On the Eve of AutumnA Poem by Poetry97This piece I wrote with two inspirations. I wanted to describe a natural event (the shift of seasons) while also metaphorically describing an individual's battle with mental illness.
The fog lies thick over grey-turned fields,
a monument to fading life, there's little left that safely shields, from wind which cuts just like a knife. Atop the mountains signs of snow, early as the sun of spring, a sun which now can barely glow; its foe has just been crowned the king. The rule is brutal, grim and harsh; there is but one end once it starts, a lifeless world, a grievous marsh, remnant parts of silenced hearts. In its midst a wail as hope is lost; which barely leaves a simple yearn, this rule at far too great a cost, an endless wait for life's return. - Gabriel Gustafsson, 4th of January 2016.
© 2016 Poetry97Author's Note
StatsAuthorPoetry97SwedenAboutHi, my name's Gabriel. I guess I'm just an 18 year old trying his wings in the whirlwind of poetry. I hope you enjoy what I write. Best wishes. more..Writing