Chapter 3: Present to Past

Chapter 3: Present to Past

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1

Chapter 3: Present to Past


     “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh…I-I can’t believe Vincent stole my first kiss! Why?! Why’d he kiss me?! Why?!” Sarah began to rant to herself. She was freaking out as she made it far away from the castle just in case Vincent heard her. As she continued to follow the path, there was a rustling sound coming from the bushes and Sarah flinched, shivering for the fear she had been found.

     “W-who’s there?” Sarah asked. A familiar figure came out of the bushes, and toppled onto the ground, Sarah crying, “JACK!” She rushed to his side, shaking him awake. “Jack! Jack, wake up!”

     “Sarah? No…you need to get away from me…” Jack said pushing Sarah away.

     “Why?” Sarah asked confused.

     “Earl…he…he got me and if I’m with you to long, I…I-I’ll-” Jack suddenly froze, his eyes darkening and he lift up Sarah’s chin, slowly making his way in for a kiss, but Sarah pushed him and scooted away from him as fast as she could.

     “What are you doing?!”

     “Ga…I-I can’t control myself…It-its Earl, he’s controlling me…you…you have to get away from me…” He warned. Sarah had a sad look upon her face. She stood up and was unsure she would ever see him again, so she took one last look and ran off, eventually coming to the small town.


Before Jack found Sarah, he was still being kept in his cell until Road came in and unbound him from his shackles. He looked up at her with confusion and hatred for being brought here.

     “Don’t give me that look, I’ve been told to let you go.” Road said helping him up.

     “I still don’t trust you. I don’t trust any of you and I never will.” Jack said. He cringed and gripped his chest with the aftermath of the operation getting to him.

     “Be a good boy and find Sarah. Tell Tyki and Neah they can come back so they can help set up for the play daddy is setting up.” Road said.

     “I’ll never do anything to hurt Sar-“

     Do you want me to kill you or not?” Road threatened, her hand sparking with electricity.

     “…Fine…I’ll do it…” Jack said giving up.

     “Good boy~” Road said patting Jack’s head like a dog. “Now, go find Tyki and Neah, tell them to come back. Meanwhile, you’ll kiss the girl to get her under your control.”

     “What?! I have to kiss her?!” Jack said, but before he could get an answer, Road had sent him off into the shadow’s.


Sarah started her search for Echo, first coming into a small café. She looked around the area, but did not spot any type of girl.

     “Hmmm…Maybe I should ask if anyone knows her.” Sarah muttered. She walked over to two men sipping some coffee while they read the newspaper and asked shyly, “U-umm…do you know someone named, Echo?”

     “Echo? I believe we just met a girl with that name, didn’t we, Tyki?”

     Tyki?! Oh no, then that must mean he’s-

     “Why are you asking me Neah, you’re the one who talked to her.” Tyki said putting down his newspaper.

     “Why are you looking for her?” Neah asked.

     “Oh, um…I-I’m trying to find someone…” Sarah said fidgeting and trying to keep her face hidden under the hood.

     “Maybe we could help you find this girl?” Neah volunteered. “What’d you say? You trust us?”

     “Oh, I-I just wanted to know if anyone knew her.” Sarah lied. “And, I should be going back home anyway; mom and dad must be worried sick about me.” Sarah made her way to the door to find it locked and turned around to see everyone who was sitting at a table was now gone, and only she, Tyki and Neah were left.

     “What home? You were taken away from there, isn’t that right, Princess of Elements?” Tyki said.

     “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about! What’s going on?!” Sarah lied as her throat felt like closing up.

     Please, you can’t hide the smell of the elements.” Neah said making a hand motion, causing Sarah’s hood to come off revealing her true identity to them.

     “Now that you’re trapped, we can take you back to Earl.” Tyki added with a smile.

     “No! Please don’t!” Sarah begged, backing away into a corner. Tyki and Neah stood up from their spot and made their way to Sarah, took her by the wrist and placed a cloth over her mouth and tied her hands together, but then the door suddenly burst open to reveal Jack.

     “Wait! R-Road said you have to go back to Earl and help set up, and I’ll take her back as soon as you’re done.” Jack said.

     “Road told you this?” Neah asked.

     “Yes, and…and she said I had to do something with Sarah first…” Jack said.

     “Show us your curse for proof first, Jack; if you have it that is.” Tyki said.

     “I-……Okay…” Jack said. He didn’t want Sarah to find out this way, but he had no choice. He took his over coat off and unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a scar of a clock fast forwarding to twelve on his bare chest. Sarah flustered at what she just saw, averting her stare. “See? Now hand her over.”

     “Alright, we trust you. Here she is.” Tyki said shoving Sarah over to Jack, making her run into his chest and the two Noah’s disappeared in the shadows.

     “Are you okay?” Jack asked taking the cloth off and unbinding her hands.

     “Erm, uh, y-yes, I’m fine, uh, thank you for saving me, but I have to go and find Echo.” Sarah said over flustering for Jack hadn’t buttoned his shirt back up yet. She went for the door, but Jack took her wrist and she squeaked. “Jack? Jack, let me go!”

     “I can’t let you go alone.” Jack said.

     “You aren’t trying to kiss me again…a-are you?” Sarah asked.

     “Well…it’s the only way I can keep you safe.” Jack said.

     “No. I’m not ready yet. I-I can’t.” Sarah said. “A-and…uhm…”

     “What is it?” He asked seeing she wanted to say something.

     “Your shirt…uhm…” She hinted, too embarrassed to go on. Jack blushed, realizing it and quickly buttoned back up his shirt and putting his overcoat back on. Just then the door opened for the girl Echo was standing there.

     “Are you two okay?” She asked.

     “Huh? Who are you?” Sarah asked.

     “Echo.” Echo said.

     “You’re Echo?! Then you must know where Gilbert is!” Sarah said excitedly.



     “Come with me.” Echo said. Sarah and Jack followed her. They came to a manor and Echo knocked on the door.

     “Yes? Who is it?” A servant asked, peeking through the door.

     “Gilbert has visitors. They wish for an audience with him.” Echo said.

     “Yes, yes, I understand. Please, come in.” He said.

     “I’ll meet you out here when you are done.” Echo said.

     “Okay.” Sarah said and they entered the manor.

     “Master Gilbert! You have guests!” The servant called. A man with jet black unruly and unkept hair, golden topaz eyes, like Vincent’s, and pale skin walked into the room wearing a white shirt, white gloves with a gold design, jet black pants, shoes, hat and over coat.

     “Guests? That’s rare. Who are they?” Gilbert asked.

     “Sarah Hollenbeck.”

     “Jack Heartstopper.”

     “Please leave Fred.” Gilbert said to the servant.

     “Yes Master Gilbert.” The servant Fred said bowing and walked off to attend to other duties.

     “What are you here for?” Gilbert asked.

     “To take you back to Vincent.” Sarah said. “He misses you and, well, he’s a bit clingy on me.”

     “Take me back? But King Waldorf sent me back here! Why would I return to that place?”

     “Err, maybe not return, but visit Vincent every now and then.” Sarah said. “Right Jack?”

     “Yes. She’s right.” Jack said.

     “Please come at least this once and see him again. He misses you so much. Please Gilbert?” Sarah pleaded. Gilbert went into deep thought.

     Hmmm. I should go see Vincent again, but if I go, he won’t let me leave, but then if I don’t go, he may keep being a pervert to this girl…what should I do? Gilbert thought.

   After five minutes of silence, Gilbert broke it and replied, “Okay, I’ll go.”

     “Yay! Thank you!” Sarah cheered. Thank you so much, now Vincent won’t be all over me!


The three walked out with Echo waiting for them and as she was going to tell them she was going to leave, Sarah stopped her and told her to go back with them. Echo happily accepted the invitation and so they all made their way back to the castle together.

     “Vincent! I brought Gilbert back and Echo is here too.” Sarah called.

     “Nii-san!” Vincent cried, tackling Gilbert to the floor of his room. “Nii-san, nii-san, I missed you so much! Please don’t leave me here alone ever again!”

     “Vincent, I missed you too, but please, got off me.” Gilbert said pushing Vincent off him.

     “Vincent sama…did you miss me?” Echo asked.

     “Echo dear, of course I missed you too!” Vincent said kissing Echo’s hand making her blush a little.

     “Glad this reunion is going well, so I guess I’ll head to my room before anyone notices I’m gone.” Sarah said feeling awkward and leaving through the hidden passage with Jack following her.

     “Nii-san, Echo, I missed you two so much.” Vincent said hugging the two.

     “Echo missed you too.” Echo said returning the hug.

     “You two are staying for the annual ball coming up, right?” Vincent asked.

     “Echo will go.” Echo said. “Will you go too, Gilbert sama?”

     “Well, I may have to wear a mask to hide myself from King Waldorf. He cannot know I’m here.” Gilbert said.

     “That’s fine by me; Echo and I’ll wear masks too, so he doesn’t suspect anything.” Vincent said.

     “Okay.” Gilbert said.

     “And what if he asks your name?” Echo asked.

     “I’ll say my name is Raven.” Gilbert said.

     “Good choice.” The two said in unison.


Later that night, Echo couldn’t sleep, for she was remembering her past when she had first met Vincent and Gilbert. She remembered it like it was only yesterday, when the fact was, it was only when they were little children.


     “Echo dear, don’t be shy, go over and meet King Waldorf’s step sons. They’re nice and won’t bite. I promise.” Echo’s father said encouraging his one and only little daughter to meet little Vincent and Gilbert.

   Echo shyly stepped forward.

     “Hello!” Gilbert said holding his hand out. Echo blushed and gave a squeak, hiding behind her father.

     “Nii-san, not so loud.” Vincent said. He stepped forward and slowly walked towards Echo who tried to hide even harder, gripping her father’s pant leg.

     “Now, now Echo, there’s no reason to be afraid of them.” Her father said ruffling her hair.

     “Hi there. My name’s Vincent. You’re very pretty Echo. May we be friends?” Vincent asked.

   Echo blushed even redder.


     “Echo…I’m sorry your highness, she isn’t herself today. We’ll come back in a week and see if she’ll open up to them.” Echo’s father said.

     “Fine by me, but if she does not become friends with at least one of my step sons, there will be consequences.”

     “Yes my king. Come Echo, let’s go back home to mommy.” Her father said lifting Echo up and taking her back towards their home in a small village.


     “Father…mother…” Echo mumbled returning back to reality. She sat up and looked over at Vincent. “Vincent…Vincent sama, are you awake?”

     “Yeah, I’m still awake.” Vincent replied.

     “I…I can’t sleep…” Echo said.

     “Do you want to cuddle up with me till you do?” He asked.

     “Yes.” She said.

     “Then come on over here.” Vincent said sitting up. Echo got onto the bed and the covers were thrown over her and Vincent put his arm around her waist and they slowly began to fall asleep. Echo dreamt of the rest of her past as she fell into deep slumber.


Echo was a very shy little girl who needed to make friends. Her mother and father were very poor and little Echo’s mother had gotten a sickness that was just too high a price to pay, so the King would make a deal with her father.

     “If your daughter, Echo, is to make friends with one my two step son’s, Gilbert or Vincent, then I shall pay you for your wife to get treated at the hospital. If she fails to do so by the second meet, then I cannot help you.” The king’s voice echoed through her father’s head.

     “Damn it Echo! Why didn’t you accept the boy’s friendship?!” Her father bellowed, slamming his fist on the table.

     “I-I was scared…” Echo said, scared of even now with her father yelling at her.

     “Echo, do you want mommy to get better, or not?” He asked.

     “I do but-”

     “Then make friends with those boy’s. Do it for mommy.” He said.

     “…Okay…for mommy.” Echo said.


A week had passed and it was the day where Echo had to get out of her lonely box and toughen up by talking to the Kings step son’s and become their friend. No matter how much she disliked the idea of making friends, she had to do it so her father wouldn’t get mad at her, possibly punish her, and for her poor sick mother.

     “My King, Echo has finally decided she will become their friend now; won’t you, Echo.” Echo’s father said.

     “Y-yes…I want to be their…friend now.” Echo said shyly.

     “Hi there!” Gilbert said holding his hand out like before. “I’m Gilbert!”

     “E-Echo…” Echo replied shaking his hand shyly.

     “And I’m Vincent. It’s a pleasure to meet you again Echo.” Vincent said. When Echo looked at him, her face became red. Why? Well, maybe she has what you’d say, young love and love at first sight.

     “Beautiful. This is turning out to be magnificent!” The King said. “Echo dear, may I see you for a moment?”

     “Huh? Why?” She asked.

     “Because I want to ask you something.” He said. As king, Echo could not refuse his orders, so she went to him and he took her into another room.

     “What is it your majesty?” Echo asked.

     “Dear Echo, I was wondering, which of those two boys’ do you like the most?” The king asked. Echo froze and was surprised at what the king was asking her. He wanted to know who her favorite was. But why?

     “Ummm…I like Vincent a lot…he- he’s different.” Echo said.

     “I see, well then, let’s head back to your father and pay him. You don’t mind staying here a little longer, do you?” The king asked.


     “Good!” The king said. The two came back into the room Vincent, Gilbert and Echo’s father were waiting in, and Echo was to play a little bit with the two princes. The king took Echo’s father into a room to give him the money needed for Echo’s mother to get better, also asking him if it were alright for Echo to be engaged to Vincent.

     “An arranged marriage? But why Echo? She is of no royal blood sire. Why her?” Echo’s father asked.

     “She seems to have grown a little crush on Vincent. I would have thought Gilbert would have been her choice, but instead, it is the step son I so despise of she has chosen.” The king said, a bit of annoyance in his tone when talking about Vincent.

     “You can’t be serious my lord! She is our only child! I-”

     “If she is to wed Vincent, then you will inherit the royal skeleton key to this castle and obtain anything you so desire.” The king brought up making Echo’s father think twice.

     “I would?” He asked. The king nodded his head. “Well, alright then. It’s a deal. Echo will be engaged to Vincent.”

     “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.” The king said shaking her father’s hand.


Echo had woken up to see Vincent had snuck off to sleep on the couch during the middle of the night, and Gilbert was still fast asleep in the other bed. She got up and stretched, soon walking over to wake up Gilbert first.

     “Gilbert sama, wake up.”

     “Hmm? What? What is it Echo?” Gilbert asked groggy.

     “Get ready for the ball.” Echo ordered then walked over to Vincent who too was fast asleep till she shook him awake.

     “Vincent sama, wake up.”

     “Huh? Echo? Oh, I’m sorry; I must have moved myself last night. Did you sleep well?” Vincent asked half asleep.

     “Yes.” Echo said. “Now please get up and get ready for the ball.”

   Vincent laughed.

     “Look at you Echo; you sound like a mother telling her child to get ready for a special event!” Vincent said totally half asleep.

     “It is a special event! It’s when the five spirits’ come once a year to give a blessing on someone, ensuring they have a happy year, or even find their true love.” Echo said blushing.

     “I’m so sorry Echo-chan; I didn’t know you felt that way.” Vincent apologized. “Come, let us choose an outfit for the ball then, shall we?”

© 2013 PokemonFan#1

Author's Note

I will be drawing an illistration sometime soon I hope.

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Added on March 27, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



In a land only Alice was said to go to; through the tunnle and down the rabbit hole; Wonderland, AZ

I am.... ☐ Single ☐ Taken ✔ Mentally married to Jack Vessalius I am a Pokémon geek, Mormon, singer, artist, writer and a picky eater.... I like to read mang.. more..

Chap 1 Chap 1

A Chapter by PokemonFan#1