for becoming the next king and find a wife.” Fronz
ordered Calcifer to take the two boys back to their room and Calcifer did so. The next day was the day Mary Nightray/Waldorf was to be
properly buried. Lilly was paying her respects to her dear lovely sister, along
with others who knew the late queen. Gilbert and Vincent had not only lost
their father, but now their wonderful mother. They were to be the last to see
their mother before she was to be buried and they were both crying into one
another’s shoulders. Once everyone had taken one last look at Mary, Gilbert and
Vincent came up and they saw flowers of all kind surrounding her, making her
death all the more a beautiful one. They couldn’t contain themselves and cried
the hardest they ever had cried. Lilly and a few others were there to comfort
the two princes’ and give them all their love. After the
funeral, the two wore black for a whole month, and before they even knew it,
they liked to wear black. There was just one flaw for Gilbert, if he were to be
put in anything all white, he would feel so uncomfortable and demand for his
usual black attire. Vincent enjoyed seeing Gilbert’s uncomfortable emotion and
laughed at him for it. That annoyed Gilbert, but he eventually would get to be
back in black. One day, the
king told them to get all fancied up, for a young girl and her father were
coming over and they would have to make friends with her. They did as told and
soon came back to see the girl and her father there. “Echo dear,
don’t be shy, go over and meet King Waldorf’s step sons. They’re nice and won’t
bite. I promise.” Echo’s father said encouraging his one and only little
daughter to meet little Vincent and Gilbert. Echo shyly
stepped forward. “Hello!”
Gilbert said holding his hand out. Echo blushed and gave a squeak, hiding
behind her father. “Nii-san, not
so loud.” Vincent said. He stepped forward and slowly walked towards Echo who
tried to hide even harder, gripping her father’s pant leg. “Now, now
Echo, there’s no reason to be afraid of them.” Her father said ruffling her
hair. “Hi there. My
name’s Vincent. You’re very pretty Echo. May we be friends?” Vincent asked. Echo blushed
even redder. “…” “Echo…I’m
sorry your highness, she isn’t herself today. We’ll come back in a week and see
if she’ll open up to them.” Echo’s father said. “Fine by me,
but if she does not become friends with at least one of my step sons, there
will be consequences.” “Yes my king.
Come Echo, let’s go back home to mommy.” Her father said lifting Echo up and
took her back towards their home in a small village. “Awww…I wanted
to get to know her more. She was so pretty, wasn’t she Nii-san?” Vincent said.
He seemed to be happy around her, though they haven’t become friends yet.
Vincent also was getting out of the strange habit of cutting his stuffed animals
heads (which the Doll Maker was relieved about). “Yes, but I
don’t think she likes me.” Gilbert said depressed. “Calcifer,
would you please escort them back to their room?” Fronz ordered. “Yes my king.
My lords?” Calcifer said taking the two back. ~One week later~ “My King, Echo
has finally decided she will become their friend now; won’t you, Echo.” Echo’s
father said. “Y-yes…I want
to be their…friend now.” Echo said shyly. “Hi there!”
Gilbert said holding his hand out like before. “I’m Gilbert!” “E-Echo…” Echo
replied shaking his hand shyly. “And I’m
Vincent. It’s a pleasure to meet you again Echo.” Vincent said. When Echo
looked at him, her face became red. Why? Well, maybe she has what you’d say,
young love and love at first sight. “Beautiful.
This is turning out to be magnificent!” Fronz said. “Echo dear, may I see you
for a moment?” “Huh? Why?”
She asked. “Because I
want to ask you something.” He said. As king, Echo could not refuse his orders,
so she went to him and he took her into another room. “Huh? What is
he doing? Shouldn’t we be bonding?” Gilbert asked. A few minutes later, Echo
and the king came out and were told to go off and play for a bit. “Hey Echo,
what do you want to play?” Vincent asked. “Echo don’t
know…” Echo said. “Hey, why
don’t we play a short game of hide-and-seek?” Gilbert brought up. “Yeah! That’d
be really fun, wanna play hide-and-seek, Echo?” Vincent asked taking Echo’s
small little hand. “Okay.” She
replied blushing a bit. Vincent was declared “it” and so Gilbert and Echo
quickly ran and hid. Vincent counted
up to thirty and called, “Ready, or not, here I come!” He ran down a hall and came
to a dead end. There was a loud shriek coming from behind the wall and Gilbert
came out with a white cat chasing after him. All Vincent did was laugh at
Gilbert’s fear of cats and said, “Found you!” Gilbert just whined and dashed
down the halls with Vincent giving chase and they came to the area where they
just were. “Hmmm. I
wonder where Echo-chan is hiding?” Vincent pondered. He then noticed there was
a plant with hair being seen through the branches. “Found you
Echo!” Vincent said. “I would have
thought Gilbert would have been her choice, but instead, it is the step son I so
despise of she has chosen.” Fronz’s voice was heard, a bit of annoyance in his
tone. “What?”
Vincent said. He was about to listen closer, but then Gilbert and Echo tapped
onto his shoulder. “What is it
Vincent? Something wrong? It’s your turn to hide now while I count.” Gilbert
said. The door the king and Echo’s father were in suddenly opened with the two
exiting. “It’s been a
pleasure serving you my king.” Echo’s father said with a big grin. “Come on
Echo, let’s head home.” “Awww. Bye
Echo!” Vincent said. He faced Fronz who seemed to be giving Vincent a discussed
face and turned away to head back to the throne room. ~***~ Vincent had
snapped out of the past and came back into the present. He got the white outfit
for Gilbert (or known as Raven for the ball) and a red one for himself. Echo
and Sarah had found very pretty dresses, taking them. They all headed back,
Sarah going back to her room where Jack waited for her; Vincent and Echo
heading back to Gilbert. “Hello Nii-san, we’re back and got you
something too.” Vincent said. Gilbert turned around and notice Vincent had a
red and white tux with masks. “The red one is mine, right?” He asked. “You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to
find out~” Vincent sang. Grumbling on the thought of wearing the
white tux, Gilbert suddenly began to remember a bit on when he was sent away. ~***~ It’s been a few years since
Vincent and I first met Echo. Now, we are all in our teen years and it seems
things are finally getting better, though, Vincent seems to be a little of a
pervert all of a sudden…I’m a bit worried about him. Is this some phase he’s
going through? “Gilbert, the king would like a word with
you.” A servant requested. “Okay; Vince, I’ll be right back.” I call. “Okay; see you later Nii-san.” He called
back. I leave the room and come into King Waldorf’s chambers. He is sitting at
his desk, tapping the feather pen in is hand onto a golden yellow paper. He
sneaks a look at me, motioning for me to take a seat. “There’s something you requested of me?” I
ask. “Yes, I am in no longer need of you here.
I wished for it to be Vincent leaving, but it turns out you are instead.” He
said. “Wait, what?! What are you saying?!” I
ask. “I am sending you away to live with your
aunt Lilly; and cousin Elliot, in your old home and live as a Nightray;
forgetting all about Vincent.” He said putting the quill in the ink container.
He’s mad. He can’t separate me from Vincent. He’s had such a hard life; father
dying, then mother. He won’t be able to handle this pain. I can’t. I can’t let
this happen. “No! I will not leave Vincent behind! He’s
my only brother and the only one I’ll ever have! We cannot be separated!” I
bellow. He snaps his fingers and Echo is brought in, bound. “Echo!” “If you want your brother to be safe and
this girl to be unharmed, then you will leave.” The king threatened. I grit my
teeth and mutter under my breath, “B*****d. You’ll regret this.” And storm out
of the room. I’m then taken by the guards and dragged out of the castle and see
a carriage there, waiting for me to get in. I take one last look at the castle
to see Vincent by the window, mouthing my name. His look says it all. The
horror of seeing me off like this…I’m sorry Vince…hopefully I can see you once
again… ~***~ “Master Gilbert! You have guests!” My
aunt’s servant called. I walked
into the room he called from. “Guests?
That’s rare. Who are they?” I asked, seeing a girl with brunette hair and a man
next to her with his long golden hair put into a long braid. Something seems
strange with this girl…she doesn’t seem to be from around here. Could she be
the girl my Mother was talking about? “Sarah
Hollenbeck.” “Jack
Heartstopper.” “Please leave
Fred.” I said to the servant. “Yes master
Gilbert.” Fred said bowing and walked off to attend to my aunt and cousins
request. I turn to the
two guests. “What are you
here for?” I asked. “To take you
back to Vincent.” The girl Sarah said. “He misses you and, well, he’s a bit
clingy on me.” “Take me back?
But King Waldorf sent me back here! Why would I return to that place?” I really want to
return, it’s just, now isn’t the time. “Err, maybe
not return, but visit Vincent every now and then.” Sarah said. “Right Jack?” “Yes. She’s
right.” The man Jack said. “Please come
at least this once and see him again. He misses you so much. Please Gilbert?”
Sarah pleaded. God, she seems too innocent for her own good. Hmmm. I should go see Vincent again, but if I
go, he won’t let me leave, but then if I don’t
go, he may keep being a pervert to this girl…what should I do? I thought. After five
minutes of silence, I broke it and replied, “Okay, I’ll go.” “Yay! Thank
you!” Sarah cheered. ~***~ Gilbert snapped out of the past, catching up to the present and
attending to some brotherly love he missed out on. © 2013 PokemonFan#1Author's Note
Added on March 27, 2013 Last Updated on May 6, 2013 Author![]() PokemonFan#1In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZAboutI am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..Writing