

A Poem by Lynn Higgs

a poem about aa still born child



Sarah was the name of my daughter who was never born. She die inside of me ., I’ve been wanting to write a poem  dedicated to her and to all the children who0 never make it into this world. I’ve held back only because of others things that seem to take precedence. I lost Sarah  October 27 1996. It was an experience and continue to be an experience that only someone who  lost a child berfore they were born can understand. Just as i can’t totally feel the pain a parent feels who lost a living child noone who has not lost a child in utero can feel what i feel.


A life not live

wonder what you look like

 who would you have been

 would you have like chocolate

or strawberry ice cream.

Preferred playing with the boys

or playing make believe with your dolls

sounds of your laughter

 i strain even now to hear

 looking for the smile

 0n a face i never knew

 thinking of how you had by pass

 all the pain of this world

 sadden you will never feel

 the wind on your face

 as you race down the street

 the cold ocean water

on a hot summer day

the wet sand between your toes

 as you walk along the beach

 close enough to the water

 that your footprints sink in

but like the image left by your feet

 the memories

 of what could have been

 what should have been

 are washed away with

 a wave of disappointment  from life

 Still the tears come

 when i think of


 you will never get

 the chance to  learn

 how to prayed

 what God was like

 or the magical feelings

of others coming together

 to rejoice  for their life

 Yours never began

 They said at first

there was a slim chance

 Remember how i talk to you

 did you hear me pleaing with you

 to hang on

 just a little while

 than they said your chances had improved

 Having hope for you

 i was so excited my little girl

 was going to live

 I didn’;t know you were a girl for sure

 but i named you Sarah

and believed you would survived

 You hung on and grew stronger

while i pray ,talk, beg to whoever was listening

 please save my little girl

I could feel you moving, living,

maybe i even felt you breath

Kicking me was the gift

of hope you gave

 as I struggle to stay calm

do all the doctors said

 but when the doctors said

we were in the clear

I stopped begging

 I was relieved

my daughter would live

 Sarah that was the day you died

 could it have been

i stopped  praying, begging bleeding out tears

 so you could live to learn to love

 that morning i knew you were gone

 I didn’t feel no movement

 I knew the battle was over

 not because the doctors said so

 but the stillness of my womb

 Petrified i scream inside nooooooooooo

not after all of that

Than the doctors said it needs to be verified

 she is not moving

 no heartbeat to be found

 my Sarah never made it to this world

 what else needed to be said

 Her grave was inside of me


I wondered

 why or how

 where could she have gone

 I searched the word

 read how she would never know the pain

 I searched the word

i wondered

 would she know my God

 I searched the word

and knew my Sarah would not live

 How sad with all the trouble in this world

 she would not experience the joys either

 Hugs from my daughter is what i misssed

 Kisses from a child that

didn’t make it into this journey

 A lifetime lost

Who knows what my Sarah would have Gave

 Where she would have went

 what would have been her favorite thing

 how would she have joke

Sarah my daughter

 she was never born

 still I missed her like she had lived

            Lynn Higgs


© 2008 Lynn Higgs

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this is such a great tribute to your daughter who was never born. I can guarentee that she would have been very special and just like you imagine her.
Today I just lost a friend, I was her peer helper and her name was Sara. I gess that is a popular name cause that mine too.
Losing someone is always sad, espically one that you have never got to know. Knowing that it was your daughter would be very hard.

Sorry for your loss

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 7, 2008


Lynn Higgs
Lynn Higgs

Suwanee, GA

I am a single mother . I am attending college. I write poetry. more..

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A Poem by Lynn Higgs