2012 Forecasts

2012 Forecasts

A Story by Lynn Higgs

Some predictions for next Year

Increase in Angelic activity. More people will see angels and report it. There are many different angels. hey will become visible to all who  open their eyes to see them. The world will see an increase of angelic beings. There will be the Joy angels worship angels warring angels and the Glory Angels. People will see fire angels  blue angels and angels of golden light. They will also see the pure white angels. They will range FROM BEING TEN FEET OR TWENTY FEET TALL TO ONLY A FEW INCHES. some WILL CALL THE LITTLE ONES FAIRIES BUT THEY WILL BE ANGELS.  More  people will become aware of feeling their presences how they work and operate.  More people will hear them  and be able to distinguish what they are saying. There will be a burst of recordings and videos of angels. This will be during a specific seasons.  However the increase angelic activity will be throughout the year.

 HM about the Prophets and apostles. This next year many will see the fraudulent prophets and apostles . However many will chose to continue to follow them as such.  However I have given the mandate to several of my people to start to expose them. it time to called them out give them a chance to repent. Also it is time for some of my prophets and apostles to become more visible. Yes some of my prophets and apostles are working  in a visible setting. However many of my children who are p[prophets and apostles have been  just performing what I put in front of them. While  they have been asked by some if they are a prophet or apostles they have not broadcast their titles. They leave it to me to expose who they are in me. I am going to take steps to expose let the world know who my true prophets and apostles are who are the fake ones. I also have given the mandate to all my children not to continue to ignore or put up with the false prophecies or prophets. The time of waiting is over. It is the time to declare the truth to them and others. it is a time to draw a line in the sand. That means if you know someone who is falsely prophesying then you are to reveal to them that you know give them a chance to repent. THe thing is I am talking to everyone but when others add things to my words or copy my words from others they put up obstacles from hearing my voice. yes it truelly is their lost, But I am calling out to them warning them calling to them  giving them the opportunity to truelly believe and hear me. The problem is many copycat the very words of others because they have no fear A about it being false they don't believe the person heard from me. So they copy and say they heard for them to get My Glory.   The time is now to let them Know their acts their misprophecies their lies of hearing me  so they can be saved and renew in me. Also it is a time to reveal who my true prophets and apostles are for those who are seeking to hear from me. For those looking to hear what it is I am saying how to follow me on a deeper level. I will be exposing the fruits of my prophets and apostles to everyone. Many more will see who they are recognized them for who I called them to be listen to my words through them . It is a glorious thing as many who have been deceived and manipulated by false prophets and apostles will come out of that darkness with a new light shining their paths they will enjoy the blessings of  my actions  my energy  flowing through my people.





 Many of my children are entering beginnings. This means they are not in transitions but have entered a new area. It is not just a different season but a beginning. So be patient with yourself as it will take time to learn how to use the gifts i am sending and how to maneuver through the different arenas i will be showing you. Just like a child before they learn to read or write You will have to learn the basis. it will take time and effort to move forward in this new place. it is a new Beginning . You walk through the doors  now keep walking learning about me in this new way. As you learn you will mature . As  you mature you will see the benefits of walking into this new beginning. The blessings will be multiplied because you were persisted in achieving this new level in me. These new beginning will usher in more of a presence of me. it will bring more light into the world. Show my presence to more nations. Great things will be accomplished through all those starting on this new walk this new path. IN the process many will be saved . Many more will be reawaken to who I am. many will see my love pouring forth out of you who are walking through this new beginning. So take heart be bold learn from your mistakes but do not dwell on them keep moving forward . You will see my greater glory and light I am wanting to displayed to the world. Do not let the challenges of learning new ways to do things prohibit you from walking deeper into my presence.  Keep walking  and you will find your way the walk will become easier as you move from one level to the next.


Worldly Events

 I am sure the worldly events will increase. However I am reporting what he has revealed this far.  HM I waited a few days. These predictions came on Saturday. or most of the predictions. he has added little bits since then.  The Little bits are more amazing than the original prediction. The thing is this also parts of the prediction he held back on a time line. That means some of these events he said will happen in the next year awhile others he has not affirmed when they will happened. Just that they will happened and next year will start the process of it unfolding.

 First he told me there will be a new energy source.  He said it will not be nuclear or gas. It will revolutionize the way we use energy. Someone ask me if he was saying new electricity energy from him. He did not say that but when i ask he did not deny. However because he said specifically it will not be nuclear or gas I am thinking it will be energy to use to heat  or run car or cook  not something in the supernatural realm./. However the Lord did tell me there will be new things unfolding in the supernatural realm. many people who did not believe anything was happening in the supernatural will start to believe . Those who believe will experience him in a new way. BUt he did not tied that to his energy levels. I am not going into his energy flows how they are different here. First many will not understand it and discredit the whole forecast. Secondly the space to explained  would be too much.  The point is when he was talking about the new energy source he referred to driving cars heating houses  and cooking food. For this reason I am thinking it has to do with natural energy. I also ask him about if it was a way to use solar energy or wind energy. maybe a type of energy force we know of but have not harness its capabilities yet. he did not specifically say no but he said  it would be a new way for us to use energy and it would be a new source of energy for us to use.

Israel will still see threats and not find peace. The threats will continue to increase all around Israel. I am not sure whether Israel will be in fights with its neighbors. However a while back I remember the Lord telling me Israel was going to become bigger gain more land because the land it was on was not sufficient for what God wanted to do with Israel. There were too many people not enough land. This was before the uprising in Egypt. Which i also predicted the uprising in the middle east . THe lord has not lessen the pressure. look for another uprising in Iran. As Iran continues to threaten Israel  many uprising will occurred. Also there will be more pressure from Egypt and Lebanon  for Israel to give up land . The Palestinians will continue to push and try to force Israel hand in giving up statehood.  This will cause several other things to happen.

                Ah this was the most shocking to me when the Lord said it. The Un will lose it power it force. They will become too arrogant insist on forcing some kind of action. This will cause many countries to revolt pull out of the UN. if the UN does not totally self destruct it will began to wane in power. This is what I have been feeling the past few days. what will happen is the UN will try to force Israel hand when Israel refuses to abide by Un laws or commands it will cause a rift . The rift will be detrimental to the UN . Israel will stand strong.  During this time many countries will seek to protect themselves. many of the lies from the UN will be reveal in the process. What the world saw as a peacemaking  organization will show the  negative side of it. Here you will see how big organizations were behind many of the decisions.  Russia and Chi9na will abandon the Un in an effort to protect themselves. But many secret meetings have taken place between these two countries and Iran . All of this is about to be reveal.  Hidden things  will be reveal about all three countries. The world will see how far Russian and china were heading towards the wrong way,. They sought to manipulate the entire world. Columbia and  Venezuela are on a boundary. pray for them as the Lord increasing the presssure on the rebel force to bring this countries under his wings. New government are on the verge for both countries. However it can go either way so pray they fall in with the Lord. Also pray for China as the Lord is moving to show more democracy in this country and pull it away from its unGodly roots into communists. The Lord is moving things to strengthen democracy and give the people of China freedom so many have been seeking. so they will be able to worship him.


Another thing is while everything in the world happens so fast now it will be quicker in the next year. Big events will flash like lightning. Just like Lightning will be forgotten as soon as the light dims. News will be like thunder as soon as it is not heard no more it will be forgotten. people will hear of events as they are happening but the speed of things happening will cause  many of the things to be forgotten until they flash across the skies again making the noise of thunder.

   A recent thing was also this that world is getting ready to rock and roll again. I read today about the earthquake in Russia. I ask the Lord if that was his rock and roll. as every time he says this to me another big earth quake happens . He said no a bigger one than that. That was a 6.6. He aLSO SAID IT WOULD BE CLEAR ACROSS THE WORLD FROM THAT ONE.  He also said we need to pray. AS with the earthquake in Japan many lives were saved. it is a miracle that  lots more people did not die.  This next one we need to pray so the Lord will move to protect the people. The earth will still shake and the quake will still destroy building and towers but if we pray many human lives will remain alive and safe.


 Oka the one thing I know for sure is that many will be upset because this UN thing messes up their whole interpretation of prophecy. ha The Lord is the one who gives prophecy . We do not know what will rise from the U*N. There will be another national organization that rises out of the UN fall. The Lord did not tell me that the entire thing will happen next year but it will be gin next year and begin to unfold . The Un will definitely lose some of its integrity and power in the next year. But the total dismantling may not happen until after that. I ask the Lord for a specific timeline which he did not provide he did say you will see the beginnings of this unfold in the next year. many will be surprise the UN will start to dismantle . Many lies or manipulations of truth will be exposed  as countries pull their loyalties away from the UN.

Also the Lord said there will have some effect on Europe you will see some changes that many would not predict happen in Europe . There will be some local citizens uprising in eastern Europe as the Un unravels. However most of it will not amount to much, many citizens will be arrested and restrain. In the hidden  corners things will s tart to take shape. that will affect Europe for many years.


Home oh wow Church was awesome. I;m starving. Will get something to eat. I did get something though to add to the new year prophecies. While doing graphics and dancing sh s don't tell no one i dance in that media room. haha I love my Chur...ch. anyway Lately it seems the Lord has been singing or I have been singing other words or different songs while the Band is playing. Tonight I heard this the Lord added to it after the song was over. I heard get ready he coming get ready he's coming Hes coming to speak a word to you Get ready hes comi9ng to to speak a word to wyou he's coming to speak a word on his heart To share his heart with you. Get ready The king is Coming The King is coming The King is coming top speak a word to you to share his heart with you Get ready get ready get ready the Lord is coming the Lord is coming to share his heart with you Open doors open hearts open your heart for him Open your heart he will place his heart in you let the doors open get ready open the doors to your heart he is coming he is coming to speak a word to you The lord is coming to share his heart with you ~~~~~ that was the song Then i ask the Lord about the heart what i was singing. he said it is about his Heart . What he has for the upcoming year. He said for all those who open doors to their hearts he says there are many doors but with every door we open he is going to fill it with his heart t so we can take his heart to the world so the world we see more of his heart in the atmosphere. feel his presence let the doors open the walls come down make room listen to his heart let his heart in . to be release to the world with this tnations will be changes. Churches will be revive. people will find restorations some will find a whole new life. with his heart being release in a greater quantities more land more terrain on the mountains will be taken his Light will shine brighter. everyone that allows him to enter their heart in the level they let him he will enter on that level they will experience him. he will also show a whole new dimension of his heart. Something new the world did not know or forgot he will unveil a different aspect of his love a different dimension of his heart. as he will open more doors of his heart so we can see more aspects of his love taking in more of him living more in the fullness of God. Night everyone I am going to get something toe at then sleep hopefully


This is a gre4at message. The Lord has been telling me he is separating the Goat form the Lambs. There is and going to increase an earthquake of the Body the churches. People will know be able tot ell the fake from the real for a short peri...od. Intimacy is big this next season. We enter a new season . It is beginnings. i watch the [prophetic last night at my church heard over over again the sasme thing he told me all week new thingsa new ways of doing things things the way people did at one time is now changing. So those who heard one way will hear another way those who are preaching one wya will chqange styles. its all new its all beginning but it is also deeper with him these thigns these new ways is not getting rid of the old ways but going to strengthen those utilizing his gifts in them those who are operating and moving uin the Holy Spirit authoprity releasing his essence tot he world. Those who have hidden will lose those who begrudge others will lose those who decided to for whatever reason not seek him they will bwe shaken . some will lose hold as he holds the body and shakes it clean of those things suckign it life force building up the body with the things that are renewing growing and maturing into the perfect body of Christ. ..... Sorry i did not planned tot ype all of this it just happen as the Holy Spirit flowed.... bLESS YOU cAIT FOR DELIVERING THE WARNING AND THE MESSAGE BECAUSE IN THIS IS HOPE OF HIM RETURNING HOPE OF A DEEPER RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM HOPE FOR ALL THOSE WE SEE FALTERING WE WILL KEEP THEM IN PRAYERS~

© 2012 Lynn Higgs

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Added on January 19, 2012
Last Updated on January 19, 2012


Lynn Higgs
Lynn Higgs

Suwanee, GA

I am a single mother . I am attending college. I write poetry. more..

Lion Roar Lion Roar

A Poem by Lynn Higgs