July 17, 2012 Tuesday
I’m at the place where those people come to when there is
nothing else the doctors can do. I see my dear Oma lying in the bed. She was
given something that made here drowsy so we couldn’t tell if she seemed okay or
not. She was totally out of it at the time. She’d been having nightmares where
we were gone and she was going to Hell. But when she would wake up, we were
there. My cousin Jessie (boy) asked, “Is there any advice you’d give to us
young folk?” at first she did not quit hear him, but then she replied, “Live young
and don’t grow old like me.” We laughed and talked some more (the song “Forever
Young” ran continuously through my head); then she continues about talking
about sticking to our goals and much more. She was so quite too, so we had to literally
lean in to hear her. After a few hours (or was it minutes?) we said good bye
and left the Hospice.