Witness of His Love

Witness of His Love

A Poem by Lynn Higgs

Sunday, April 20, 2008 
 Witness Of God
Current mood:  animated
Category: Life
Was not my eyes open

when you touch that man who was

determined to show his hurt

 through the hate

 wanted to destroy

but you stopped him gently
by filling his darkness with light
 loving him through the pain
Hate diisapated under your guidance

Instead of bashing  the people he hated

He reach out helped to lift them up

Was not my ears uncloggedwhen you gave the words to

 the womanwho was ready to give up

no longer able to stand under

 the strain created by this world

Being Judge by those who claim superiority

struggling to feed her children

 restoring her self esteem

 Carrying all the pain from
 the people who abandon her
 left her looking for the love they wouldn't give

No longer feeling as worthy as the rest

you gave her the accpetance she needed
validated  her struggle
 covering her with Light
Of your compassion, love  , Joy

teaching the way to find love

  Giving her the words to carry on

 becoming strong

 setting the examples for all to see

 giving her the resources to find a better way

 through you

all is considered valuable

 You unclogged my ears

with the words  you gave her

to heal  heart which had been crushed

Was not my spirit released from its capitivity

 by your unselfishness

forgiving all the wrongs I had committed

 to allowed me entrance

 back into my Fathers presence

releasing my spiritto shared the Good news
with other lost souls

 to see  the Glory of You

 being reveled through the new believers

 Was not my heart soften

 when you send the Holy Spirit

 to fill me with knowledge

 of this great love you shared

 with all who accepted you

 taking our pain

Patiently without judging us

 guiding us closer to your love

 the only way to life

teaching  how to love each other

 accepting one another

 not only because you say so

 but to expressed the ultimate love

 you continue to reveal to us

 accepting everyone for who they are

 changing us from within

 so we can be open foryour light to shine through

revealing the things which open the eyes

 unclogs the ears

 releases the spirit

softens the heart

only to be a witness to

Your grand Merciful loving way

Being a Witness to God

 no honor ever could be greater

              Lynn Higgs


© 2010 Lynn Higgs

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Added on February 19, 2010
Last Updated on February 19, 2010


Lynn Higgs
Lynn Higgs

Suwanee, GA

I am a single mother . I am attending college. I write poetry. more..

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A Poem by Lynn Higgs