Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by FiveTalentsWorking

This will start to pick up a little bit... <3

My mom startled me, shaking me from my sleep.

"Honey, please wake up."

I look at my mom, sleep dazed. The second I saw her, I got a terrible nauseating feeling in my stomach.

"Is Bailey ok?"

"We need to go to the hospital. They said she's only got a few hours"

I got up, threw my clothes on, and ran out to the car and waited for my mom to start the car. I was terrified and I felt sick.

When we got there, Bailey's parents were just leaving.

"Bailey would like to talk to you, Madi" Bailey's mom said. Her eyes, the same sparkling green that Bailey's were, were rimmed with red from crying.

"Ok" I choked out.

I walked into the hospital room. Bailey was sitting in her bed, hardly looking like herself. She looked peaceful, but I knew she was in a lot of pain.

"Oh, Madi! I'm so sorry!"

"Don't say that. You have nothing to be sorry for! Its not your fault."

"I can't believe this is happening."

And then we both started to cry.

"You will always be my best friend" we said at the same time.

"I love you, Madi" She said. Then the doctor ushered me out of the room to give her more pain killers.

Before I walked out of the room, I turned around and said, "I love you, too. Good bye, my best friend." We shared a forgiving, pain filed glance before I left.

Not twenty minutes later, Bailey's mom announced her death.

I cried for an hour. Somewhere in that time I threw up from that sick feeling that became intensified when I heard Bailey had died.

Suddenly I passed out.


The next morning, when I woke up, I wanted nothing more than to stay asleep. I wanted to stay in that bed for years. I was in so much pain, yet I couldn't fully grasp what had happened.

My best friend died.

In that second, I decided I hated myself.

I went into my bathroom, forced myself to throw up then grabbed the scissors in the second drawer.

After taking a deep breath, I stabbed my elbow with the scissors and dragged it down my arm.

I had heard somewhere that doing this could kill a person.


I had lost a lot of blood. My head felt light and I knew I'd pass out in a couple minutes. This is when my mom opens the bathroom door and finds me.

She screams.

Then I pass out again.


The next thing I know, I was in a small room. There was a very buff looking guy in white.

There was a woman, in her early thirties. She was pretty and dressed colorfully. She had a name tag. Dr. Charlotte.

Where am I?
I asked myself while I realized that my parents sat facing me in the two chairs that were in the room.

"Madison. Hi! My name is Dr. Charlotte. You might be wondering why you are here. You have depression and you have expressed suicidal traits. I understand that this was out of the grief of your friend, Beth, right?"

"Bailey. Where am I?"

"You are in the Ray Side Mental Hospital in the Teen section"

"I don't want to be here!" I cried.

"Sweetheart, it is only until you are healthy again."

"Fine." I said, very unhappy. But then again, this was worse than hurting myself. Being bored and scared and surrounded by people who were very ill mentally could be much worse than hurting myself. And to make it a little fun, I'll scare them by making them think I have a multiple personality disorder; I'll bring up "Schuylar", even though I think of "Schuylar" as an acting role.


I was released from the hospital a month later. I actually felt a little better because the doctor helped me release most of my grief. I'd always miss and love Bailey, but I didn't hate myself anymore.

"Mom!" I cried excitedly when I saw her.

"Oh honey! We can't wait to take you home! We have a present for you!"

When I got home, my mom presented me with a little kitten. She was a pale tan color with blue eyes. She was adorable!

"Oh mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"We love you so much!" my mom and dad said at the same time.

"I love you too!" I smiled, I loved kittens!

"There is something else I want to give you." my mom said.

"What?" I asked excitedly.

My mom gave me a box. It was a large crystal pendant necklace from TIFFANY & CO!

"OMG! I love you guys so much! Was this expensive?"

"Not really."

I forgot to mention that my family had some money... a lot of money.


That Wednesday, my parents went out for a date.

They said they'd be back pretty late and to not stay up for them. They didn't leave me with a babysitter because they thought that I was responsible enough to stay home alone for a night. I was pretty responsible for twelve.


The next morning, I went downstairs to the kitchen. I immediately noticed that the tv wasn't on, I didn't smell eggs and bacon, and my parents weren't there.

"Mom? Dad?"

No answer.

I searched the house and looked into the driveway and didn't see the car that my parents took. I called my mom, her phone was off. I called my dad, his phone was off too.

Maybe they just... spent the night at a hotel. I thought to myself.

I watched spongebob squarepants as I ate a bowl of cereal.

By lunch time, I got a strange feeling. I changed the channel to the news.

A car has been found crashed off of I 75. There was a married couple driving. The police have identified the couple to be Sarah and Michael Blake. Neither of them survived.

I screamed. I cried.

I had been crying for about two hours when my door bell rang.

"Hello?" I said while opening the door. It was a police officer.

"Madison Blake?"

I nodded yes.

"You have two hours to pack your clothes and a few personal items. You will be taken to an adoption center effective immediately."

I didn't ask any questions. I went to my room and packed as much of my clothes, the necklace, some face wash/shampoo/conditioner, and a couple more personal items.

I came back downstairs twenty minutes later.

"Can I take Bailey? She is my kitten..."

I had decided to name her Bailey and I loved that little kitten so much.

"I don't know if the adoption center will let you keep her."

"PLEASE! She is the only friend... the only family I have left! Please oh please!"

"I'll talk to them and see what I can do"

Then we left for an hour long car ride.

© 2011 FiveTalentsWorking

Author's Note

Ok this is starting to pick up in pace but the next few chapters will really pick up <3

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Added on July 7, 2011
Last Updated on July 7, 2011



Cincinnati, OH

I sing, act, dance, model and write :) more..
